Roy Lichtenstein Temporary Museum Diogo Aguiar Studio + João Jesus Arquitectos
2018-10-06 09:00
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
架构师提供的文本描述。作为一项旨在使艺术更贴近人们的倡议的一部分,Diogo Aguiar Studio和若昂·耶稣·阿奎科托斯已经在里斯本的一个商业空间内建立了一个临时博物馆,接受美国艺术家罗伊·利希滕斯坦(1923-1997年)的作品。
Text description provided by the architects. As part of an initiative that seeks to bring art closer to people, Diogo Aguiar Studio and João Jesus Arquitectos have come up with a Temporary Museum to receive works by American artist Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) within a commercial space in Lisbon.
Text description provided by the architects. As part of an initiative that seeks to bring art closer to people, Diogo Aguiar Studio and João Jesus Arquitectos have come up with a Temporary Museum to receive works by American artist Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) within a commercial space in Lisbon.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
Taking advantage of the opportunity to create a less conventional exhibition space, away from the logic of the white and abstract cube, the architects sought to explore a greater relationship between container and content, believing that it could contribute to greater public involvement and a better understanding of the exposed works.
Taking advantage of the opportunity to create a less conventional exhibition space, away from the logic of the white and abstract cube, the architects sought to explore a greater relationship between container and content, believing that it could contribute to greater public involvement and a better understanding of the exposed works.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
Three planes define the exhibition space, which is accessible from three points, in a fluid continuity. The artworks are exposed in curved walls of corrugated and perforated black metal sheet, which assume as transparent as a longer distance, but that can define space and reveal some opacity at a shorter proximity.
Three planes define the exhibition space, which is accessible from three points, in a fluid continuity. The artworks are exposed in curved walls of corrugated and perforated black metal sheet, which assume as transparent as a longer distance, but that can define space and reveal some opacity at a shorter proximity.
If, on the one hand, the perforation on the metal sheet refers to the artist's image (and even some of his creations within sculpture), on the other hand, it’s dark tonality places the artistic works in greater evidence, by the strong chromatic contrast. Taking as a reference the colors used by the artist in his artworks, the linoleum floor, and the articulated luminaires assume the lemon-yellow color, contributing to give a Pop aesthetic to the temporary exhibition space.
If, on the one hand, the perforation on the metal sheet refers to the artist's image (and even some of his creations within sculpture), on the other hand, it’s dark tonality places the artistic works in greater evidence, by the strong chromatic contrast. Taking as a reference the colors used by the artist in his artworks, the linoleum floor, and the articulated luminaires assume the lemon-yellow color, contributing to give a Pop aesthetic to the temporary exhibition space.
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
Architects Diogo Aguiar Studio, João Jesus Arquitectos
Location Av. Lusíada, 1500-392 Lisbon, Portugal
Photographs Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
Category Temporal Installations