Streetlight Tagpuro Eriksson Furunes + Leandro V. Locsin Partners + Boase
2017-11-07 20:00
© Alexander Eriksson Furunes
架构师提供的文本描述。2013年11月8日,超级台风“海燕”袭击了菲律宾中部地区,摧毁了400多万户家庭,夺去了数千人的生命。海燕是有史以来登陆陆地的最强台风之一。台风引起的海浪夷平了2010年他们与非政府组织街灯和三名建筑师学生一起建造的海堤和研究中心的非正式定居点。路灯在整个灾难期间为家庭和儿童提供支助,不久后恢复了他们的职业和教育方案。亚历山大·埃里克森·弗鲁内斯(Alexander Eriksson Furunes)受邀与他的两个合伙人苏达山·卡德卡(Sudarshan Khadka)和贾戈·博斯(Jago Boase)一起,在搬迁区塔格普罗(Tagpur曾经有200个家庭的小村庄,按照市政府提出的搬迁计划,人口将增加10倍。这一增长没有考虑到提供水、卫生和电力等基本必需品的谋生机会或基础设施。该地区的紧张局势和冲突正在加剧,因为有几个家庭对他们的新房子和新社区缺乏归属感。问题是,我们如何能够共同工作,并共同使用编程和设计过程,以建立一个适合当前情况的搬迁区。
Text description provided by the architects. On the 8th of November 2013, super-typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest typhoons to ever hit land, devastated the central regions of the Philippines destroying more than four million households and depriving thousands of lives. The waves caused by the typhoon flattened the informal settlement of Seawall and the Study Center that they built together with the NGO Streetlight and three architects students in 2010. Streetlight supported the families and children throughout the disaster, and soon after resumed their vocational and educational programme. Alexander Eriksson Furunes was invited back together with his two partners Sudarshan Khadka and Jago Boase to rebuild Streetlight’s office, orphanage and study center within the relocation zone, Tagpuro. Once a small village of 200 households, the population was scheduled to increase tenfold according to the relocation plans initiated by the city government. This growth did not account for livelihood opportunities or infrastructure providing basic necessities such as water, sanitation and electricity. Tension and conflicts were increasing in the area, as several families lacked a sense of belonging to their new house and their new community. The question became how we could work together, and collectively use the programming and design process to build something appropriate to the current situation within the relocation zone.
© Alexander Eriksson Furunes
A series of workshops were organized with the community to conceptualize the design of the new buildings, determine their functions and programme, as well as to identify locally available materials and construction techniques. Through drawings, models and full-scale mockups, the community developed a common language to express and negotiate ideas and solutions that mattered to them as a group. Having experienced the brutal power of the winds and waves caused by the typhoon, they developed the concept of ‘open & light’ and ‘closed & safe’. Therefore, heavy concrete volumes were used to provide refuge during typhoons, while ventilated light timber structures were designed for natural ventilation that also allow strong winds to pass through the buildings. The orphanage consists of three such concrete volumes accommodating kitchen and bathrooms on the ground floor and bedrooms on the second floor. Ventilated recreational spaces for daytime use is located between the heavy volumes. The study center has music rooms, library, bathrooms, kitchen and teachers’ rooms in the heavy volumes, and classrooms with areas for singing, dancing and theatre in the spaces in-between. Streetlight’s office also functions as a vocational training center and consists of three heavy volumes containing meeting rooms, bathrooms and a janitor’s office, with shared workspaces located in the open areas.
© Alexander Eriksson Furunes
The buildings were built on a 4-hectare site located in the very center of Tagpuro. It has coconut and mahogany trees that once used to shade an old poultry farm which was destroyed by the typhoon. The trees survived and defined the primary circulation axis and divide between private and public zones. Orienting the new buildings along the East-West axis provides additional shading by the trees, minimize heat gain and capture the prevailing breeze to provide comfort in a tropical climate. The design explored the values of honest materiality, craftsmanship, expressive tectonics, and vernacular sensitivity. Through the deliberate selection of materials and construction methods with the potential to be adapted by local workers, the construction process served as a mode of capacity building and livelihood training. The new buildings provide much needed space for collective activities for both existing and new community members. The project explored a participative and community-based design process which provides a platform to identify shared values and meanings.
Architects Eriksson Furunes, Leandro V. Locsin Partners
Location Tagpuro, Tacloban City, Leyte, Philippines
Project Lead Alexander Eriksson Furunes, Sudarshan V. Khadka, Jago Boase
Architects in Charge Alexander Eriksson Furunes, Sudarshan Khadka
Client Streetlight Inc. (CEO Erlend Johannesen)
Photographs Alexander Eriksson Furunes
Category Emergency Services Facility