AD Classics Al Shaheed Monument Saman Kamal

2017-08-11 04:00
Several factors contributed to Iraq’s invasion of Iran in September of 1980. Foremost among these were the territorial ambitions of Iraqi president and dictator Saddam Hussein, who wished to take control of the oil-rich Khuzestan region in Iran. He was also acting in response to supposed Iranian attempts to incite his own nation’s Shiite Muslim majority to rebel against his regime. Within a year Iraqi forces had been repelled by Iranian forces, and the two combatants settled into a stalemate that lasted seven years. Iran was now determined to fully defeat its would-be conqueror, and only the deleterious effects of the conflict on its economy could finally drive the country to accept a ceasefire, which was negotiated by the United Nations, in 1988.[1]
 Via United States Navy (2003) licensed under Public Domain. Image Courtesy of United States Navy
The Iraq-Iran War coincided with the latter end of a period in which the revenues from Iraqi oil exports were devoted to the construction of monuments and memorials in the capital city of Baghdad. These structures, ranging in scope from small fountains and statues to colossal triumphal arches, were built to commemorate the country’s victories at war; in many cases, these architectural celebrations preceded the ends of the conflicts that prompted their construction. It is not unusual, then, that the monument built to honor Iraq’s fallen soldiers in the war against Iran was opened in 1983 – five years before the ceasefire which would bring the bloodshed to a halt.[2]
尽管它的军事灵感,Al Shaheed纪念碑没有明显的军事形象。这座纪念碑由伊拉克建筑师萨曼·卡迈勒和雕塑家伊斯梅尔·法塔赫·图尔克设计,形如一座高耸的阿拉伯尖顶,高40米(132英尺),覆盖着青绿色瓷砖。穹顶沿着中心分成两半,两半被掏空,互相抵消;其中一半是圆形的瀑布和水池,另一半保护着献给战争烈士的永恒火焰。[3]这个结构矗立在一个长190米(623英尺)直径的圆形平台上,位于一个人工湖的中心。站台下面是一个两层楼的建筑群,包括博物馆、图书馆、演讲厅、自助餐厅、画廊和辅助设施。
Despite its military inspiration, the Al Shaheed Monument contains no obvious martial imagery. Designed by Iraqi architect Saman Kamal and sculptor Ismail Fatah al Turk, the monument takes the form of a towering arabesque pointed dome, 40 meters (132 feet) tall and covered in turquoise tile. The dome is split in half down the center, with the two halves hollowed out and offset from each other; one half shelters a circular cascade and pool, while the other protects an eternal flame dedicated to the martyrs of the war.[3] The structure stands on a circular platform 190 meter (623 foot) diameter platform at the center of an artificial lake. Underneath the platform is a two-story complex comprising a museum, library, lecture hall, cafeteria, gallery, and support facilities.[4]
 © Wikimedia user Mondalawy licensed under CC BY 3.0. Image Courtesy of Mondalawy
(C)维基媒体用户Mondalawy在CC 3.0之前获得许可。蒙达拉维的形象礼貌
虽然纪念碑的形式是伊拉克的起源和发展,但它是国际公司Ove Arup。
Although the form of the monument was Iraqi in origin and development, it was the international firm Ove Arup & Partners—noted for, amongst other projects, their work on the Sydney Opera House—that devised the galvanized steel framework which supports the monument. The glazed tile exterior is cast in carbon fiber-reinforced concrete, further strengthening the structure. Between the artificial lake, artificial island, and the massive landmark at its center, the project cost Iraq approximately $250 million before its opening in 1983.[5,6]
“在领导人-伊拉克革命和人民领袖萨达姆·侯赛因的时代,伊拉克共和国实现了所有伊拉克人的生命安全,使他们能够在所有领域享有荣誉、自由和文明进步。”希沙姆·马德菲(Hisham al-Madfai)是一位咨询工程师,他为1983年的阿尔沙希德纪念碑(Al Shaheed Monument)的开馆起草了这些词。不久之后,他因混凝土的技术故障而被监禁。混凝土是由被分割的绿松石穹顶组成的。[7]这一事件突显出阿尔-马德菲的话具有讽刺意味,它谈到了一个政权的生命安全,这个政权后来会用化学武器袭击自己的库尔德平民。
“In the era of the Leader-President, Saddam Hussein, leader of the revolution and the people, the Iraqi Republic has achieved security of life for all Iraqis, so that they may enjoy honor, freedom and civilizational advance in all areas.” Hisham al-Madfai, the consulting engineer who drafted these words for the Al Shaheed Monument’s opening in 1983, was imprisoned shortly afterward for technical failures in the concrete which made up the slab on which the bisected turquoise dome stood.[7] The incident underscored the irony of al-Madfai’s words, which spoke of security of life in a regime which would later target its own Kurdish civilians with chemical weapons.[8]
Although Saddam Hussein’s dictatorial reign has since been brought to a forced end, many of his monumental projects still stand in Baghdad as silent but potent reminders of the fallen regime. As Iraq continues on the rocky and uncertain path toward a new national identity, the question of what these structures mean to the country remains. Only time will answer whether the Al Shaheed Monument will be irrevocably linked to the tyrannical figure behind its creation, or if the elegance and grandeur of its form will transcend its origins and allow it to earn the lasting admiration of the Iraqi people.
建筑师Saman Kamal地点伊拉克Shaheed纪念碑,Omar Bin Al Khatab街建筑师,负责Saman Kamal项目,1983年拍摄Steve McCurry类地标
Architects Saman Kamal Location Iraqi Shaheed Monument, Omar Bin Al Khatab Street Architect in Charge Saman Kamal Project Year 1983 Photographs Steve McCurry Category Landmarks & Monuments
[1]“伊朗-伊拉克战争”。大英百科全书。2008年9月22日[2]派克,约翰。“巴格达古迹”全球安全。2011年9月7日。[3]“巴格达Al-Shaheed纪念碑”。有趣的星球。2017年3月4日[4]派克。[5]Khalil,Samir。纪念碑:伊拉克的艺术、庸俗和责任。伦敦:Andre Deutsch,1991年。P23.[6]派克。[7]Khalil,第23页。[8]“伊朗-伊拉克战争”。
References [1] "Iran-Iraq War." Encyclopædia Britannica. September 22, 2008. [access] [2] Pike, John. "Baghdad Monuments." Global Security. September 7, 2011. [access] [3] "Al-Shaheed Monument, Baghdad." Amusing Planet. Accessed March 4, 2017. [access] [4] Pike. [5] Khalil, Samir. The Monument: Art, Vulgarity, and Responsibility in Iraq. London: Andre Deutsch, 1991. p23. [6] Pike. [7] Khalil, p23. [8] “Iran-Iraq War.”





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