Ground Floor Restaurant IAB

2018-03-23 13:00
 © Pedro Vannucchi
佩德罗·范努奇(Pedro Vannucchi)
架构师提供的文本描述。2017年年底,保护和调整使用项目改变了巴西建筑师协会(IAB-SP)的底层建筑-1946年由Rino Levi、Roberto Cerqueira César、Abelardo de Souza、Hélio Duarte、Zenon Letufo、Jacob Rucht、Garian Ciampaglia和Miguel Forte在Z Deli Sandwich Shop设计。
Text description provided by the architects. At the end of 2017, the project for the preservation and adaptation of use converted the ground floor of the emblematic Institute of Architects of Brazil (IAB-SP) - designed in 1946 by Rino Levi, Roberto Cerqueira César, Abelardo de Souza, Hélio Duarte, Zenon Letufo, Jacob Rucht, Galian Ciampaglia and Miguel Forte - at the Z Deli Sandwich Shop.
 © Pedro Vannucchi
佩德罗·范努奇(Pedro Vannucchi)
“市中心建筑”-使用材料和合成空间配置-与20世纪40年代和50年代圣保罗市中心的大厅和通道空间的其余建筑进行了对话。这些建筑位于普拉萨·达·雷普布利察(Pra a da República)附近,也是该项目的租赁地。此外,该项目试图保持这一层的多功能厅的条件,有利于连续的空间,尽可能少的分区。
Downtown Architecture The intervention created, using materials and the synthetic spatial configuration, a dialogue with the remaining architectures of the halls and access spaces of the 1940s and 1950s in the center of the city of São Paulo, found near Praça da República, where the project is leased. In addition, the project tries to preserve the condition of the multi-functional hall of this ground floor, favoring the continuous spaces, with the least amount of partitions possible.
 © Pedro Vannucchi
佩德罗·范努奇(Pedro Vannucchi)
Materials and atmospheres We look at the brass details of the frames and door knobs of the residential buildings, the motto for the design of the lamps and plinths of the big balcony. We interpret the dense ambience of the wainscots of the dark and tropical woods found in the old restaurants, bars and commercial spaces like a lighted vibrant yellow bamboo cloth. We transported the marbles and granites from the basements of the facades and receptions of these half-century buildings to the work and food tops. We maintained the pre-fabricated cement floor in the store - taking advantage of its unique physical strength, already in line with the existing architecture.
 © Pedro Vannucchi
佩德罗·范努奇(Pedro Vannucchi)
Furniture We decided to face the challenge of designing the chairs and stools for the intervention to meet the expectations of cost, quality and atmosphere desired. We look for the imagery of the 1950s office chairs. After months of prototypes, we arrived at the Chair and Banquet Carlota, named in honor of Charlotte Perriand. The color of the leather has adapted to the yellow and beige tones of the architecture palette, bringing a more vibrant and joyful presence to the whole.
 © Pedro Vannucchi
佩德罗·范努奇(Pedro Vannucchi)
Lighting The contrast between the white working light of the kitchen and the warm yellow light of the hall guided the party of the lighting project. Thus, the two colors created by the different temperatures of light mark the spaces in the facade, expressing the functional change of the environments. In the hall, artificial light is provided by two types of sources: (1) linear lamps specially designed in brass and stainless steel with led lamps for both the ceiling and the tables; (2) semi-recessed flooring sweeping the right foot of 4 meters height next to the bamboo wall. In both cases, the reflector planes accentuate the yellowish color of the hot lamps already specified.
 © Pedro Vannucchi
佩德罗·范努奇(Pedro Vannucchi)
Drawing A lean number of operations, precisely detailed, defines the project: 1 - Single counter with 10m length, arranged parallel to the bottom wall of the property (north wall), which houses essential functions of the restaurant: bar, set up of desserts and assembly of snacks. In accordance with this configuration, the bamboo floor wall has received technical niches in stainless steel and equipment to support the operational functions.
2 - Wall aligned with the axis of the last circular pillar of the hall designed to garnish the hall, both the smoke coming from the cooking area and hamburger plate as well as the cold light from the kitchen. This intervention, uncommon in modern architecture, maintains the visual relation between kitchen and salon and exposes the assembly lines of the restaurant through a square window of 1.80 meters. 3 - Volume that contains sanitary cabins and shared sink implanted near the western wall of the property, resolving in a compact way this demand. 4 - Underground areas of support, cold chamber, stock, plus changing rooms and operating room underground - occupying the same area of the existing kitchen in the first years of life of the building.
 © Pedro Vannucchi
佩德罗·范努奇(Pedro Vannucchi)
Modern Heritage In addition to the dialogue with the material and spatial qualities associated with the IAB Building, the intervention was aligned with the principles of reversibility. Filling of floors in the kitchen areas - to receive hydraulics and gas - avoided interventions on the existing slab. In the same line of reasoning, the detached wood panel of the wall allowed to install all the electrical infrastructure without demolitions. Such operations, in addition to facilitating the remodeling, allow for future changes of use in the property and that the hall can be reverted to the stage prior to our current intervention, without the need for complex works.
 © Pedro Vannucchi
佩德罗·范努奇(Pedro Vannucchi)
在整个项目中,我们在市中心的餐馆里,通过历史悠久的圣保罗中心,研究和参观了餐馆和建筑,我们碰巧也在那里工作。我们试图理解这些建筑的建设性逻辑和材料的使用,并将它们巧妙地引入我们的干预之中,而不是模仿周围的环境,而是在这方面寻求尊重和历史插曲。我们想到了一种氛围,指的是那些几十年来在同一个地方优雅地就餐的餐馆,在SP中真正的“机构”,比如Almanara、La Cassarole、Church rasqueto、Itamarati、Casa Godinho等等。
The downtown restaurants Throughout the project, we researched and visited restaurants and buildings through the historic center of São Paulo, where we coincidentally also worked. We try to understand the constructive logic and the use of materials of these architectures and bring them subtly to our intervention, without creating an emulation of the surroundings, but rather seeking a respect and historical insertion in this context. We thought of an atmosphere that referred to those restaurants that have been elegantly in the same places for decades, true "institutions" of food in SP, such as Almanara, La Cassarole, Churrasqueto, Itamarati, Casa Godinho among others.
 © Pedro Vannucchi
佩德罗·范努奇(Pedro Vannucchi)
As a tribute to these restaurants and their architectures - almost always with unknown authors - we have left a list of places we have frequented and inspired ourselves in the development of this project. Architectures of extreme functional intelligence, constructive and aesthetic, that survive the fast and aggressive growth of the metropolis.
1.丘拉斯克托-木材/成型板,内置引擎盖的形式涂层结构;高中椅子,只有垫圈。烤肉和洋葱酱配上美味的玫瑰面包。R.24 de Maio,237-República;2。容和-活意面的艺术。和新鲜意大利面,刚打开。R.da Glória,622-Liberdade;Almanara,República-高天花板,墙壁高达2.10,系统已经形成墙壁照明。棕色皮椅。这是自1950年以来圣保罗最美丽的餐厅。R.Basílio da Gama,70-Centro;4。富恩特斯-石板地板,米色墙壁,粉红色桌布。西班牙一家机构里时髦的侍者。Rua do Seminário,149岁-Centro;5岁。酒吧e餐厅瓜纳巴拉-线计数器高垂直入口处。右脚高的吊灯。AV。圣若昂,128-Centro;6。Aska-单人阳台,部分开放式厨房。镇上最好的苏玉·拉蒙。R.Galv oβo,466-Liberdade;7。博洛尼亚-黄金细节,镜子,高字体。面包虾不要错过。R.Augusta,379-Consola o;8。伊塔马拉蒂餐厅-悬挂在铁链上的固定装置;墙上有灯芯绒木,最高可达2.10米。米色的云母。最好的鳕鱼饼干。R.JoséBonifácio,270-Centro;9。卡萨·戈迪尼奥钟,灯笼,现有楼层。食品杂货。难以置信的心棕榈果肉站起来吃。R.Líbero Badaró,340-Centro;10。去洗手间的路上。Rda Gra a,364-Bom Retiro;11。餐厅拉法里纳-拜格形式;固定布局与可移动的分区,以整合表。R.Aurora,610-Centro;12。吉拉蒙多-优雅的绿色大理石基座。提供定制的咖啡厅。鲁阿·马可尼,19岁-República;13岁。在同一街区的教堂角。使用灯管。开门晚了。R.marquès de Itu,139-República;14。星城-直升机塔,入口前厅和分界良好。弗雷德里科·阿布茨,453-Vila Buarque;15。拉卡萨罗-木版,挂在灯管上的图片。自1954年以来SP最好的餐厅之一。Largo do Arouche,346-República
1. Churrasqueto - Wood / Formic panel, built-in hood in formic-coated structure; high school chair, only washers. Barbecue and onion sauce with delicious rosette bread. R. 24 de Maio, 237 – República;  2. Rong-He - The art of live pasta. Janelão and fresh pasta, freshly opened. R. da Glória, 622 – Liberdade;  3. Almanara, República - High-ceilinged, wallcovering up to height of 2.10, with system that already forms wall light for wall lighting. Leather chair in brown tones. The most beautiful restaurant in São Paulo since 1950. R. Basílio da Gama, 70 – Centro; 4. Fuentes - Slate floor, beige walls, pink tablecloth. Stylish waiters in a Spanish institution. Rua do Seminário, 149 – Centro; 5. Bar e Restaurante Guanabara - Linear counter high perpendicular to the entrance. Pendant luminaires on high right foot. Av. São João, 128 – Centro; 6. Aska - Single balcony, partly open kitchen. Best shoyu lamen in town. R. Galvão Bueno, 466 – Liberdade; 7. Bologna - Gold details, mirrors, high typefaces. Breaded shrimp vitela tonné not to be missed. R. Augusta, 379 – Consolação;  8. Restaurante Itamarati - Fixtures suspended by chains; lambril wood on the walls up to the height of 2.10m. Formica in beige tones. Best cod cookie. R. José Bonifácio, 270 – Centro; 9. Casa Godinho - clock, lambril, existing floor. Products grocery. Unbelievable heart of palm fruit to eat standing up. R. Líbero Badaró, 340 – Centro; 10. Acrópole - Kitchen on the way to the bathroom. R. da Graça, 364 - Bom Retiro;  11. Restaurante La Farina - Beige form; fixed layout with removable partitions to integrate tables. R. Aurora, 610 – Centro; 12. Giramondo - Elegant green marble pedestal. Cafes with customization. Rua Marconi, 19 – República; 13. Churrascaria Boi na Brasa - Corner on the same block. Use of lambril. Open late. R. Marquês de Itu, 139 – República;  14. Star City - Tower of the choppeira, entrance vestibule and well demarcated. R. Frederico Abranches, 453 - Vila Buarque;  15. La Cassarole - Wooden panel, pictures hanging on the lambril. One of the best restaurants in SP since 1954. Largo do Arouche, 346 - República.
Download here all the executive drawings of this project
Architects Gabriel Kogan, Guilherme Pianca
Location R. Bento Freitas, 314 - República, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
Authors Gabriel Kogan, Guilherme Pianca
Team Gabriela Estefam (Estágio)
Area 210.0 m2
Project Year 2017
Photograph Pedro Vannucchi
Category Renovation
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