House of Switzerland Pavilion Dellekamp Arquitectos
2017-04-26 11:00
架构师提供的文本描述。随着瑞士和墨西哥建交70周年的庆祝活动,瑞士馆应运而生,Dellekamp ArquArchtos开始在没有确定的程序和地点的情况下开展项目,因此设计了一个基于三角形网格的模块化系统,该系统允许适应不同的位置和不断变化的项目需求,从而允许在设计过程中进行转换。这种适应性特性使它可以在不破坏环境的情况下,巡回和定位到多个站点。
Text description provided by the architects. House of Switzerland Pavilion emerges with the celebration of the seventy years of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Mexico, Dellekamp Arquitectos began to work on the project without a defined program and site, so a modular system was designed based on a triangular grid that allows adaptation to different locations and changing needs of the program, which allowed transformations during the design process. This adaptability feature allows it to be itinerant and a location to multiple sites without damaging the environment.
For the above, we placed a fragment of the pavilion in the Alameda Central within the framework of the International Festival Mextrópoli.
作为在瑞士的一种常见的建筑方式,在瑞士房屋的重要性上使用木材作为一种常见的建筑方式。展馆是由认证的松木和金属结合层合而成的模组设计的,在墨西哥推广了类似木材的结构材料的使用。这些模块来自三角网格,从而确保了现场结构的高效组装和拆除。它的预制和装配负责“金属y Madera”公司。
The use of wood attached to the materiality of House of Switzerland as a common way of building in Switzerland. The pavilion is designed in modules conformed by laminated wood of certified pine and metallic unions, promoting the use of the wood like structural material in Mexico. These modules are derived from the triangular grid, thus ensuring an efficient assembly and dismantling of the structure at the site. Its prefabrication and assembly are in charge of the company "Metal y Madera”.
The pavilion had two levels; its maximum height was 6 m, with an extension of 18.30 m front, by 11.50 m depth. The total of built meters is 171 m2, unlike the first pavilion this will be an open space without internal divisions, has an open forum for cultural events and on its upper floor a circulation that works as a viewpoint.
Architects Dellekamp Arquitectos
Location Ciudad de México, Mexico
Architect in Charge Derek Dellekamp & Jachen Schleich
Photography Sandra Pereznieto