Worlds First Vertical Forest City Breaks Ground in China
2017-06-23 14:00
Liuzhou Forest City will contain all of the essential typologies of the modern city – offices, houses, hotels, hospitals and schools – housed within a 175 hectare site near the Liujiang River. Employing the firm’s signature vertical forest system, The facades of each building will be covered in plant life, with a total 40,000 trees and nearly 1 million plants from over 100 species specified.
© Stefano Boeri Architetti
.Stefano Boeri Architetti
绿色植物的实施对居民和环境都有好处,作为室内空间的被动冷却系统,隔音屏障保护城市远离附近的高速公路,以及支持该地区植物、鸟类、昆虫和小动物等丰富生物多样性的微型栖息地。该系统还将改善该地区的空气质量,估计每年可吸收10 000吨二氧化碳和57吨污染物,从而产生大约900吨氧气。
This implementation of greenery will benefit both residents and the environment, acting as passive cooling systems for interior spaces, noise barriers to shield the city from the nearby highway and a micro-habitat supporting the region’s lush biodiversity of organisms including plants, birds, insects and small animals. The system will also improve the air quality of the area, as it is estimated to absorb 10,000 tons of CO2 and 57 tons of pollutants per year, in turn producing approximately 900 tons of oxygen.
© Stefano Boeri Architetti
.Stefano Boeri Architetti
© Stefano Boeri Architetti
.Stefano Boeri Architetti
In addition to the benefits of the planted facades, each building has been designed for energy self-sufficiency, with geothermal systems providing interior air conditions and rooftop solar panels offering a renewable energy source. Transportation to downtown Liuzhou will also utilize efficiency means, including a high-speed rail line and electric vehicles.
© Stefano Boeri Architetti
.Stefano Boeri Architetti
© Stefano Boeri Architetti
.Stefano Boeri Architetti
The forest city concept builds upon the firm’s vertical forest research, which has resulted in the world’s first completed vertical forest tower in Milan, as well as plans for several other iterations of the system throughout the world including the Chinese cities of Nanjing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.
With construction on Liuzhou Forest City now underway, the project is expected to be realized in just 3 years, with an anticipated opening in 2020.
更新6/26/17:Stefano Boeri Architetti告诉我们,他们提供给我们的导致这篇新闻文章的信息是不正确的。我们目前正与该公司合作,制作这篇文章的修订版。
Update 6/26/17: We have been informed by Stefano Boeri Architetti that the information they provided us which led to this news article was incorrect. We are currently working with the firm to produce a revised version of the article
更新6/28/17:Stefano Boeri Architetti发表声明确认了最初新闻稿中的信息:“今天,2017年6月28日,在柳州,Stefano Boeri Architetti工作室会见了城市规划专家,讨论森林城市项目。第二次战略会议旨在讨论项目的技术方面和体系结构细节。参加会议的有:柳州市消防局、柳州市城市规划办公室、国土保护办公室、城市经济发展办公室和柳州市城市规划专家。他们一致重申了对该项目的兴趣和赞赏;在两周内,柳州城市规划办公室将在2020年年底前确认这项工作的开始。Stefano Boeri Architetti Studio证实了他在2017年6月23日发布的新闻稿中提供的所有信息。“
Update 6/28/17: Stefano Boeri Architetti has released a statement confirming the information from the original press release: "Today, June 28th 2017, in Liuzhou the Stefano Boeri Architetti Studio met with the Urban Planning Experts, to discuss about the Forest City project. This second strategic meeting was intended to discuss about the technical aspects and the architectural details of the project. The meeting was attended by: the Liuzhou Fire Department, the Liuzhou Urban Planning Office, the Territory Protection Office, the city Economic Development Office and the Urban Planning Experts of Liuzhou. They had unanimously renewed their interest and appreciation for the project; within two weeks the Urban Planning Office of Liuzhou will confirm the start of the work before the end of 2020. Stefano Boeri Architetti Studio confirms all the information given in his press release of June 23th 2017."
通过Stefano Boeri Architetti带来的新闻。
News via Stefano Boeri Architetti.
建筑师Stefano Boeri Architetti区位位于广西柳州,中国合作伙伴Stefano Boeri,徐益波项目负责人Pietro Chiodi团队建筑师朱莉娅·高卡莱克,银心宝,石龙滩与中国上海同岩合作设计研究所合作设计有限公司。有限公司客户柳州市城市规划局辖区1385000.0平方米照片Stefano Boeri Architetti
Architects Stefano Boeri Architetti Location Liuzhou, Guangxi, China Partners Stefano Boeri, Yibo Xu Project Leader Pietro Chiodi Team Architects Julia Gocalek, Yinxin Bao, Shilong Tan with Giulia Chiatante Cooperative Design Institute in China Shanghai Tongyan Architectural and Planning Design Co. Ltd. Client Liuzhou Municipality Urban Planning Bureau Area 1385000.0 m2 Photographs Stefano Boeri Architetti
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