Louis Kahns Korman Residence Interior Renovation Jennifer Post Design
2016-05-09 09:00
架构师提供的文本描述。2013年,詹妮弗·波斯特设计(Jennifer Post Design)被拉里·科尔曼(Larry Korman)选中,重新设想他家族珍爱的路易斯·卡恩(Louis Kahn)设计的家的室内设计。科曼家族精心维护了路易·卡恩(Louis Kahn)的建筑视野,与宾夕法尼亚大学的卡恩档案馆紧密联系,邀请学生在那里散步和学习,学习卡恩的杰作。
Text description provided by the architects. Jennifer Post Design was selected by Larry Korman in 2013 to re-envision the interior design of his family's cherished Louis Kahn designed home. The Korman Family has meticulously maintained the architectural vision of Louis Kahn, consulting tightly with the Kahn Archives at University of Pennsylvania, from where students are invited to walk and study the home, and learn from Kahn's masterpiece.
拉里在这所房子里长大,他保护着这座建筑,但他明白,随着人们对空间的使用随着时间的推移,室内空间需要不断演变。詹妮弗·波斯特(Jennifer Post)采取了一种非常定制的方法,让每个细节都能和谐地工作在这个非常独特的家。
Larry, who grew up in the house, is protective of the architecture, but understands that interior spaces need to evolve as people’s use of space evolves over time. Jennifer Post took a very custom approach, tailoring every detail to work harmoniously throughout the very distinct home.
这座建筑的纯净线条与波斯特定制当代设计的纯线条重复,由米诺蒂(Minotti)和J·罗伯特·斯科特(J Robert Scott)等受人信赖的家具公司进行。即便是在创造一个永久安装定制磨坊的过程中,它也充当了客厅和家庭办公室之间的酒吧、媒体存储和雕塑展示。詹妮弗·波斯特(Jennifer Post)的设计完美地融入了卡恩的建筑视野。詹妮弗说:“我想尊重橙色橡木,但拉里很像汤姆·福特(Tom Ford)。”这一设计的高潮是,整个室内视觉的基础是使用有限的、柔和的中性色调和天然材料-皮革、丝绸、石头和青铜-成为永恒、经典的调色板。与如此著名的杰作和谐相处。
The clean pure lines of the architecture are repeated with clean pure lines of Post's custom contemporary designs, carried out by trusted furniture companies such as Minotti and J Robert Scott. Even in creating a permanent installation of a custom millwork piece which serves as a bar, media storage, and sculpture display between the living room and home office, Jennifer Post’s design seamlessly integrates with Kahn's architectural vision. "I wanted to respect the orange oak" noted Jennifer, "But Larry is very Tom Ford", which culminated to the total interior vision being grounded in the use of a limited palette of soft neutral tones and natural materials - leather, silk, stone, and bronze - to be timeless, classic, and harmonious with such a notable masterpiece.
Architects Jennifer Post Design
Location Fort Washington, United States
Category Houses Interiors
Photographs Pieter Estersohn , Matt Wargo