Ladeira da Barroquinha Metro Arquitetos Associados
2016-02-04 15:00
架构师提供的文本描述。位于萨尔瓦多中部的拉德拉·达·巴罗昆哈的新设计是对位于巴罗昆哈教堂的Glauber Rocha剧院和Gregorio de Mattos基金会文化区公共空间翻修的延伸。除了这两间机构之间的联系外,该计划亦会在不同的层面安排通往斜坡的大厦入口,并会考虑到前往本地街道市场的顾客的平静流动,以及人流涌向巴士总站的情况。
Text description provided by the architects. The new design for Ladeira da Barroquinha in the centre of Salvador is an extension of the public space renovations for the Glauber Rocha Theatre and the Gregorio de Mattos Foundation cultural area based at Barroquinha Church. Apart from being the connection between these two institutions, the project organizes the entrances to the buildings that face the slope at different levels and also considers the tranquil flow of customers that attend the local street market with the intense pedestrian flow towards the bus terminal.
Before. Image Courtesy of Funcação Gregório de Matos
之前。Funca o Gregório de Matos的形象礼貌
Before. Image Courtesy of Metro Arquitetos
By creating a distinct topographic design, new paths with different speeds and open plateaus for permanency are created. In addition to the slope itself, now for pedestrian use only, the project integrates the square next to the cinema located at a higher-level plateau using these same principles.
Despite its singular design the intervention accommodates itself in the existing urban space by alleviating the gradients of the slope and making use of materials historically found in the pavements of Salvador. Even though traditional materials like Portuguese tile and granite were chosen, the use of new technologies such as water jet cutting allowed for new possibilities such as rounded shapes, non-geometric designs and non-standardized finishing pieces.
With a total of 2500 square meters the whole area was equipped with benches, tables, bike racks, new lighting and landscaping which gave the entire complex not only the character of an efficient passageway and important landmark but also of a pleasant area to sojourn, contemplate the scenery and preserve the traditional leather market which for many years has been in this same place.
Itaú Bank financed the urban intervention project and construction, in partnership with the municipal administration of Salvador.
Architects Metro Arquitetos Associados
Location Salvador, Salvador - State of Bahia, Brazil
Design Development Gustavo Cedroni, Martin Corullon
Photographs Ilana Bessler