Jey Shir Aleshtar Architectural Office
2017-04-27 20:00
Text description provided by the architects. That’s really a mouthful expression but it’s true. In every corner of this historical city you can find inner beauty and jay sheer is one of this inner beauty which is in contrast to other architectural part of new and modern city of Isfahan. The reason will be unveiled to you in just a moment in the mean time let’s find out more about jay sheer.
“Jay sheer” residential building is taken its name from its neighborhood “Jay Sheer”. (Jay is one of the previous historical names of Isfahan). The design of building is based on internal relationship with the traditional architecture of the city and the volume of the building is designed as a symbol of protest against the inappropriate new age of architecture. And it defines itself by isolating itself from the inconvenient atmosphere around it. The proper openings, decks and the yard of the building makes a proper environment inside it. The material of the building is brick which is influenced by the traditional architecture of the city and it is transferred into a modern and minimal form to be in harmony within the modern architecture of the city. This design focuses on two aspect of the contrasted architecture of the building.
First, it’s the southern façade with the dark color which is the reaction against the modern architecture of the city and second, its internal white bricks which shows the perspectives of interior design.
Even though Isfahan now is a modern city in its own way, but even in this time you can still find something or someone that wants to say let’s not forget about our culture and the past.
Architects Aleshtar Architectural Office
Architect in Charge Hamed Moradi Aleshtar
Photographs Farshid Nasrabadi, Parham Taghioff