Fabrika Filmes Headquarters CoDA arquitetos

2018-01-12 17:00
 © Joana França
(Joana Fran A)
Archictecture of shared spaces
Fabrika Filmes新总部的项目产生于一个核心挑战:创建一座简洁灵活的建筑,以适应一家视频制作公司及其合作伙伴的需求。对以前的总部进行仔细的分析对于为他们的需求制定蓝图至关重要,这样才能顺利地转移,也是公司未来扩张的关键。为了做到这一点,不仅考虑了主要地区的功能和分布,而且考虑了生产公司内存在的动态工作方式和强大的社会互动:在明确界定的集线器等级范围内,人们在公共空间中不断变化和密集的聚会。
 The project for Fabrika Filmes’s new headquarters emerges from a core challenge: to create a concise and flexible building, adapted to the needs of a video production company and its partners. A careful analysis of the previous headquarters was crucial for creating a blueprint of their requirements, to allow a smooth transfer and also the company’s future expansion. In order to do that, not only the functions and distribution of main areas were considered, but also the dynamic way of working and strong social interaction existent within the production company: mobility and constant transformation and intense meeting of people in the communal spaces within a well-defined hierarchy of hubs.
 © Aníbal Fontoura
位于巴西利亚工业区新地段的SIA(Setor de Indústrias e Abastecimento)也提出了挑战。一方面,如果把城市环境作为第一次建筑决策的对话和动力因素来面对是很常见的,那么对于一个几乎不存在城市环境的阴谋,人们能说些什么呢?这正是SIA这个新领域的情况,它是由一个政府激励计划创建的,在那里,城市化与大多数建筑的建设并驾齐驱。因此,这个阴谋最初要考虑的背景基本上是少数几个存在的因素:方向、主风和远距离存在的城市主要高速公路之一
The plot, located in the new part of the Industrial Area of Brasilia, SIA (Setor de Indústrias e Abastecimento) also posed its challenge. If, on the one hand, it is commonplace to face the urban context as a dialogue and motivation element for the first architectural decisions, what can one say about a plot in which an urban context is virtually inexistent? This was precisely the case of this new area of SIA, created from a government incentive program, where urbanism was done alongside with the construction of most buildings. Thus, the initial context of this plot to be taken into account was basically the few existent elements: orientation, main winds and the distant presence of Estrutural express way, one of the city’s main express ways.
 © Joana França
(Joana Fran A)
 © Joana França
(Joana Fran A)
Firstly, the studio was positioned at the back part of the lot, taking the most advantage of the restraining required by the city law and leaving a 3,8 mt side track for vehicle circulation. The areas next to the studio, as well as the editing and staff centers, should surround it, but that placement would impair the groundfloor common areas circulation. In order to solve that, it was decided to use the underground, as the legislation allows full occupation, making the groundfloor semi-subterranean with its accesses on the floor below. The studio attached areas and the staff center may then surround it. The editing center is located at the front part underground, a well-fit position considering the necessity of controlling natural lighting and ventilation for technical purposes such as calibrating colors and blocking noises.
 © Joana França
(Joana Fran A)
As the construction area took about 80% of the underground, natural lighting and ventilation became major concerns, for what steam outlets and light entries were placed wherever possible, like the one under the bench on the groundfloor. Strategically set to stimulate social interaction outside the building, it also ensures a well-ventilated and enlightened underground. For the light restricted areas, a large cutout was made on the ground, giving the underground users a direct contact with the outside. A large green wall comes out from below Fabrika’s main entrance, signing the presence of life in the beneath it. This is, afterall, the place where people work most of the time, including into the night shifts. At those times, the distinction between day and night is fundamental, hence the natural light in the common areas. 
 Section AA
The studio’s location positioned the vertical circulation by its side, at the central area, rather than at the front part of the lot, a more obvious option. The upper floors (office area) were, therefore, divided in two, which led to a better stratification, increasing space flexibility and usage. That enabled layout variations on the floors destinated for rent and commercial partners. Besides, the central top-down open space provides visual connection between the different areas and floors, providind more casual meetings and reinforcing the company’s social environment.
 © Joana França
(Joana Fran A)
The resulting atrium is the exception space in Fabrika’s headquarters, and also where the flow of people starts. Its full-height ceiling  integrates the aerial walkways to the vertical circulation, links visually the social and restricted functions in a permanent way and intersects the metallic structure’s continuous modulation. The movement on the two office floors and the groundfloor can be noticed, especially by the intense presence of glass as much in the east and west façades as on the ceiling, elevator closures, stairways and walkways between the two sides of the building.
 © Joana França
(Joana Fran A)
为了加强这一空间的活力,使用了一种不寻常的塑料资源:由16 120×120厘米水泥板组成的中庭完美方形形状所造成的规律性,以及通过连接建筑物的走道打破了反映地板调制的玻璃覆层天花板。人们可以想象一个扭曲的立方体,就像一个脊骨,从旋转在人行道上方的方形剪贴画中创造出想象中的空隙。这种效果是通过光线接触到的木制布置来加强的,无论是在天花板上还是在人行道的地板上。
In order to strengthen the dynamism of this space an unusual plastic resource has been used: the regularity caused by the atrium perfect square shape – constituted by sixteen 120 x 120 cm cement boards – and the glass cladding ceiling mirroring the floor modulation is broken by the walkways connecting the building. One can imagine a twisted cube, like a backbone, creating imaginary voids square from the square cutouts rotated above the walkways. This effect is reinforced by wooden arrangement touched by light, both in the ceiling as in the walkways’s floors.
 © Joana França
(Joana Fran A)
The pedestrian access route has been set from the lot’s front entrance to the central atrium on the groundfloor by extending a black marquee from the studio’s concrete structure forward. This design provides coverage to the pedestrian access all the way long, at the same time that it sets a symbolic gesture: the studio reaches for the city, inviting visitors to access the building.
 © Joana França
(Joana Fran A)
办公楼层(第二层和第三层)满足了与灵活性有关的项目要求,因为公共区域(浴室、清洁库房和餐厅)柱是面向中央中庭创建的,为主跨度的办公室留出了空间。这种自由跨度是由使用金属结构,能够达到10,8 MTS在交叉跨度,并提高地板,使快速布局变化。设置逻辑和电气安装的专用轴是必要的,因为它允许根据需要重新安装整个大楼。
The office floors (second and third) fulfill the project requirements related to flexibility, for what a common area (bathrooms, cleaning storages and dining rooms) column was created facing the central atrium, leaving space for the offices at the main span. This free span was made possible by the use of  metallic structure, capable of reaching 10,8 mts in a cross span, and raised-floor, enabling quick layout changes. Setting exclusive shafts for logical and electrical installations was essential since it allows recabling the whole building as needed.
 © Joana França
(Joana Fran A)
办公室的形式也得益于交叉通风和大量自然光的存在,排除了相当多的人工照明和通风设备。阳台,宽敞的办公空间,连接餐厅和中庭走道,关闭了这一区域的组成。这一辅助结构,从金属结构上悬垂1,8 MTS,将整个建筑物的长度连接到东面,由穿孔的金属板保护。
The offices’s form also benefits from cross-ventilation and great presence of natural light, dismissing quite some artificial light and ventilation devices. The balconies, generous living spaces amongst the offices, connect to the dining rooms and atrium walkways, closing up this area’s composition. This auxiliary structure, that overhangs 1,8 mts from the metallic structure, links the whole building length through the east façade, protected by perforated metal sheets.
 © Joana França
(Joana Fran A)
Architects CoDA arquitetos
Location SIA trecho 17, rua 40, lotes 125/145, Brasília-DF - Brasil
Architect in Charge Alberto Uno
Area 1700.0 m2
Project Year 2011
Photographs Joana França, Aníbal Fontoura
Category Office Buildings
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