Ciudadela 29 de Julio Park El Equipo Mazzanti + AEV Arquitectos
2017-04-13 11:00
架构师提供的文本描述。29 De Julio公园城是哥伦比亚圣玛尔塔里约曼扎纳雷斯滨水区恢复和公共空间计划中的9个中心网络的一部分。展望了城市水文系统的可视化和可达性。圣玛尔塔(SantaMarta)已经成长起来,形成了许多社区,其中大多数都是由看不见的界限界定的,从居民的归属感来看,这些界限已经超越了它们。该项目已规划为一系列休闲游憩空间,其存在的物理和社会界限是浑浊的,空间可以变成可见的、清晰的,表现为城市的中轴线,作为一系列社区活动和聚会的中心场所。
Text description provided by the architects. Ciudadela 29 de Julio Park is part of a 9 centralities network within the Rehabilitation and Public Space Plan of Rio Manzanares waterfront in Santa Marta, Colombia. It looks forward to the hydrologic system of the city as well of its visualization and accessibility. Santa Marta has grown forming a lot of neighborhoods, most of them defined by invisible limits which has transcended in the belonging sense from the inhabitants. The project has been planned as a series of leisure and recreational spaces were the existence of physical and social limits are cloudy and the space can turn visible, clear and behaves as a central axis of the city, working as a sequence of central places for the community activities and meeting.
Each park acts depending of the needs of each area through 6 strategies:
1. Define boundaries, define a public space
2. Establish a reference point or a center for the area.
3. Customize the spaces using different materials
4. Generate shadow spaces
5. Merge the natural, social and artificial landscape
Ciudadela 29 de Julio公园有一个带看台的综合足球场、一个儿童公园、一个成人公共健身房、一个多功能天篷、几个花园和免费区域。该项目希望实现的是,游戏和游戏行为成为一种社会包容机制,在同一地点有不同年龄的场所。树冠的作用是产生不同的气氛和事件的艺术品。它是公共空间的导火索;在它的下面,社区可以举办许多活动,如音乐会、游戏、会议、工作坊和舞蹈。
Ciudadela 29 de Julio Park has a synthetic soccer court with stands, a kid’s park, adult public gym, a multipurpose canopy, several gardens and free areas. The project wants to achieve that the game and the act of playing become a mechanism for social inclusion, having places for different ages in the same place. The canopy acts as an artifact that generates different atmospheres and events. It is the trigger for public space; underneath of it the community can have many activities like concerts, games, meetings, workshops and dances.
Architects El Equipo Mazzanti, AEV Arquitectos
Location Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia
Photographs Andrés Valbuena