Los Héroes Park Francisco Pardo Arquitecto

2018-09-06 15:00
 © Jaime Navarro
c.Jaime Navarro
架构师提供的文本描述。由CIDS和INFONAVIT委托-墨西哥主要住房机构重塑墨西哥抵押贷款市场和促进可持续住房发展-洛斯海罗斯公园(los Héroes Park)是重新思考公共空间的更广泛方案的一部分,目的是恢复过去30年社会住房的恶劣状况,并治愈影响该国城市郊区的废弃房产和社会隔离的伤疤。
Text description provided by the architects. Commissioned by CIDS and INFONAVIT — the main Mexican Housing Institutions reshaping Mexico’s mortgage market and promoting sustainable housing development —Los Héroes Park, is part of a wider programme rethinking public space to revert the poor conditions of social housing over the last 30 years and heal the scars of abandoned properties and social segregation that affect the urban outskirts of the country.
Text description provided by the architects. Commissioned by CIDS and INFONAVIT — the main Mexican Housing Institutions reshaping Mexico’s mortgage market and promoting sustainable housing development —Los Héroes Park, is part of a wider programme rethinking public space to revert the poor conditions of social housing over the last 30 years and heal the scars of abandoned properties and social segregation that affect the urban outskirts of the country.
 © Jaime Navarro
c.Jaime Navarro
 © Jaime Navarro
c.Jaime Navarro
位于Toluca de Lerdo市的洛斯赫罗三世民族住区联盟的帕克洛斯赫罗埃斯改造,包括用单一模数翻修现有的人行道,以阐明不同的空间并界定新的活动。该单位是一个六角形鹅卵石,它像一个像素,修改地形,有利于灵活的空间布局。为了补充这一建议,已经安装了一个由100个新部件组成的树状网格,每个网格的距离为3米。该公园包括儿童游乐场、足球场、篮球场和溜冰场,具有包容性,旨在改善相邻住房单元和小学的生活质量。
The makeover of Parque Los Héroes, located in the Unidad Habitacional de Los Héroes Sección III in the city of Toluca de Lerdo, consisted of renovating the existing pavement using a single modulus, in order to articulate different spaces and define new activities. The unit is an hexagonal cobblestone which, like a pixel, modifies the topography and favours a flexible space layout. To complement the proposal, a tree grid of 100 new pieces — each located at a three-metre distance, has been installed. Including children’s playgrounds, a football and a basketball court, and a skating ring, the park is inclusive and has been designed to improve the life quality of the adjacent housing units and primary school.
The makeover of Parque Los Héroes, located in the Unidad Habitacional de Los Héroes Sección III in the city of Toluca de Lerdo, consisted of renovating the existing pavement using a single modulus, in order to articulate different spaces and define new activities. The unit is an hexagonal cobblestone which, like a pixel, modifies the topography and favours a flexible space layout. To complement the proposal, a tree grid of 100 new pieces — each located at a three-metre distance, has been installed. Including children’s playgrounds, a football and a basketball court, and a skating ring, the park is inclusive and has been designed to improve the life quality of the adjacent housing units and primary school.
 © Jaime Navarro
c.Jaime Navarro
 Playground Axonometric
 © Jaime Navarro
c.Jaime Navarro

 © Jaime Navarro
c.Jaime Navarro
Although they have been designed according to specific natural and social conditions, both projects feature common elements, thus ensuring harmony among the built and natural environments that can be repeated or integrated into a system that is potentially applicable to any other context.
Although they have been designed according to specific natural and social conditions, both projects feature common elements, thus ensuring harmony among the built and natural environments that can be repeated or integrated into a system that is potentially applicable to any other context.
 © Jaime Navarro
c.Jaime Navarro
One is the floor cement block, which can be easily adapted to any layout, be it natural or artificial. The creative combination of the blocks and in-situ poured concrete filling, generate new patterns like an urban tapestry. The second is the playground system: the various concrete walls and metal bars can be arranged in multiple configurations, thereby constituting different spaces that are suitable for all uses and users.
One is the floor cement block, which can be easily adapted to any layout, be it natural or artificial. The creative combination of the blocks and in-situ poured concrete filling, generate new patterns like an urban tapestry. The second is the playground system: the various concrete walls and metal bars can be arranged in multiple configurations, thereby constituting different spaces that are suitable for all uses and users.
 Playground Plan
More than just oases to help citizens reconnect with nature, the parks are tools for engagement and environmentalism. Through the transformation of suburban areas into green recreational spaces embedded in the city fabric, Parque Héroes are fast becoming a beloved urban spot for residents.
More than just oases to help citizens reconnect with nature, the parks are tools for engagement and environmentalism. Through the transformation of suburban areas into green recreational spaces embedded in the city fabric, Parque Héroes are fast becoming a beloved urban spot for residents.
 © Jaime Navarro
c.Jaime Navarro
Architect Francisco Pardo Arquitecto
Location Adolfo Villa González 253, Delegación Santa María Totoltepec, 50200 Toluca de Lerdo, Méx., Mexico
Design Team Francisco Pardo, Daniel Vázquez, Ivan Saucedo, Julián Ramírez, Karen Burkart, Sofía Alami, Wilfrido Estrada
Area 12200.0 m2
Project Year 2018
Photographs Jaime Navarro
Category Park





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