Department of Mechanical - Manufacturing Engineering Grafton Architects
2017-07-10 11:00
Text description provided by the architects. This is the second extension we have completed to this Department, the first being in 1996, which addresses the campus and is attached to the existing Parsons building which houses the Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering.
The site for this extension was wedged between an urban block and the 19th Century Parsons Building. It is also the primary route for services to make their way from the city to the campus – gas, electricity, IT, water etc. An existing electricity substation and transformer pits located on this site had to be maintained and so we were tip toeing around to find a place for the additional accommodation required.
就几何和语言而言,该遗址位于城市砖块与石制大学建筑的交界处。林肯广场(Lincoln Place)大楼的砖墙,上面有芬兰人酒店(Finns Hotel)的彩绘标志,是不能被干扰的,因为这个标志表明,正如每一个都柏林人所知,诺拉·巴纳克(Nora Barnacle)在拿骚街遇到詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce还有一棵重要的树需要保存。
The site is at the junction of the brick urban block with the stone university buildings, both in terms of geometry and language. The brick gable of the Lincoln Place buildings, with the painted sign of Finns Hotel could not be interfered with because this sign signifies the hotel where, as every Dubliner knows, Nora Barnacle worked when she met James Joyce on Nassau Street. Also there was one important tree to be preserved.
The brief was to make sense of this confluence of disparate geometries and buildings and, in the process, to find a way of providing additional research and teaching spaces. There was also the requirement thatthe building had to be designed in such a way that it could be phased as funding became available.
The building extends the existing Department, forms a space between this Department and the rear of the repaired urban block and upgrades the existing pedestrian gateway to Nassau St. An external lift is housed in a new 'gatehouse' element. This provides disabled access from the raised level of Nassau Street to the campus below. A podium houses extended basement levels used for research laboratories. This podium forms 'forecourt' and 'courtyard' type spaces forward of and between buildings.
The preserved tree is anchored in this podium space and engenders a sense of communal life.
The upper level accommodation consists of smaller teaching spaces. A gap of 600mm is left between old and new. New is kept separate from old, but connected with half levels, quarter levels, multiple lift stops, multiple stair landings, allowing easy movement between new and old spaces.
The podium level stretches, bends and folds to deal with the complex conditions of the site. It connects street with campus, forms new entrances and exits from existing departments, and forms a sunny communal space under the canopy of the preserved tree.
The small teaching block to the west cantilevers over the podium to form a new entrance to the Department. The granite wall is punctured by timber windows clad externally in stainless steel, finished flush with the granite. The granite cladding coursing is matched with the existing stone coursing of Parsons building and the stone is interlocked at the corners revealing a cladding condition as opposed to a solid form of construction. Two 'mute' brick elements, like chimneys, are attached to the Lincoln Place gable housings a new lift and toilets.
The exterior in its form and language, mediates between city and campus.
Architects Grafton Architects
Location College Green, Dublin 2, Co. Dublin, Ireland