Central New Mexico Community College Westside 1 Building Gould Evans + Design Plus
2016-01-21 09:00
架构师提供的文本描述。西侧I(WS I)大楼是作为一个试点项目设计的,旨在实施中新墨西哥州社区学院(CNM)最近向更具互动性和社会性的教育方式转变的模式。在编程期间,古尔德·埃文斯(Gold Evans)与一群较年轻的教师合作,以设想其他方法,使学术服务和与教员的互动能够融入学生繁忙的日常生活。这一合作产生的两种规划策略-学习共用环和学院办公区-把学生的教育经验放在首位和中心。
Text description provided by the architects. The Westside I (WS I) building was designed as a pilot project to implement Central New Mexico Community College’s (CNM) recent paradigm shift to a more interactive and social approach to education. During programming, Gould Evans collaborated with a group of younger faculty in order to imagine alternative ways that academic services and interaction with faculty could be integrated into the busy daily routines of students. The two programmatic strategies that emerged out of this collaboration – the Learning Commons Loop and the Faculty Office Pod – put the student educational experience front and center.
CNM是新墨西哥州最大的中等后教育机构,拥有七个校区,分布在阿尔伯克基大都市区.学校努力成为一个灵活的机构,快速响应城市的增长,改变行业需求和教育实践的演变。沿着这些思路,CNM西区校区于2003年6月在阿尔伯克基(Albuquerque)的边缘开放,预计这座城市将在格兰德河(RioGrande River)以西发展。
The largest post-secondary institution in New Mexico, CNM features seven campuses distributed throughout the Albuquerque metropolitan area. The school strives to be a nimble institution that quickly responds to growth of the city, changing industry demands and evolution in educational practices. Along these lines, the CNM Westside Campus opened in June 2003 on the edge of Albuquerque anticipating the city’s growth west of the Rio Grande River.
By making it the primary circulation space and looping it around the entire floor plate, the Learning Commons Loop becomes the main organizer of the building and immerses students in the breath of available academic resources. It offers spaces for tutoring, computer usage, social gathering and study. The rich varieties of enclosed and open breakout spaces are located directly across from classrooms, fostering a symbiosis of teaching and discussion. As one progresses around the Loop, he or she is engaged by an ever-changing combination of learning spaces, enticing study lounges and expansive views to the vast New Mexico landscape. Several important moments along the Loop such as the central information desk, café and art display cases are distinguished through the combination of acrylic “CNM yellow” panels and Cali Bamboo Marbelized Fossilized Plywood, a rapidly renewable resource.
The Faculty Office Pod rethinks the standard ”cubicle farm” office model to better align with the daily routine of students and to reduce a student’s intimidation when approaching a faculty member for help. Each office “pod” houses 10-12 faculty members of different disciplines in an open floor plan where they can each be exposed to the work happening in other fields of study. Distributed along the Learning Commons Loop and near class and study rooms, the Faculty Pods encourage students and faculty to cross paths daily in an impromptu way.
WS I的庭院形式及其位于现有两座校园建筑之间的位置加强了其作为新的物理和社会校园中心的作用,为台地抵御强风提供了保护,并解决了未来的西部发展问题。砌体,纹理混凝土,玻璃,和一个惊人的组成莫林VB-34瓦楞纸和穿孔不锈钢面板响应高沙漠气候的材料调色板与其内部规划一样独特。该建筑通过密集的日间照明策略,以及安装地热水井和太阳能电池板,迎接2030年能源性能挑战。
The courtyard form of WS I and its siting between the existing two campus buildings reinforce its role as a new physical and social campus hub, provide protection against the mesa’s harsh winds, and address future westward growth. Masonry, textured concrete, glass, and a striking composition of Morin VB-34 corrugated and perforated stainless steel panels respond to the high desert climate in a material palette as distinctive as its interior programming. The building meets the 2030 Challenge for energy performance with an intensive day lighting strategy as well as the installation of geothermal wells and solar panels.