KEXP Headquarters SkB Architects

2016-11-12 14:00
 © Jeremy Bittermann
c.Jeremy Bittermann
架构师提供的文本描述。这座原本是1962年世界博览会的临时展厅,现在地标化的建筑被重新命名为一个充满光线的全球音乐中心,拥有音乐图书馆、现场表演空间、DJ展位、开放式办公工作站,以及意大利著名咖啡机制造商La Marzocco的首个咖啡零售概念。(鼓掌)
Text description provided by the architects. Located in what was originally a temporary exhibition hall for the 1962 World’s Fair, the now landmarked building has been reborn as a light-filled global music hub, complete with music library, live performance spaces, DJ booths, open office workstations and the first-ever coffee retail concept for noted Italian espresso machine maker La Marzocco.  
 © Jeremy Bittermann
c.Jeremy Bittermann
According to Kyle Gaffney, co-lead designer and co-founder of SkB Architects, “KEXP connects people through music. Our goal as architects and designers was to to see that connection translated and amplified through physical space. Now, they not only connect with people over the airwaves, but in person via the public gathering space and at a community level by physically connecting the Lower Queen Anne neighborhood with Seattle Center.”
 © Jeremy Bittermann
c.Jeremy Bittermann
“我们在KEXP的新家提供了便利设施,厌倦道路的音乐家会欢迎我们。”他们可以来KEXP,现场表演,然后放松,洗个澡,洗些衣服。当你一次在一辆面包车里住上几个月的时候,你会非常怀念奢华的时刻,“SKB建筑公司的共同首席设计师兼联合创始人Shannon Gaffney补充道。
“We included amenities in KEXP’s new home that road-weary musicians would welcome. They can come to KEXP, play a live show and then relax, take a shower and get some laundry done. When you’re living in a van for a few months at a time, these can be sorely missed moments of luxury,” adds Shannon Gaffney, co-lead designer and co-founder of SkB Architects. 
 Floor Plan

KEXP’s extensive music library of 50,000+ albums is showcased behind large glass windows enabling passersby to watch as DJs curate songs and prepare for their next show. By activating the building facade through glazing and openings, the design overcomes the wall effect that had previously blocked street energy from reaching further into the neighborhood. A new glazed, mid-block entry further opens the studio to the street, bringing people into the gathering space, which in turn opens to the Seattle Center campus through roll-up doors.
 © Jeremy Bittermann
c.Jeremy Bittermann
KEXP’s complex features a 400-square-foot, on-air studio; a 1,090-square-foot Live Room; (2) production studios; (2) audio booths; (2) DJ booths; (2) video edit rooms; a video control room; (2) DJ isolation rooms; a Green Room; Production/Mastering and open office areas; a library and conference rooms. To support the stations’ commitment to airing live performances, a 4,500-square-foot Gathering Space was created, which includes the station’s reception area, a stage for live performances and seating / open space for audiences. 
 © Jeremy Bittermann
c.Jeremy Bittermann
Mizzen媒体的联合创始人兼首席工程师布拉德·默弗里(BradMurphree)表示,“系统设计需要将旧的和新的整合在一起:保留kEXP独特的广播遗产,同时为他们提供最先进的多用途无线电设施。”该设施拥有完全的AoIP(Audio Over IP),具有完全可路由的音频,允许乐队在录音室现场表演,在收音机上直播会话,并通过KEXP的实况流媒体服务播放视频。
Brad Murphree, co-founder and lead engineer of Mizzen Media, states that “the systems design needed to integrate the old with the new: to preserve KEXP’s unique broadcasting legacy while giving them a state-of-the-art multi-purpose radio facility.” The facility boasts full AOIP (Audio Over IP) with fully-routable audio that allows bands to perform live in the recording studio, broadcast the session live on the radio, and stream the video over KEXP’s live streaming service.
 © Jeremy Bittermann
c.Jeremy Bittermann
WSDG Project Manager Joshua Morris reports that the design mandate was, “To enhance the synergy between the studios’ function and aesthetics by making it accessible to the public while concurrently maintaining the comfort and security of the station’s personnel and guest artists. We also focused on the need to enable bands of every conceivable format to set up and breakdown quickly between 30-minute sets.”
 © Jeremy Bittermann
c.Jeremy Bittermann
La Marzocco咖啡体验,也由SKB建筑师设计,就在入口处。除了休闲的座位之外,这个区域还提供了一种轻松的氛围,让DJ们在紧邻空间的玻璃幕墙演播室播放现场节目时,可以在这里闲逛、听音乐和观看。开放的,1100平方英尺的咖啡厅和陈列室的设计灵感来自La Marzocco的佛罗伦萨工厂和浓缩咖啡机,融合了意大利的传统,精细的工艺,以及对细节和材料的周到关注。
The La Marzocco coffee experience, also designed by SkB Architects, is just inside the entrance. Coupled with casual seating, this area provides a relaxed atmosphere in which to hang out, listen to music and watch as the DJs broadcast their live shows from the glass-walled studio that adjoins the space. The open, 1,100-square foot café and showroom takes its design inspiration from La Marzocco’s Florentine factory and espresso machines, merging Italian heritage, meticulous craftsmanship, and thoughtful attention to detail and material.
 © Jeremy Bittermann
c.Jeremy Bittermann
Prior to World War II, radio stations often had theaters to accommodate an audience and full orchestras. “Reintroducing live music and audience participation into the fabric of the building and program creates a rich experience for everyone, from DJs to musicians to the public,” notes Shannon Gaffney. “Helping KEXP challenge expectations and continue to innovate is incredibly exciting.”
 © Jeremy Bittermann
c.Jeremy Bittermann
Product Description. The DJ booth cladding is old growth Douglas Fir (Teredo wood) salvaged from log rafts once used to transport lumber to the Pope & Talbot Mill in Port Gamble, WA.  The material gets its name and hole-y texture from Teredo clams that burrowed into the wood over years of use.  The wood was sourced from Trinity River Marine in Indianola, WA.  A local material, it helps to convey ties to the Northwest and its industrial legacy.
 © Jeremy Bittermann
c.Jeremy Bittermann
Architects SkB Architects
Location Seattle, WA, United States
Category Institutional Buildings
Area 25000.0 ft2
Project Year 2016
Photographs Jeremy Bittermann
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