Office Building 1905 Fran Silvestre Arquitectos

2018-01-30 09:00
 © Diego Opazo
Text description provided by the architects. There is a distinct pleasure in restoring an old object. Let's take for instance an old flexo, one of those that were used in the drawing tables of the technical offices. First, to understand it, disassemble it with care, clean the rusted parts, repaint it, chrome the elements that require so, replace the old cable with one that resists the new voltage and do the same with the lamp holder and the switch, search in unexpected places for a new coil to replace a damaged one. Intervening only where is necessary provides the object with a new life, thus displaying itself, a hundred years later, ready, as newly manufactured. 
 © Diego Opazo
在这座建于1905年的建筑中也采取了同样的态度,它是20世纪早期瓦伦西亚建筑的一个样本。它位于城市的第一个扩建区,由建筑师安东尼奥·马托雷尔(Antonio Martorell)设计,被认为是他那个时代最杰出的建筑师之一。其目标是改造一家历史悠久的瓦伦西亚公司的总部,该公司试图翻新其设施,以便使其适应近年来所经历的技术变革。这座建筑最初被设想为一座住宅建筑,尽管它从一开始就被用作该公司的总部。
The same attitude was assumed in this building, which dates from 1905 and is a sample of the Valencian architecture of the early twentieth century. Located in the first expansion district of the city a, it was designed by the architect Antonio Martorell, considered as one of the most distinguished architects of his time. The objective was to transform the headquarters of a historic Valencian company that sought to renovate its facilities in order to adequate them to the technological changes experienced in recent years. The building was initially conceived as a residential building, although it was used as the headquarters of this company from the beginning.
了解这座建筑的功能是非常重要的,它位于扩张区的一个典型的倒角上。马托雷尔巧妙地解决了这一问题,将潮湿地区和服务露台安置在隔墙旁边。在计划的中央部分,布置了楼梯和中央露台。门面由三个直线单元组成,而墙角的弯曲区域则由建筑师使用木工元素来解决,他已经在Calle de la Paz的一些著名建筑中使用过这个解决方案,甚至在同样的Gran Vía de Valencia中也使用了这个解决方案。在楼层,一楼和一楼被认为是高尚的,在没有电梯和更大的净空高度的建筑里,感觉要舒服得多。随后,又有三层具有相同特点的楼层,最后一层主要用作储存。随着时间的推移,由于需要扩大空间,建筑物不断扩大,纳入了邻近建筑物的部分内容。
It was fundamental to understand the functioning of the building, which is located in a characteristic chamfer of the expansion district. Martorell skillfully solved it by placing the humid areas and service patios next to the dividing wall. In the central part of the plan were arranged the staircase and the central patio. The façade is composed by three straight elements, while the curved areas in the corner were solved by the architect using carpentry elements, a solution that he had already used in some well-known buildings in Calle de la Paz, or even in the same Gran Vía de Valencia. In section, the ground floor and the first floor were considered noble, much more comfortable in a building that lacked an elevator and with greater clearance height. Following, there were three more floors with the same characteristics and finally a last floor that was used mainly for storage. Over time and with the need to expand the space, the building grew, incorporating parts of neighbour buildings.
 © Diego Opazo
 © Diego Opazo
Respecting this distribution are the closed offices and the wet nuclei attached to the medians. The rest of the space is used as a landscape office, distributing the departments in the different floors. The central courtyard is partially used to locate the necessary elevator. The protected ladder is completely rehabilitated to return it to its original state. The entrance of carriages on the ground floor is used to locate the reception and on the main floor address offices are located. 
 © Diego Opazo
On the fifth floor there is an outdoor terrace that is enjoyed by the representative floor of the building. At this level, the facade spaces are redefined with greater freedom to take advantage of the sunlight, while the facade of the building is maintained with the original composition, improving the technical conditions of the glazing. In this way the building has a renewed vision and a new useful life more in line with its use, integrating itself in the plot in which it was projected. It allows us to imagine the city in which it was built over one hundred years ago. As in the case of the old flexo, it brings us closer to thinking about how we lived at that time and to assuming the future changes and transformations that are to come to keep the city and the building active.
 © Diego Opazo
Architects Fran Silvestre Arquitectos
Location Valencia, Spain
Author Architects Fran Silvestre, Maria José Saez, Fran Ayala, Jordi Martínez
Interior Design Alfaro Hofmann
Collaborators Maria Masià, Estefanía Soriano, Pablo Camarasa, Adrián Mora, Sandra Insa, Santi Dueña, Ricardo Candela, David Sastre, Sevak Asatrián, Álvaro Olivares, Eduardo Sancho, Esther Sanchís, Vicente Picó, Ruben March, Jose Manuel Arnao, Gemma Aparicio, Sergio Llobregat, Rosa Juanes, Alessandro Santapà, Paz García-España, Juan Martínez
Area 3160.0 m2
Project Year 2017
Photographs Diego Opazo
Category Offices Interiors
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