Utrecht Central Station Benthem Crouwel Architects

2016-12-19 09:00
架构师提供的文本描述。荷兰最大、最繁忙的火车站正式开放。乌得勒支中央车站曾经每年为大约3500万名乘客建造。目前,每年有8800万人使用该电台。这一数字在不断增加,预计到2030年将达到1亿人次。自2003年以来,Benem Crouwel建筑师一直参与火车站的开发工作。十三年后,将在一个起伏的屋顶下容纳火车、公共汽车和电车站台的新公共交通终点站已经开通。
Text description provided by the architects. The largest and busiest train station in the Netherlands is officially open. Utrecht Central Station was once built for approximately 35 million passengers per year. Currently 88 million people use the station annually. This number is constantly increasing and is expected to reach one hundred million passengers in 2030. Benthem Crouwel Architects has been involved in the development of the train station since 2003. Thirteen years later, the new public transport terminal that will house train, bus and tram platforms under one undulating roof, has opened.
 © Jannes Linders
.Jannes Linders
One Integral Station Complex
在未来20年,前往乌得勒支中央车站的旅客人数将增加到每年约1亿人。由于以前的大楼无法容纳越来越多的乘客,乌得勒支中央车站(Utrecht Central Station)已被改建成一个新的综合车站综合体,该综合体对火车、电车和公共汽车的运输作出了规定。车站已经成为一座自治建筑,在两个入口都有两个新的城市广场,即贾尔伯尔(会议中心)和城市一侧。明年,在城市广场下,将建成世界上最大的自行车停车场,可容纳12,500辆自行车。
Over the next two decades, the number of travellers to Utrecht Central Station year will grow to about a hundred million per year. Since the previous building could not handle the increasing amounts of passengers, Utrecht Central Station has been rebuilt - three times its original size - to one new integrated station complex, which regulates the transport of train, tram and bus. The station has become an autonomous building with two new city squares on both entrances, the side of the Jaarbeurs (convention center) and the city side. Next year, under the square on the city side, the largest bicycle parking facility in the world will be finished, accommodating 12,500 bicycles.
 © Your Captain Luchtfotografie
在设计阶段,JanBenem和Mels Crouwel的想法是将乌得勒支中央车站原来的平顶设计成一个波浪,它辐射出动态运动,也起到了自然寻路器的作用。横向到铁轨,在大厅的纵向,波浪指的是入口和出口。波浪有三种“起伏”:最高的是火车站上方,另一侧的浪是电车和汽车站。波也代表了站内功能的逻辑分布。为了获得更多的自然日光在终端,玻璃天窗被设计,这也作为烟雾舱口。在天花板上连续的LED灯强调了起伏的运动。由于钢屋顶的显著波浪形状和相对较低的建筑(18米高),车站在邻近的建筑物和办公室中是显而易见的。
During the design phase Jan Benthem and Mels Crouwel had the idea to design the original flat roof of Utrecht Central Station as a wave that radiates a dynamic movement and also functions as a natural way finder. Transverse to the tracks, in the longitudinal direction of the hall, the wave refers to the entrances and exits. The wave has three ‘undulations’: the highest above the train station, the lower ones on each side contain the tram and bus stations. The waves also represent the logical distribution of functions in the station. To receive more natural daylight in the terminal, glass skylights were designed, which also function as smoke hatches. The undulating movement is emphasized by the continuous LED lights on the ceiling. Thanks to the significant wavy shape of the steel roof - and a relative low-rise building (18 meters high) - the station is clearly recognizable among the neighbouring buildings and offices.
 © Jannes Linders
.Jannes Linders
 © Jannes Linders
.Jannes Linders
Lively Station
Located on one side of the station, there is a station promenade, a public street, which crosses the railroad tracks. Now a passer-by is able to move from west to east without having to use a ‘chip card’. Restaurants, shops, and a possible market gives this promenade the atmosphere of a real city street. Through large glass walls, serving as curtains hanging from the roof of 235 by 85 meters, the stations offers all kinds of stunning lookouts, to trains, tracks and expansive views of the city. The interior has a reserved allure and modest charm: it is the people, signage, vehicles and other typical additions that make the station alive and vibrant, and give colour and ambiance.
 © Jannes Linders
.Jannes Linders
Cathedrals of a New Era
In a very short time, Dutch rail travel and train station surroundings have had an intensive makeover. Six central stations - Utrecht, The Hague, Rotterdam, Arnhem, Breda and Amsterdam South - are called the New Key Projects since 1997: projects where not only the train station is transformed (for the arrival of the high speed line, amongst others), but also the connecting surroundings around the station. This integrated approach to station and station environment reinforces the identity and vitality of the city. These new train stations are also referred to as ‘cathedrals of a new era’: public transport terminals that provide travellers and city dwellers with various comforts and functionalities in the area. The past few years, one after the other station has opened, manifesting themselves as ‘city buildings’ in five major city centers. The station is part of the urban fabric, with logical walkways and a better connection between different city districts. Utrecht Central Station is the penultimate station that is completed of the New Key Projects; after this Amsterdam South remains. Benthem Crouwel Architects is the architect of three out of the six New Key Projects: Rotterdam Central Station, The Hague Central Station and now… Utrecht Central Station.





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