15 Clerkenwell Close GROUPWORK + Amin Taha Architects
2018-03-21 03:00
Text description provided by the architects. The brief began with a requirement for a loose fit building able to accommodate apartments and offices/studios across column free floors. Enough time was available to investigate context and a number of possible solutions for a replacement building that would sit within the all but vanished boundaries of an C11th limestone Norman abbey. One able to integrate, extract and perhaps make new a broader and better sense of context than that now dominated by late C20th pastiche.
最初由乔丹·布里塞特男爵建造的修道院被扩建和改建,直到C16的解体通过细分和转换成新的新教男爵的大房子而逐渐侵蚀。奥利弗·克伦威尔(OliverCromwell)在修复前用一套新房子取代了他们,这使得他们进一步细分为较小的租房,这些房产由C 19世纪的马克思和列宁短暂居住。最后,可耻的是,一间家具销售室在失火前占据了当时仍然完好的修道院厨房和餐厅,70年代只留下了几块石头和道路布局,作为对修道院飞地的记忆。
Originally built by Baron Jordan Briset, the abbey was expanded and remodelled until its C16th dissolution precipitated a gradual erosion through subdivision and conversion into grand houses for the newly protestant barons. Oliver Cromwell replacing them with a new home on the Close before the restoration saw yet further subdivision into smaller rented properties that by the C19th briefly housed Marx and Lenin. Lastly and ignominiously a furniture sales room occupied the then still intact abbey kitchens and dining hall before fire and the 1970’s left only a few stones and the road layout as a memory of the abbey enclave.
As the Normans discovered and introduced to this country, limestone, when kept freshly wet from the quarry remains soft enough to more easily carve before calcifying for strong fortifications, initially helpful in successfully establishing conquests before being employed for religious and buildings of state. For arguably better weathering, fire and structural integrity that knowledge and skill of combining material and structure to help drive and give form to the architecture has somewhat been lost with the ubiquitous layering of cladding over frame.
Using quarry found finishes, part carved and abandoned stone columns, revealed cloisters and mosaic floors 15 Clerkenwell Close at first alludes to a local archaeology, but also raises questions on our architectural heritage and its responsibility within a broader culture. Reminding us the literacy of the built environment is based on understanding and disseminating through building the poetic possibilities inherent within the structural and aesthetic qualities of all materials available that make up the vocabulary of all architectural languages.
Architects Amin Taha Architects, GROUPWORK
Location 15 Clerkenwell Close, Clerkenwell, London EC1R 0AA, United Kingdom
Architect in Charge Amin Taha