Pioneer Village aLL Design
2018-02-23 17:00
© Wade Zimmerman Photographer
架构师提供的文本描述。Ibi集团是芬奇西部和先锋村站的建筑师,根据威尔·阿尔索普与LEA咨询有限公司共同签署的计划。和WSP。光明咒语是由TimandJan Edler设计的。
Text description provided by the architects. IBI Group is the architect of record for both Finch West and Pioneer Village Station, based on the scheme de signed by Will Alsop, in joint venture with LEA Consulting Ltd. and WSP. Light Spell was designed by Tim and Jan Edler of realities:united
Pioneer Village station straddles the border of York Region, beneath the intersection of Steeles Avenue West and Northwest Gate, anchoring a corner of York University Campus. The station will serve as an integrated regional transport hub serving up to 20,0 00 subway passenger trip s daily, providing 1 ,881 commuter parking spaces and two separate regional bus terminals. The location is otherwise under developed and it is intended that the station entrances and bus terminals will create a public focal point that will serve the future development of the surrounding area, beginning with Steeles Avenue West.
© Wade Zimmerman Photographer
地铁车站的入口被设计成一对雕塑结构;它们的高度超过了必要的高度,以提高它们的能见度-威尔·阿尔索普(Will Alsop)说,“我们从大教堂学到了很多东西。”在耐候钢中,这两种结构在形状和尺度上相互映照。公交车站的檐篷-也是Corten钢-有一个巨大的悬臂屋顶,其表面种植着草地草,以创造一个“绿色屋顶”,并为候车乘客提供庇护。
The subway station’s entrances were designed as a pair of sculptural structures; their height exceeding that necessary, to increase their visibility - 'We learn a lot from cathedrals ,' said Will Alsop. Rendered in weathering steel, these two structures mirror each other in shape and scale. The bus station canopy – also Corten steel – has a huge cantilevered roof, the surface of which is planted with meadow grasses , to create a ‘green - roof’ and to provide shelter for waiting passengers.
© Wade Zimmerman Photographer
© Wade Zimmerman Photographer
Both Pioneer Village station and Finch West station (below) comprise beautifully executed concrete work – in Pioneer Village the interior walls are faceted, highly - polished concrete and the supporting columns along the length of the platforms are angled and ovoid in section .
© Wade Zimmerman Photographer
Location Toronto, ON, Canada
Photographs Wade Zimmerman Photographer