Roy and Diana Vagelos Education Center Diller Scofidio + Renfro

2016-08-24 08:25
 © Nic Lehoux
C.Nic Lehoux
架构师提供的文本描述。哥伦比亚大学医学中心的新的,最先进的医学和研究生教育大楼,罗伊和戴安娜瓦格罗斯教育中心,将于2016年8月15日向师生开放,作为秋季学期的开始。Vagelos教育中心由纽约的跨学科设计工作室Diller Scofidio Renfro与作为执行建筑师的gensler合作设计,是一座占地10万平方英尺、14层的玻璃塔,它整合了技术先进的教室、协作空间,以及一个反映21世纪医学教学、学习和实践的现代模拟中心。该设计旨在重塑医学中心校园的外观和感觉,并创造空间以促进现代医疗实践所必需的技能的发展。
Text description provided by the architects. Columbia University Medical Center’s new, state-of-the-art medical and graduate education building, the Roy and Diana Vagelos Education Center, will open to faculty and students on August 15, 2016 for the start of the fall term. Designed by the New York-based interdisciplinary design studio Diller Scofidio + Renfro, in collaboration with Gensler as executive architect, the Vagelos Education Center is a 100,000-square-foot, 14-story glass tower that incorporates technologically advanced classrooms, collaboration spaces, and a modern simulation center to reflect how medicine is taught, learned, and practiced in the 21st century. The design seeks to reshape the look and feel of the Medical Center campus, and also create spaces that facilitate the development of skills essential for modern medical practice. 
 © Iwan Baan
这座建筑的命名是为了表彰哥伦比亚医学院著名校友P.Roy Vagelos和他的妻子Diana Vagelos、Barnard学院的校友和Barnard学院的副院长P.Roy Vagelos的慷慨捐赠。Vagelos教育中心的资金来源于许多忠实的朋友、教员和校友捐助者的慷慨捐助。2013年9月开始施工。
The building is named in recognition of the generosity of an initial lead gift from P. Roy Vagelos, MD, a distinguished alumnus of Columbia’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, and his wife, Diana Vagelos, an alumna of Barnard College and the Vice Chair of the Trustees of Barnard College. The Vagelos Education Center was funded through the generosity of many committed friends, faculty and alumni donors. Construction began in September 2013. 
 © Iwan Baan
In addition to the new Vagelos Education Center, initiatives to revitalize the campus include increasing green space, creating a new gateway to the medical school, consolidating student services, renovating several existing buildings, and constructing new spaces, including the new home for the Columbia School of Nursing. The Vagelos Education Center will help define the northern edge of the campus and provide a bridge to the surrounding Washington Heights community. 
 © Nic Lehoux
C.Nic Lehoux
哥伦比亚大学卫生科学与医学学院执行副院长兼院长李·戈德曼(Lee Goldman)说:“我们的新教育大楼将确保哥伦比亚继续培养优秀的医生和研究人员,这些医生和研究人员接受最新技术的教育,因为医学在整个21世纪继续迅速发展。”“这座大楼还将使我们能够将关键活动集中在一个最先进的设施中,这反映出我们致力于为学生提供世界级的教学和良好的学习环境。”
“Our new education building will ensure that Columbia continues to train superior doctors and researchers, educated in the latest techniques, as medicine continues to evolve rapidly throughout the 21st century,” said Lee Goldman, MD, Executive Vice President and Dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine at Columbia University. “The building also will allow us to centralize key activities in a state-of-the-art facility that reflects our commitment to providing world-class instruction and a superb learning environment for students.” 
 © Iwan Baan
About the Design
The Vagelos Education Center is a 14-story glass, concrete, and steel structure anchored by a network of social and study spaces distributed along an exposed, interconnected vertical staircase that extends the height of the building—known as the “Study Cascade”—and encompasses 100,000 square feet of advanced medical and scientific facilities. The alcove interiors of the Study Cascade, designed to be conducive to collaborative, team-based learning and teaching, open onto south-facing outdoor spaces and terraces. Other key elements of the design include:
Ground floor lobby and café, which adjoin a “study bar” with views of the Palisades. Student Commons, which features a café, computer work area and computer labs. Advanced clinical simulation center, a specialized space for mock examination rooms, clinics and operating rooms. Multi-purpose auditorium, a 275-seat flexible space used for campus-wide events such as lectures, screenings and concerts. “Academic Neighborhoods,” groups of classrooms that can be configured according to need by operable partitions, drop down screens and large-scale multi-user touch screens, suspended ceilings, and distributed power and data at the floor. South and West Courts, outdoor spaces featuring local plant species. Anatomy Quad, a flexible learning space with integrated screens and task lighting.
 © Iwan Baan
 © Nic Lehoux
C.Nic Lehoux
Diller Scofidio Renfro的创始合伙人伊丽莎白·迪勒(Elizabeth Diller)说:“空间对于结构化和非正式的学习非常重要。”“为了支持哥伦比亚大学的进步医学教育计划,我们设计了一座将促进合作的建筑。它的决定性特征是研究级联-一个14层的垂直连接空间网络,大小不一,既有集中的,也有社会的,私人的和公共的,室内和室外的。“
“Space matters for structured and informal learning,” said Elizabeth Diller, founding partner at Diller Scofidio + Renfro. “To support Columbia’s progressive medical education program, we designed a building that will nurture collaboration. Its defining feature is the Study Cascade--a 14-story network of vertically linked spaces in a variety of sizes, both focused and social, private and communal, indoors and out.”
 © Nic Lehoux
C.Nic Lehoux
Gensler的校长MaddyBurke-Vigeland AIA说:“Vagelos教育中心一开始就有一个清晰的愿景,它是一个优秀的高等教育场所,也是一个非常需要的社会中心。”“由于每个人的深入参与,它已经转变成了一些甚至超出了人们的期望的东西:哥伦比亚医学中心校园的一个充满活力的新中心。”
“The Vagelos Education Center started with a clear vision as a place of excellence for higher learning that would also act as a much needed social center,” said Maddy Burke-Vigeland AIA, Principal at Gensler. “Because of everyone’s deep involvement, it has transformed into something that exceeds even those high expectations: a vibrant new hub for Columbia's Medical Center campus.”
DS+R’s design takes advantage of an incredible view of the Hudson River and the Palisades. The building also integrates a range of sustainable features—including locally sourced materials, green roof technologies, and an innovative mechanical system that minimizes energy and water use—and the façade features ceramic “frit” patterns that are baked onto the exterior glass to diffuse sunlight. All new construction and renovation projects—including the Vagelos Education Center—work toward the goal of minimizing CUMC’s carbon footprint and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2025. 
 © Nic Lehoux
C.Nic Lehoux
Architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro
Location 104 Haven Ave, New York, NY 10032, United States
Category Research Center
Executive Architect Gensler
Area 110000.0 ft2
Project Year 2016
Photographs Iwan Baan , Nic Lehoux
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