Horbelev Kulturgård WERK

2018-09-27 05:00
Text description provided by the architects. In the village of Horbelev on the island of Falster, Denmark, there was a disused school that had been appropriated by the local community and was buzzing with sporting clubs and cultural associations. Young and old made the best of the former school, the only problem; there was no large common space that could create a center for the multitude of activities and be an identifying element for the local area. In response, WERK transformed the collection of old school buildings into a Culture House; a circular extension binds the former school buildings together in one open, accessible and common center.
Text description provided by the architects. In the village of Horbelev on the island of Falster, Denmark, there was a disused school that had been appropriated by the local community and was buzzing with sporting clubs and cultural associations. Young and old made the best of the former school, the only problem; there was no large common space that could create a center for the multitude of activities and be an identifying element for the local area. In response, WERK transformed the collection of old school buildings into a Culture House; a circular extension binds the former school buildings together in one open, accessible and common center.
其愿景是将重点放在文化生活上,并加强不同类型用户之间的社会互动,以此作为加强社区社会互动的一种方式。在新的公共空间里,当人们走过不同的活动和不同的人群时,他们可以看到彼此穿过庭院,相遇并受到启发。Horbelev Kulturg rd(文化之家)是一座开放和灵活的建筑,在设计上容纳了各种文化功能和活动,并允许它们在灵感的重叠中流动。
The vision was to focus on cultural life and to enhance social interactions between different types of users as a way of strengthening the social interaction in the community. In the new common space people can see one another across the courtyard and meet and be inspired as they walk past different activities and different groups of people. Horbelev Kulturgård (culture house) is an open and flexible building that, in its design, accommodates a variety of cultural functions and activities and allows them to flow together in inspirational overlap.
The vision was to focus on cultural life and to enhance social interactions between different types of users as a way of strengthening the social interaction in the community. In the new common space people can see one another across the courtyard and meet and be inspired as they walk past different activities and different groups of people. Horbelev Kulturgård (culture house) is an open and flexible building that, in its design, accommodates a variety of cultural functions and activities and allows them to flow together in inspirational overlap.
 © Santiago de la Vega
有了天空的天花板,Kulturg rden在建筑物的中心,是为日常,但也作为空间,可以容纳一个聚会。建筑物之间的新连接使社区能够从日常生活中仅仅通过相互传递而产生的偶然重叠中受益,或者它们可以更有组织的方式将人们以更有组织的方式聚集在一起。现有建筑物的历史立面已向新的延伸部分开放,以实现功能之间的协调一致和最大程度的可见度。建筑中心的开放而灵活的庭院,在物理上和形而上学上都把天空当作天花板。
With ceiling of sky, the Kulturgården at the heart of the building, is intended for the everyday, but also as space that can accommodate a party. The new connectivity between buildings allows the community to benefit from casual overlapping that is created merely by passing one another in everyday life, or they can have themed and bigger events bring people together in a more organised way. The historic facades of the existing buildings have been opened up to the new extension to achieve a coherent whole and maximum visibility between functions. The open and flexible courtyard in the center of the building has the sky as a ceiling, physically and metaphysically.
With ceiling of sky, the Kulturgården at the heart of the building, is intended for the everyday, but also as space that can accommodate a party. The new connectivity between buildings allows the community to benefit from casual overlapping that is created merely by passing one another in everyday life, or they can have themed and bigger events bring people together in a more organised way. The historic facades of the existing buildings have been opened up to the new extension to achieve a coherent whole and maximum visibility between functions. The open and flexible courtyard in the center of the building has the sky as a ceiling, physically and metaphysically.
The culture house is as space designed for everyone, a space where you can listen to band practice with the teenage rock band, join a round of bingo, try a new sport or play games with the children from after school care. This bringing together allows Kulturgårdens various functions flow and overlap – inspiring for everyone.
The culture house is as space designed for everyone, a space where you can listen to band practice with the teenage rock band, join a round of bingo, try a new sport or play games with the children from after school care. This bringing together allows Kulturgårdens various functions flow and overlap – inspiring for everyone.
 © Santiago de la Vega
现有的和新建的Kulturg rden厨房和新咖啡馆之间的协同作用是最核心的职能。它被安置在前一所学校和新大楼之间的过渡中,并在大楼里的不同类型的运动之间建立了一种联系-坐在咖啡馆里,而人们在前往其他地方的路上,也许会停下来聊天。
Synergy between existing and new Kulturgårdens kitchen and new café is the most central function. It is placed in the transition between the former school and the new building and creates a link between the different kinds of movement in the building- sitting in the café while people flow past on their way to somewhere else, perhaps pausing for a quick chat.
Synergy between existing and new Kulturgårdens kitchen and new café is the most central function. It is placed in the transition between the former school and the new building and creates a link between the different kinds of movement in the building- sitting in the café while people flow past on their way to somewhere else, perhaps pausing for a quick chat.
一个诱人和诚实的干预,柔软的建筑提供了最大的能见度和透明度,同时创造了对比现有的建筑物。它讲述了一个关于这个地方的历史和文化进程的故事。Kulturg rden几乎是一个文化离心机,邀请不同的用户相互交流和学习。可见的木结构提供了一个诱人,亲密和诚实的表达方式,参考周围的森林。
An inviting and honest intervention, the softness of the building provides maximum visibility and transparency, while creating contrast to the existing buildings. It tells a story about the history of the place and cultural process. Kulturgården works almost as a cultural centrifuge, inviting the variety of users to mix and learn from one another. The visible wooden structure provides an inviting, intimate and honest expression with references to the surrounding forests
An inviting and honest intervention, the softness of the building provides maximum visibility and transparency, while creating contrast to the existing buildings. It tells a story about the history of the place and cultural process. Kulturgården works almost as a cultural centrifuge, inviting the variety of users to mix and learn from one another. The visible wooden structure provides an inviting, intimate and honest expression with references to the surrounding forests





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