AD Classics World Trade Center Minoru Yamasaki Associates + Emery Roth - Sons

2018-09-11 10:30
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The World Trade Center was intended to promote international trade and catalyze economic prosperity in the New York and New Jersey metropolitan region. As Minoru Yamasaki explained, the facility was envisioned as a physical expression of world peace and as a place for communication, information, proximity, and face-to-face convenience for a variety of business and financial stakeholders.
The World Trade Center was intended to promote international trade and catalyze economic prosperity in the New York and New Jersey metropolitan region. As Minoru Yamasaki explained, the facility was envisioned as a physical expression of world peace and as a place for communication, information, proximity, and face-to-face convenience for a variety of business and financial stakeholders.
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1962年,纽约港务局给山崎发了一封信,询问他是否有兴趣继续这个估计价值2.8亿美元的项目。建筑师认为,他们一定是意外地增加了一个额外的零,因为他认为,这是不可能的,他当时55人的办公室管理一个如此庞大的项目。尽管如此,他还是被选为世界贸易中心的40名建筑师。到项目开始时,Yamasaki Associates将与副建筑师Emery Roth合作
In 1962 the New York Port Authority sent a letter to Yamasaki asking if he would be interested in pursuing the estimated $280,000,000 project. The architect assumed they must have accidentally added an extra zero, as he felt it would be impossible for his then 55-person office to manage a project of such magnitude. Nevertheless, he was selected over the 40 architects considered to design the World Trade Center. By the commencement of the project, Yamasaki Associates, who would work with associate architect Emery Roth & Sons, had a staff of 80; the WTC would dominate the office until its completion.
In 1962 the New York Port Authority sent a letter to Yamasaki asking if he would be interested in pursuing the estimated $280,000,000 project. The architect assumed they must have accidentally added an extra zero, as he felt it would be impossible for his then 55-person office to manage a project of such magnitude. Nevertheless, he was selected over the 40 architects considered to design the World Trade Center. By the commencement of the project, Yamasaki Associates, who would work with associate architect Emery Roth & Sons, had a staff of 80; the WTC would dominate the office until its completion.
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拟议中的世界贸易委员会将对曼哈顿下城的城市结构产生重大影响,引起重大争议。最初的17英亩土地是由14个小的和不规则的街区组成的,住房主要是小型零售租户,被狭窄的街道分割开来。山崎,谁认为它是幸运的,没有建筑物值得拯救,认为这是一个伟大的机会,拆除该遗址,并创造了一个大的超级块。这位建筑师希望这一改造-通过简化车辆交通和改善行人循环-将在一个原本拥挤的地区创造出一片绿洲般的公共空间。除了这个机会之外,还有三条纽约地铁线路在工地下面汇合。为了弥补取消道路的影响,周围的三条街道的宽度增加了三倍,并提供了更宽的人行道。考虑到极端的建筑面积需要1200万平方英尺,因此,包括摩天大楼是绝对必要的,一个大的、开放的广场将减轻这类高层建筑的紧张。该项目还包括街区周边的其他几座较低的建筑,为广场遮挡交通。位于广场下的一个运输和购物广场提供了在世贸中心大楼、地铁站和连接华尔街的地下行人网络之间的隐蔽流通。该项目的这一总体规划阶段非常重要;Yamasaki Associates为这座超级大厦开发了100多个方案。
The proposed WTC would significantly impact the urban fabric of Lower Manhattan, causing significant controversy. The original 17-acre site was composed of 14 small and irregular blocks, housing primarily small retail tenants and divided by narrow streets. Yamasaki, who considered it fortunate that there were no buildings worth saving, saw this as a great opportunity to demolish the site and create one large superblock. The architect hoped the transformation—with its simplification of vehicular traffic and improve pedestrian circulation—would create an oasis of public space in an otherwise congested area. Adding to this opportunity was the fact that three New York subway lines converged beneath the site. To make up for the elimination of roads, three of the surrounding streets were tripled in width and broader sidewalks were provided. Given the extreme building area requirement of 12 million square feet, the inclusion of skyscrapers were absolutely necessary, and a large, open plaza would alleviate the tension of such tall structures. The project also includes several other lower buildings around the perimeter of the block, sheltering the plaza from traffic. A transportation and shopping concourse located under the plaza, provided sheltered circulation between the WTC buildings, the subway stations, and PATH, an underground pedestrian network that connected to Wall Street. This master planning phase of the project was critically important; Yamasaki Associates developed more than 100 schemes for the superblock.
The proposed WTC would significantly impact the urban fabric of Lower Manhattan, causing significant controversy. The original 17-acre site was composed of 14 small and irregular blocks, housing primarily small retail tenants and divided by narrow streets. Yamasaki, who considered it fortunate that there were no buildings worth saving, saw this as a great opportunity to demolish the site and create one large superblock. The architect hoped the transformation—with its simplification of vehicular traffic and improve pedestrian circulation—would create an oasis of public space in an otherwise congested area. Adding to this opportunity was the fact that three New York subway lines converged beneath the site. To make up for the elimination of roads, three of the surrounding streets were tripled in width and broader sidewalks were provided. Given the extreme building area requirement of 12 million square feet, the inclusion of skyscrapers were absolutely necessary, and a large, open plaza would alleviate the tension of such tall structures. The project also includes several other lower buildings around the perimeter of the block, sheltering the plaza from traffic. A transportation and shopping concourse located under the plaza, provided sheltered circulation between the WTC buildings, the subway stations, and PATH, an underground pedestrian network that connected to Wall Street. This master planning phase of the project was critically important; Yamasaki Associates developed more than 100 schemes for the superblock.
 via Wikipedia Commons
 via Wikipedia Commons
该项目的建设提出了巨大的挑战。挖掘500英尺乘1000英尺的区域是困难的,但更大的问题是脱水问题。考虑到哈德逊河离工地很近,地基很容易充满水。抽出水将非常昂贵,甚至可能危及附近建筑物的地基。利用工程师马丁·卡普(Martin Kapp)提出的一种名为“泥浆墙”的创新方法,基坑周边被防水覆盖。加固后的混凝土墙可以防止渗漏和潜在的坍塌。据预测,泥浆墙的解决方案节省了2000万美元以上的费用。
The construction of the project posed immense challenges.  Excavating an area of 500 feet by 1000 feet was difficult, but the bigger problem was the issue of dewatering. Given the close proximity of the Hudson River to the site, the foundation could easily fill with water.  Pumping out water would be extremely expensive and could even compromise the foundations of nearby buildings.  Utilizing an innovative method called a Slurry Wall, proposed by engineer Martin Kapp, the excavation perimeter was encased with water-proof, reincorced concrete walls that would prevent leakage and potential collapse.  It is predicted that the slurry wall solution saved costs upwards of $20,000,000.
The construction of the project posed immense challenges.  Excavating an area of 500 feet by 1000 feet was difficult, but the bigger problem was the issue of dewatering. Given the close proximity of the Hudson River to the site, the foundation could easily fill with water.  Pumping out water would be extremely expensive and could even compromise the foundations of nearby buildings.  Utilizing an innovative method called a Slurry Wall, proposed by engineer Martin Kapp, the excavation perimeter was encased with water-proof, reincorced concrete walls that would prevent leakage and potential collapse.  It is predicted that the slurry wall solution saved costs upwards of $20,000,000.
 © Flickr user Beija
c Flickr用户北亚
一个占地5英亩的广场环绕着双子塔,特色是一个铺好的花园、长椅环和直径130英尺的花盒。在场的还有艺术家弗里茨·科尼格(Fritz Koenig)、长谷正之(Masayuki Nagare)和詹姆斯·罗萨蒂(这两座110层的摩天大楼主要容纳开放式办公空间,但也包括一个可容纳2000辆汽车的地下停车场、一个高大的大厅和一个观景台。这两座高楼有一个简单的规划:208英尺乘208英尺的广场,角落略呈倒角,围绕着一个由47根钢柱组成的87英尺宽135英尺的核心。核心设施包括所有的建筑服务-包括电梯、楼梯、洗手间和机械轴。建筑流通的一个独特特点是使用空中大厅。将建筑物分成3层后,这些立交桥的楼层被大型特快电梯接入,使居住者有机会转到为某一特定楼层提供服务的较小的当地电梯。这一元素允许堆放电梯,从而减少所需电梯轴的数量。直接在空中大厅下面的地板被用于机械功能。地板,4英寸厚的混凝土在槽钢甲板上,由6英尺-8英寸的预制桁架网格支撑,承载着核心和外墙之间的负荷,释放了内部柱的办公空间。
A 5-acre plaza surrounded the Twin Towers and featured a paved garden, rings of benches, and a 130-foot diameter circle of flower boxes.  Also present were striking sculptures by artists Fritz Koenig, Masayuki Nagare, and James Rosati.  The two 110-story skyscrapers primarily housed open office space, but also included an underground parking lot for 2000 cars, a tall lobby, and an observation deck.  The towers shared a simple plan: a 208-foot by 208-foot square with slightly chamfered corners surrounded an 87-foot by 135-foot core that was comprised of 47 steel columns.  The core contained all of the building services—including elevators, stairs, washrooms, and mechanical shafts.  A unique feature of the building circulation was the use of sky lobbies.  Dividing the structure into thirds, these interchange floors were accessed by large express elevators, and provided the opportunity for occupants to switch to smaller local elevators that serviced a particular section of floors.  This element allowed for the stacking of elevators, thereby decreasing the number of required elevator shafts.  The floors directly beneath the sky lobbies were used for mechanical functions.  The floors, 4 inch thick concrete on a fluted steel deck and supported by a 6-foot-8-inch grid of prefabricated trusses, carried the load between the core and the exterior walls, freeing the office space of interior columns.
A 5-acre plaza surrounded the Twin Towers and featured a paved garden, rings of benches, and a 130-foot diameter circle of flower boxes.  Also present were striking sculptures by artists Fritz Koenig, Masayuki Nagare, and James Rosati.  The two 110-story skyscrapers primarily housed open office space, but also included an underground parking lot for 2000 cars, a tall lobby, and an observation deck.  The towers shared a simple plan: a 208-foot by 208-foot square with slightly chamfered corners surrounded an 87-foot by 135-foot core that was comprised of 47 steel columns.  The core contained all of the building services—including elevators, stairs, washrooms, and mechanical shafts.  A unique feature of the building circulation was the use of sky lobbies.  Dividing the structure into thirds, these interchange floors were accessed by large express elevators, and provided the opportunity for occupants to switch to smaller local elevators that serviced a particular section of floors.  This element allowed for the stacking of elevators, thereby decreasing the number of required elevator shafts.  The floors directly beneath the sky lobbies were used for mechanical functions.  The floors, 4 inch thick concrete on a fluted steel deck and supported by a 6-foot-8-inch grid of prefabricated trusses, carried the load between the core and the exterior walls, freeing the office space of interior columns.
 Schematic Section
Constructed as a tube structure, the exterior walls of the towers utilized vierendeel trusses.  Each facade contained 59 17-inch columns on a 40-inch grid.  As a result, the narrow 22-inch windows between accounted for only 30% of the envelope.  The use of narrow windows in tall structures was common in Yamasaki’s work as he had a moderate fear of heights; he felt it was necessary for the design to accommodate office workers that may experience a similar discomfort.  The exterior columns were extruded 12 inches beyond the glazing, shading much of the windows, and reducing energy consumption.  Towards the base of the buildings, each group of three columns merged into one, creating wider glazing for the lobby.  Unimpressed with the existing colors of aluminum, Yamasaki originally planned to use steel as the facade material.  The aluminum manufacturer Alcoa, however, encouraged the architect to switch to the cheaper material and produced a new silver aluminum alloy specifically for this project. 
Constructed as a tube structure, the exterior walls of the towers utilized vierendeel trusses.  Each facade contained 59 17-inch columns on a 40-inch grid.  As a result, the narrow 22-inch windows between accounted for only 30% of the envelope.  The use of narrow windows in tall structures was common in Yamasaki’s work as he had a moderate fear of heights; he felt it was necessary for the design to accommodate office workers that may experience a similar discomfort.  The exterior columns were extruded 12 inches beyond the glazing, shading much of the windows, and reducing energy consumption.  Towards the base of the buildings, each group of three columns merged into one, creating wider glazing for the lobby.  Unimpressed with the existing colors of aluminum, Yamasaki originally planned to use steel as the facade material.  The aluminum manufacturer Alcoa, however, encouraged the architect to switch to the cheaper material and produced a new silver aluminum alloy specifically for this project. 
 © Flickr user David Farquhar
c Flickr用户David Farquha
The World Trade Center opened on April 4, 1973, completed at a total cost of $900,000,000.  The Twin Towers were primarily criticized for their extreme scale. Yamasaki understood that massive projects are almost always criticized at first for altering an already-beautiful skyline, only to gradually become appreciated as it becomes more familiar.  Addressing the anti-urban bias, Yamasaki explained that with the extreme population density and land value of Manhattan, building vertically is not only necessary, but also provides the opportunity to free-up much needed public space.  He notes that it is the responsibility of an architect to make the most of the urban condition by considering the human scale in design decisions. 
The World Trade Center opened on April 4, 1973, completed at a total cost of $900,000,000.  The Twin Towers were primarily criticized for their extreme scale. Yamasaki understood that massive projects are almost always criticized at first for altering an already-beautiful skyline, only to gradually become appreciated as it becomes more familiar.  Addressing the anti-urban bias, Yamasaki explained that with the extreme population density and land value of Manhattan, building vertically is not only necessary, but also provides the opportunity to free-up much needed public space.  He notes that it is the responsibility of an architect to make the most of the urban condition by considering the human scale in design decisions. 
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The Twin Towers were ultimately destroyed as the primary target of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The former site of the World Trade Center, known as Ground Zero, was subsequently demolished and is now the focus of ambitious and high-profile redevelopment. Designed by a group of leading architects that includes Daniel Libeskind, Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, Fumihiko Maki, and Santiago Calatrava, the new site will feature 7 new skyscrapers and a transportation hub. A memorial created within the footprints of the two original skyscrapers opened exactly one decade after the attacks.
The Twin Towers were ultimately destroyed as the primary target of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The former site of the World Trade Center, known as Ground Zero, was subsequently demolished and is now the focus of ambitious and high-profile redevelopment. Designed by a group of leading architects that includes Daniel Libeskind, Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, Fumihiko Maki, and Santiago Calatrava, the new site will feature 7 new skyscrapers and a transportation hub. A memorial created within the footprints of the two original skyscrapers opened exactly one decade after the attacks.
 Typical Floor Plan

The World Trade Center is perhaps the best-known work of Minoru Yamasaki, a Modernist recognized for his contributions to the New Formalism. It was not his only ill-fated project; his Pruitt-Igoe housing project in St. Louis, Missouri, was demolished in 1972 following its degeneration, and his Military Personnel Records Building, also located in St. Louis, was badly damaged by a fire in 1973.
The World Trade Center is perhaps the best-known work of Minoru Yamasaki, a Modernist recognized for his contributions to the New Formalism. It was not his only ill-fated project; his Pruitt-Igoe housing project in St. Louis, Missouri, was demolished in 1972 following its degeneration, and his Military Personnel Records Building, also located in St. Louis, was badly damaged by a fire in 1973.
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As prominent American skyscrapers and an important symbol for international trade and peace, the World Trade Center towers once dominated the Manhattan skyline. For nearly three decades, the WTC stood as a New York City landmark and significant urban destination of Lower Manhattan. New projects are rising from Ground Zero, aiming to present a progressive vision while honoring the memory of the site.
As prominent American skyscrapers and an important symbol for international trade and peace, the World Trade Center towers once dominated the Manhattan skyline. For nearly three decades, the WTC stood as a New York City landmark and significant urban destination of Lower Manhattan. New projects are rising from Ground Zero, aiming to present a progressive vision while honoring the memory of the site.
Source: Yamasaki, M. A Life in Architecture (New York: Weatherhill, 1979).
Source: Yamasaki, M. A Life in Architecture (New York: Weatherhill, 1979).
 via Wikipedia Commons
Architects Emery Roth & Sons, Minoru Yamasaki Associates Location World Trade Center, New York, NY, USA Architect in Charge Minoru Yamasaki Worthington, Skilling, Helle & Jackson Structural Engineering Joseph R Loring & Associates Electrical Engineering Jaros, Baum & Bolles Mechanical Engineering Tishman Realty & Construction Company General Contractor Area 12000000.0 ft2 Project Year 1976 Photographs Flickr user Beija, Flickr user David Farquhar, Robert Paul Van Beets/Shutterstock, Flickr user Marc Ehrich, Flickr user Tom Harpel, Flickr user David Ohmer, Flickr user Wally Gobetz Category Office Buildings
Architects Emery Roth & Sons, Minoru Yamasaki Associates Location World Trade Center, New York, NY, USA Architect in Charge Minoru Yamasaki Worthington, Skilling, Helle & Jackson Structural Engineering Joseph R Loring & Associates Electrical Engineering Jaros, Baum & Bolles Mechanical Engineering Tishman Realty & Construction Company General Contractor Area 12000000.0 ft2 Project Year 1976 Photographs Flickr user Beija, Flickr user David Farquhar, Robert Paul Van Beets/Shutterstock, Flickr user Marc Ehrich, Flickr user Tom Harpel, Flickr user David Ohmer, Flickr user Wally Gobetz Category Office Buildings





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