Norgesglasset Snøhetta
2017-05-21 09:00
架构师提供的文本描述。SN hetta为奥斯陆机场的扩建设计了一个独特的酒吧和内部概念。诺格斯格利茨位于国内新航站楼的中心位置,其有趣的设计灵感来自于它的同名产品-诺格斯格利茨罐子(NorgesglAsset JAR),这是一种经典产品,长期用于腌制和储存许多挪威家庭熟悉的食品
Text description provided by the architects. Snøhetta has designed a unique bar and interior concept for the expansion of Oslo Airport. Located centrally in the new domestic terminal, the playful design of Norgesglasset draws inspiration from its namesake, the Norgesglasset jar, a classic product long used for pickling and storing food familiar to many Norwegian homes.
SN hetta重新使用了4000多个原始的Norgesglate罐子,覆盖了65平方米酒吧的天花板和后壁。选定的罐子从内部点燃,加倍照亮空间,并在光和阴影中创造异想天开的变化。作为一个连续的有机形式,弯曲后墙的玻璃结构从地板到天花板上升了4.8米。一个旋转的大吊灯,也是由诺格斯格莱茨罐子组成的,悬挂在拱形天花板的中央,用它闪闪发光的灯光吸引着人们的目光。
Snøhetta re-used over 4000 original Norgesglasset jars to clad the ceiling and back wall of the 65m2 bar. Selected jars are lit from within, doubling to illuminate the space and creating whimsical variations in light and shadow. As one continuous organic form, the glass structure of the curved back wall rises 4.8m in height from floor to ceiling to project over the seating area. A swirling grand chandelier, also composed of Norgesglasset jars, is suspended from the center of the arched ceiling, catching the eye with its glittering play of light.
Designed and produced by Norwegian glassworks Hadeland Glassverk, the traditional jar is known for its distinctive red rubber gasket and grey aluminum lid, elements which are reprised in the design of the bar through its simple color and material palette. A long couch wraps around the back wall, and the where the glass cladding meets the couch, the structure changes from glass jars to bright red cushions, evoking the color of the jar’s rubber gasket. Keeping a simple and intuitive concept, the seating furniture has been given various shades of red, complementing the red rubber floor. The bar’s round form references the aluminum ring that seals the top of the Norgesglasset jar. With its circular shape, the bar is a unifying element and a natural gathering point in the space.
内部概念通过一个连贯的概念得到加强,其中包括员工制服和菜单卡的设计。此外,作为奥斯陆机场扩建的一部分,Sn hetta还在新的国际航站楼设计了餐厅Hunter Bar。
The interior concept is strengthened by a coherent concept including the design of employee uniforms and menu cards. Additionally, as part of the Oslo Airport expansion, Snøhetta has also design the restaurant Hunter Bar in the new international terminal.
Location Oslo Airport (OSL), Edvard Munchs veg, 2061 Gardermoen, Norway
Photographs Ketil Jacobsen