Schmidt Hammer Lassens Overlapping Box Scheme Wins Competition for Sports and Community Center in Aarhus
2017-12-20 14:30
Courtesy of Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
As the city’s most culturally diverse district, Gellerup has seen an influx of new residents relocating from all around the world. To cater to the needs of these new residents, the city has developed an ambitious redevelopment master plan that will add numerous new civic centers to neighborhood, including the Gellerup Sports and Culture Campus.
该建筑群内有图书馆、体育馆、游泳池、“好玩的活动室”和社区会议空间和设施,预计每年将有60多万人参观。针对这些需求,由SHL和Masu计划APS、环路建筑师和COWI A/S组成的获奖团队已经设计出了尽可能欢迎和熟悉的设施。
Containing a library, gymnasium, swimming pool, “playful activity house” and community meeting spaces and facilities, the complex is expected to see more than 600,000 per year. Responding to these needs, the winning team, consisting of SHL with MASU Planning ApS, Loop Architects and COWI A/S, have designed the facility to be as welcoming and familiar as possible.
Courtesy of Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
Courtesy of Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
施密特·哈默·拉森建筑师事务所(Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architect)的合伙人特琳·伯瑟尔德(Trine Berthold)说,“在设计校园时,我们的意图是创建一个开放、与当地社区相关的欢迎场所,同时也吸引来自奥胡斯和世界各地的居民。”“我们希望以植根于当地环境的建筑吸引人们参与校园的各种元素,同时也向国际观众展示。”
"When designing the campus, our intention was to create a welcoming place that is open and relevant for the local community, while also appealing to residents from across Aarhus and the world," said Trine Berthold, Associate Partner at Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects. "We hope to draw people into the campus's various elements with architecture that is rooted in the local environment, but also speaks to an international audience."
Courtesy of Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
The proposal aims to break up the rigid grid of the district with an open layout of shifting and rotating structures, articulated to strengthen community connections and a sense of democracy. The building overlap in intuitive ways to create spaces for casual meeting and interaction.
"In a community as diverse as Gellerup, it is important that the new campus be a democratic place that is friendly, unpretentious and easy to move through so that it encourages use by every member of the district and interaction between people of all walks of life," added Berthold.
Courtesy of Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
获胜的提案是由奥胡斯·Kommune和住房协会Brabrand玻利维亚从包括丹麦公司3 XN和CEBRA在内的团队中挑选出来的。该项目现在将继续进入开发阶段,计划于2018年年初开工,2021年完工。
The winning proposal was selected by the Aarhus Kommune and housing association Brabrand Boligforening from a pool of teams that included Danish firms 3XN and CEBRA. The project will now continue into the development phase, with construction planned to begin in early 2018 and complete in 2021.
建筑师施密特·哈默·拉森建筑师地址8220 Gellerup,丹麦客户奥胡斯市,布拉布兰德·玻利维亚合作建筑师环路建筑师协会A/S景观建筑师协会规划面积10000.0平方米
Architects Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects Location 8220 Gellerup, Denmark Client Aarhus Municipality, Brabrand Boligforening Collaborating Architect Loop Architects Engineers COWI A/S Landscape Architects MASU Planning ApS Area 10000.0 m2