LESS AAVP Architecture

2017-01-23 02:00
 © Luc Boegly
Urban amplifier 
1891年,巴黎市登记了这条100米长的通道,两年前在皮埃尔杜邦街和瓦尔米街之间的德莱塞特先生的财产上开放。在东端有圣马丁运河,今天是散步和娱乐的地方,但在那个时期,通往巴辛德拉维莱特的一条大道,这是仅次于马赛、勒哈弗尔和波尔多的第四大工业港。该港口的活动十分活跃,在一些巨大的工业建筑,即CitéCléMentel,即Compagnie d‘Air comprimé的前发电站,以及面向街道的其他较为谨慎的建筑物中,仍有港口活动的痕迹。干预包括的背景,作为一个人口,记忆和活动的混合,以及广泛的建筑类型在一个单一的地区。
In 1891 the city of Paris registered this 100-meter passageway, open two years prior on the property of sieur Delessert, between the Rue Pierre Dupont and the Quai de Valmy. On the eastern end lies the Canal Saint-Martin, today an area for strolling and recreation, but in that period a thoroughfare leading to the Bassin de la Villette, the fourth largest industrial port after Marseille, Le Havre and Bordeaux. The activity of the port was intense and traces of it persist in some of the enormous industrial buildings, i.e., the Cité Clémentel, the former power station for the Compagnie d’Air Comprimé, among other more discreet buildings facing the street. The intervention embraces the context as a blend of populations, memories, and activities along with a wide variety of building types in a single area.
 © Luc Boegly
 The operation includes a gymnasium, sold off plan to the city of Paris, where 69 units of social housing are located. This intervention seeks first to achieve a hybridization of the grand industrial scale found in the area with the private scale of the housing unit. The building stands along the Delessert passageway, forming the angle of the two streets before turning back toward the rue Pierre Dupont with the use of a loggia motif on five levels built in larch wood, without there being any intention of erasing or diminishing its presence or hiding the major changes brought on by  its  arrival  on  this  empty  lot  of  the  neighborhood,  a  bucolic  vacant  space  long occupied by a prefabricated structure and an inflatable structure housing abandoned tennis courts. It has been difficult for the neighborhood to bid farewell to this last little piece of the country in Paris, and the densification of an open space explains the group lawsuit brought against the project by 180 neighbors recorded during the waiting period for the building  permit.  This  densification  nevertheless includes  a  diversification  of  the program that benefits the entire neighborhood, and an obligation of a mixed-use facility registered  with  the  Local  
 © Pierre L’Excellent
Planning  Program  (PLU).  Located  along  the  Passage Delessert in a volume partially underground, the facility generates constraints that have given the project its specific nature. Most of the housing units stand above the structure of the gymnasium, which is a series of arcades spanning a distance of more than 20 meters, whose beams form the steel plates for the first level of housing, and determine the framework for the upper-level load bearing walls. A vertical fracture separates the first gymnasium/housing complex from a smaller parcel, which is comprised of housing units in the upper stories as well as a series of technical areas on the ground floor: guardian reception, diverse storage areas, access to parking garage, etc.  Access to each housing unit is an individual promenade that starts in the main hall, open to the semi-private garden, according to a layout inspired by the ones often found in Parisian apartment buildings dating from the 1960s and 70s―the golden age for such  constructions.  Marble  laid  out  in a  herringbone  pattern  welcomes  visitors  and occupants, in an expression of the desire to offer a level of quality in the social housing sector usually reserved for upscale housing programs. 
 © Luc Boegly
The utilization of raw materials in most of the circulations made it possible to make occasional use of symbolically luxurious materials, just as durable as stone but without the premium to pay. Once beyond the entry hall, occupants access their apartments by taking a long passageway placed five meters out from the back façades. The final threshold, a short individual footbridge will provide access to a housing unit, always with a shotgun floorplan, and a  landscaped  terrace  placed  over  the  base  formed  by  the  gymnasium,  for  all  the apartments on the building’s second level. The superstructure of metal passageways is a landscape in itself in the heart of the city block, a floating balcony overlooking a garden designed by Atelier Roberta. Each housing unit is appointed with an individual loggia, whose variable depth is calculated to allow occupants their legitimate degree of  privacy.  On  the  ground  floor,  metal  mesh  filters  the  light  to  avoid  disturbing  the practice of sports, reduced to the exposure of sports practitioners and dancers to the view of passersby. 
 © Luc Boegly
 The  many  loggias,  passageways,  footbridges,  stairs,  and  garden  buffer  areas  take privacy into account yet increase the occasions for transparency and visual porosity throughout, taking the risk of going against a contemporary desire for new buildings to totally isolate occupants from the each other’s view. Access to the half-buried rooms is enhanced  and  facilitated  by  a  central  stairway  fully  transparent  in  all  four  cardinal directions. The people living in the terrace houses become a kind of show, unfolding as the occupant strolls along his path, literally thrown into the multiple worlds of the rear courtyards and smaller courtyards filled with the rustling of diverse destinies.  
 © Luc Boegly
更多的灵感来自雅克·塔蒂(Jacques Tati)电影“蒙奥雷”(Mon Oncle)中风景如画的国内通道和人行桥,以及阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克(AlfredHitchcock)“后窗”(Rear Window)中的氛围。街道,城市,行人,街区的心脏,邻居,每件事都被交替地遮住,当你在这个地方移动时,所有的东西都会被交替地揭开面纱。随着这些转瞬即逝的景象出现了更多的相遇机会,增强了多样性和能量,从而产生了在大都市生活的最好的一面。
Drawing inspiration more from the picturesque domestic passageways and footbridges of Jacques  Tati’s  film  “Mon  Oncle”,  and  from  ambiances  like  the  one  in Alfred Hitchcock’s “Rear Window”, the building is intended as much as a machine for living as a machine for viewing. Street, city, passersby, the heart of the city block, neighbors, everything is alternately veiled and unveiled as one moves about the site, and with these  fleeting  visions  come  increased  opportunities  for  encounters,  enhancing  the diversity and energy that generate the best aspects of living in a metropolis.

Architects AAVP Architecture
Location Paris 10th district, France
Category Apartments
Architect AAVP ARCHITECTURE - Vincent Parreira
Architect in Charge Marie Brodin, Nicolas Fontaine Descambres, Lara Ferrer
Area 5004.0 m2
Project Year 2016
Photographs Luc Boegly
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