RIJNSTRAAT 8 Ellen van Loon OMA

2017-11-02 10:00
 Photograph by Delfino Sisto Legnani and Marco Cappelletti © OMA
Delfino Sisto Legnani和Marco Cappelletti(OMA)
架构师提供的文本描述。昨天,荷兰国王正式启用了位于外交部、基础设施和水管理部、收容寻求庇护者中央机构和移民和归化局的新政府办公楼Rijnstraat 8。一个名为PoortCentraal的公私伙伴关系,由BAM、ISS和OMA组成,对位于海牙中央车站旁边的90.000平方米的建筑进行了翻修和改造,为荷兰政府提供了一个现代化和透明的工作空间。
Text description provided by the architects. Rijnstraat 8, the renewed government office building housing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers and the Immigration and Naturalistation Service, was officially opened by the Dutch King yesterday. A Public Private Partnership under the name of PoortCentraal, consisting of BAM, ISS and OMA, has renovated and transformed the 90.000 m2 building located next to The Hague's central station, giving it a second life as a modern and transparent working space for the Dutch government.
 Architectural Concept

OMA EllenvanLoon的合伙人建筑师领导了这个改造项目,设计了一座能够适应灵活工作方式的建筑,这需要更少的办公空间。Rijnstraat 8的改造是荷兰政府第一次大规模实施旨在减少政府拥有的房地产的新房地产战略,鼓励私营部门参与政府办公空间的设计、建造和融资,以及维持和运营建筑物的能源供应,各种可持续性措施,如在中庭应用三重玻璃、使用太阳能电池板、LED灯和实施蓄热蓄冷,大大减少了能源消耗。新材料的使用已经减少:在被拆除的20%的建筑物中,99.7%已被重新使用。
Partner architect of OMA Ellen van Loon led the transformation project, designing a building that accommodates flexible ways of working which require less office space. The transformation of Rijnstraat 8 is the first large-scale implementation of the Dutch government's new real estate strategy which aims to reduce the real estate owned by the government.  The involvement of the private sector is encouraged both in designing, building and financing governmental office space, and maintaining and operating the building’s energy supply, for which it is responsible for the duration of 25 years. Various sustainability measures, such as the application of triple glass in the atria, the use of solar panels, LED lights and implementation of a heat and cold storage, result in a significantly reduced energy consumption. The use of new materials has been minimized: of the 20% of the building that was demolished, 99.7% has been reused.
 Photograph by Delfino Sisto Legnani and Marco Cappelletti, © OMA
Delfino Sisto Legnani和Marco Cappelletti摄于OMA
随着Rijnstraat 8的改造,从1993年开始的Jan Hoogstad的原始设计中保持强大的建筑和可持续性概念与更新该建筑以供将来使用之间已经达成了一种谨慎的平衡。采用开放式办公室和一条贯穿整栋大楼的新走道改善了建筑物内的方向感,用玻璃幕墙取代实心墙,方便了与城市的连接。Rijnstraat 8与周边城市之间的互动,通过创建一个新的、扩大的通道,作为一个公共广场,得到了进一步的加强。
With the transformation of Rijnstraat 8, a careful balance has been struck between maintaining the strong architectural and sustainability concepts from the original design by Jan Hoogstad from 1993 and renewing the building for future use. The introduction of open plan offices and a new walkway running the entire length of the building improves the sense of direction within the building, and the replacement of solid walls with a glass facade facilitates the connection with the city. The interaction between Rijnstraat 8 and the surrounding city is further enhanced through the creation of a new, enlarged passage that acts as a public square. 
 Photograph by Nick Guttridge, © OMA
尼克·古特特里奇(Nick Guttridge),(OMA)
 Program Diagram

 Photograph by Delfino Sisto Legnani and Marco Cappelletti, © OMA
Delfino Sisto Legnani和Marco Cappelletti摄于OMA
Ellen van Loon states: “I have redesigned the former VROM building as a super flexible and sustainable multi-ministry building, which increases the visibility between departments and promotes the interaction between the Ministries and the city life of The Hague through its transparent facade and clearly visible entrances.”
 Photograph by Delfino Sisto Legnani and Marco Cappelletti, © OMA
Delfino Sisto Legnani和Marco Cappelletti摄于OMA
该项目由埃伦·范隆和项目设计师巴特·尼科拉斯领导。该设计是与Ecotor Hoogstad Architecture ten、Wessel de Jonge Architecture ten、DGMR、ARUP、BAM Advies合作确定的。
The project was led by Ellen van Loon and project architect Bart Nicolaas. The design has been established in cooperation with Ector Hoogstad Architecten, Wessel de Jonge Architecten, DGMR, ARUP, BAM Advies & Engineering and Valstar Simonis.
 © Nick Guttridge
c.Nick Guttridge
 Conceptual Drawing

 Photograph by Nick Guttridge, © OMA
尼克·古特特里奇(Nick Guttridge),(OMA)
Rijnstraat 8号的改造标志着OMA在海牙举行的一系列新系列活动的开始,埃伦·范洛恩(Ellen Van Loon)是第二座议会大楼的首席建筑师。
The transformation of Rijnstraat 8 marks the beginning of a new series engagements of OMA in political capital The Hague, where Ellen van Loon is the lead architect for the renovation of the Second House of Parliament.
 Photograph by Delfino Sisto Legnani and Marco Cappelletti, © OMA
Delfino Sisto Legnani和Marco Cappelletti摄于OMA
Architects OMA, Ellen van Loon
Location Rijnstraat 8, 2515 XP Den Haag, The Netherlands
Architect in Charge Ellen van Loon
Team Bart Nicolaas, Anita Ernodi, Alex de Jong, Kees van Casteren, Airat Khusnutdinov, Alain Fouraux, Alexander Giarlis, Betti Ng, Jan Barta, Buster Christensen, Dominic Black, Edward Nicholson, Eric Lee, Lauren Potter, Hans Larsson, Hongchuan Zhao, Lei Mao, Gemawang Swaribathoro, Magdalena Stanescu, Mario Rodriguez, Matthew Davis, Nikki Mulder, Pawel Panfiluk, Saskia Simon, Sunkyu Koh, Yangwen Huo, Danny Rigter, Ido de Boer, Jasper van Amstel, Maya Turre, Paloma Bule, Stefan Wolf, Theodora Papanastasiou, Tjeerd van de Sandt, Vitor Oliveira, Will Hartzog
Area 90913.0 m2
Project Year 2017
Photographs Delfino Sisto Legnani and Marco Cappelletti, Nick Guttridge
Category Institutional Buildings





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