Stefano Boeri Architetti Unveils Plans for Vertical Forest Towers in Nanjing
2017-02-03 12:00
© Stefano Boeri Architetti
.Stefano Boeri Architetti
Following the prototype first realized in the studio’s Milan Vertical Forest project, the Nanjing Vertical Forest will be characterized by a high density of lush vegetation supported by balconies along the building facade. More than 600 tall trees and 500 medium sized trees from 23 local species will be used, along with 2500 cascading vines and shrubs, to cover a 6,000 square meter surface area. The plantings are estimated to absorb 25 tons of carbon dioxide per year, while contributing 60 kg of fresh oxygen to the atmosphere per day.
The two towers will be organized by program type, connected at their bases through a publicly-accessible podium. The taller of the structures, at 200 meters high, will contain 28 floors of office space, along with a museum and “green architecture school.” An ultra-dense “green lantern” will crown the building, and will surround a rooftop private club. The second tower, at 108 high, will house a 247-room Hyatt hotel and will be capped with a swimming pool on its roof. The 20-meter tall podium will be dedicated to commercial, recreational and educative functions, and will feature retail space, a food market, restaurants, a conference hall and exhibition spaces.
© Stefano Boeri Architetti
.Stefano Boeri Architetti
作为Stefano Boeri Architteti在亚洲的第一个垂直森林,南京垂直森林将继续开发该工作室的地标建筑系统,最初在米兰和洛桑使用。该公司正计划将这一模式推广到世界各地,特别是在石家庄、柳州、贵州、上海和重庆等中国城市。
As Stefano Boeri Architteti’s first Vertical Forest in Asia, the Nanjing Vertical Forest will continue to develop the studio’s landmark construction system first employed in Milan and Lausanne. The firm is planning on translating the model to cities all of the world, in particular in other Chinese cities such as Shijiazhuang, Liuzhou, Guizhou, Shanghai and Chongqing.
A forthcoming publication on the Vertical Forest project, titled “A Forest City,” is scheduled to be released this April.
The Nanjing Veritcal Forest is expected to be completed in 2018.
通过Stefano Boeri Architetti带来的新闻。
News via Stefano Boeri Architetti.
建筑师Stefano Boeri Architetti Location Pukou,江苏南京,中国合伙人Stefano Boeri,徐益波项目负责人Pietro Chiodi设计领袖卡罗莱娜·博塞拉,宝银新设计团队朱利亚·基亚坦特,阿戈斯蒂诺·布奇,马里奥·唐石龙植被顾问劳拉·加蒂,SLG结构顾问Luca Buzzoni,ARUP(意大利)投资者-南京杨滋国有投资集团有限公司南京长江城市建筑设计有限公司公司有限公司南京市中山苗圃有限公司。有限公司2018年项目年照片Stefano Boeri Architetti
Architects Stefano Boeri Architetti Location Pukou, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China Partner Stefano Boeri, Yibo Xu Project Leader Pietro Chiodi Design Leader Carolina Boccella, Bao Yinxin Design Team Giulia Chiatante, Agostino Bucci, Mario Tang Shilong Vegetation Consultant Laura Gatti, SLG Structural Consultant Luca Buzzoni, ARUP (Italy) Investor Nanjing Yang Zi State-owned Investment Group CO.Ltd Local Design Institution Nanjing Yangzi River Urban Architectural Design, Co. Ltd. Local Nursery Nanjing ZhongShan Nursery, Co. Ltd. Project Year 2018 Photographs Stefano Boeri Architetti
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