Neushoorn DP6 architectuurstudio + 3TO architects

2016-04-06 02:00
 © Kristian Hoekman
克里斯蒂安·霍克曼(Kristian Hoekman)
架构师提供的文本描述。Leeuwarden的Neushoorn(Rhinoceros)是一个流行的音乐场所和一所学校,都在一个建筑里。与3 To合作,DP6建筑工作室设计了一座可以在刺激创造力的同时进行一些粗糙处理的建筑。一个充满活力的建筑,适合其城市环境,并发挥其作为音乐场所和学校的功能。
Text description provided by the architects. Neushoorn (Rhinoceros) in Leeuwarden is a popular music venue and a school, all in one building. In collaboration with 3TO, DP6 architecture studio has designed a building that can take a bit of rough treatment while stimulating creativity. A dynamic building that fits into its urban context and delivers its function as a music venue and school.
 © Kristian Hoekman
克里斯蒂安·霍克曼(Kristian Hoekman)
Neushoorn is the cultural lynchpin of Leeuwarden, accommodating the eponymous pop music venue plus café as well as the Friesland College’s creative education branch, D’Drive. In its presence and material use, the building expresses the dynamics of these functions. Notable details in het building include salvaged parts of demolished buildings and samples of graffiti cut from repurposed brick walls.
 © Jonathan van Dijk
C.Jonathan van Dijk
Urban Context
新的Neushoorn建筑群位于老Ruiterskwartier和Haniasteg的拐角处,位于Leeuwarden的历史中心。该设计建立在原有的小规模城市形态,其蜿蜒的街道和车道。建筑师克里斯德维耶尔(DP6建筑工作室):“这是一个相当大的挑战,但我们真的想保护旧的建筑物和现有车道的气氛,同时把他们变成新的东西。”Ruiterskwartier 41的部分现有房地被保留,现在已成为主建筑的一部分。主建筑被设计成紧凑的,所以在房子的后面可以找到空间,为历史上的哈尼亚夫增加一个广场,并创造一个公共的开放空间。德维耶尔:“通过这种方式,纽霍恩的另一边也活了过来”。
The new Neushoorn complex is located at the corner of the old Ruiterskwartier and the Haniasteeg in the historic centre of Leeuwarden. The design builds on the original small-scale urban morphology with its winding streets and lanes. Architect Chris de Weijer (DP6 architecture studio): “It was quite a challenge, but we really wanted to preserve the old buildings and the atmosphere of the existing lanes while at the same time turning them into something new.” Sections of the existing premises at Ruiterskwartier 41 were retained and now form part of the main building. The main building was designed to be compact so room could be found at the rear of the premises to add a square to the historic Haniahof and create a public open space. De Weijer: “In this way the other side of Neushoorn also comes alive”.
 Dynamic Design
The design of Neushoorn provides for large-scale venues as well as more intimate areas, including two stages, a café, rehearsal rooms and cultural production facilities, as well as accommodation for workshops plus teaching rooms for D’Drive, the practical education branch of Friesland College.
 © Kristian Hoekman
克里斯蒂安·霍克曼(Kristian Hoekman)
在哈尼亚斯蒂格角的主要建筑,Ruiterskwartier 41,被保存下来,它的底层容纳了联合入口大厅加上门厅和衣帽间。从入口大厅通往D‘Drive教学设施和Neushoorn办公室的楼梯被玻璃屋顶覆盖,阳光可以穿透整个大楼。在现有建筑旁边添加了一个新的部分,创建了一个分隔和连接两者的“新车道”。这个带门厅和书房景观的中间地带建立了一个清晰的功能纽带,同时也提供了前往剧院、工作室、更衣室、教学设施和办公室的短途路线。项目负责人KerstinTresselt(DP6建筑工作室):“音乐场地和学校之间有一种真正的自然流动”。Schavernek沿岸的一些老建筑也被保留了下来。他们的正面被赋予了略显明亮的色彩,隐藏了流行场所的更衣室和绿色房间。
Most of the main building at the corner of the Haniasteeg, Ruiterskwartier 41, was preserved, its ground floor accommodating the joint entrance lobby plus foyer and cloakroom. The stairs leading from the entrance lobby to the D’drive teaching facilities and the Neushoorn offices are covered by a glass roof that allows daylight to penetrate all the way into the building. Next to the existing building a new part was added, creating a ‘New Lane’ that separates and connects the two. This intermediate zone with the foyer and the study landscape establishes a clear functional link and at the same time makes for short routes to the theatres, studios, changing rooms, teaching facilities and offices. Project leader Kerstin Tresselt (DP6 architecture studio): “There is a real natural flow between the music venue and the school”. Some of the old buildings along the Schavernek have also been kept. Their facades, which have been given a slightly brighter colour scheme, hide the pop venue’s changing rooms and green room.
 Ground Floor plan

The concert venues themselves are located at the rear of the building so the facades could be kept transparent to allow passers-by to see straight into the building and observe the hustle and bustle inside. De Weijer: “The special thing about this venue is that it is also in use during the day. We wanted to make these dynamics visible, which is why the ground floor facade is backed by the pop café and the first floor features a dance and drama studio presented as a glass box”.
 © Kristian Hoekman
克里斯蒂安·霍克曼(Kristian Hoekman)
The use of materials includes existing and salvaged elements as well as a wealth of shapes and materials including glass, Corten steel and various types of wood. Some of the bricks from the demolished buildings were reused in the new facades. De Weijer: “As all the bits and pieces varied in size, there was no way we could end up with a smooth finish, so we opted for bare brickwork”.
 Sections 01
Sections 01
The acoustics can make or break a music venue. A good sound is all that matters to users of a music stage, which is why the sound production functions of the building have been designed as free-standing ‘boxes’ that maximise sound insulation. Acoustics also played a major role in the choice of walls, with the angled wall forming a theme within the building, while the wall next to the main staircase doubles as an acoustic panel specially designed by DP6.
Artists, audience members and students alike love the new music venue. Neushoorn boss Jan Pier Brands: “The design has been kept a bit rough around the edges, and that works really well. Every night is party night, and the building oozes energy during the day as well”.
 © Jonathan van Dijk
C.Jonathan van Dijk
Architects DP6 architectuurstudio + 3TO architects
Location The Netherlands, Ruiterskwartier 41, 8911 BP Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Category Schools
Area 4304.0 m2
Project Year 2016
Photographs Jonathan van Dijk, Kristian Hoekman
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