Park Grove OMA Shohei Shigematsu
2018-10-10 10:55
架构师提供的文本描述。由ShoheiShigiatsu设计的公园林中三座塔中有两座正式开放,OMA纽约的三个北美住宅项目即将完工。121 E 22街在纽约市和横湾第8座在旧金山将在明年跟随。
Text description provided by the architects. Two of three towers of Park Grove designed by Shohei Shigematsu officially open, as OMA New York’s three residential projects across North America are nearing completion. 121 E 22nd Street in New York City and Transbay Block 8 in San Francisco to follow in the next year.
Text description provided by the architects. Two of three towers of Park Grove designed by Shohei Shigematsu officially open, as OMA New York’s three residential projects across North America are nearing completion. 121 E 22nd Street in New York City and Transbay Block 8 in San Francisco to follow in the next year.
相关集团和Terra集团已经推出了Park Grove的第一期项目,这是一项由OMA纽约公司的主管Shohei Shigiatsu合作设计的多塔楼住宅开发项目。名为俱乐部住宅和两个公园格罗夫,前两座塔现在移动-准备就绪。
The Related Group and Terra Group have unveiled the first phase of Park Grove, the multi-tower residential development designed by Partner-in-Charge Shohei Shigematsu of OMA New York. Named the Club Residences and Two Park Grove, the first two towers are now move-in ready.
The Related Group and Terra Group have unveiled the first phase of Park Grove, the multi-tower residential development designed by Partner-in-Charge Shohei Shigematsu of OMA New York. Named the Club Residences and Two Park Grove, the first two towers are now move-in ready.
OMA第一次赢得设计竞赛是在2013年,该项目将Coconut Grove的社区规模与比斯坎湾(Biscayne Bay)联系起来,并尊重该社区的自然美景。在海湾的启发下,ShoheiShigiatsu和OMA将双子塔设想为屏障岛,每个岛屿都是独一无二的独立而又保持着相互联系的亲密关系。由此产生的有机形态与它的邻居形成了鲜明的对比。连接这三座塔楼的地台为居民提供了一片郁郁葱葱的景观,也是对周围自然环境的延伸。一系列通道在这片5英亩的土地上穿行,提供到比斯坎湾的连接和景观。
OMA first won the design competition in 2013 with a scheme that would connect Coconut Grove’s community scale to the Biscayne Bay and honor the neighborhood’s natural beauty. Inspired by the Bay, Shohei Shigematsu and OMA envisioned the towers as barrier islands, each uniquely independent yet maintaining a linked intimacy. The resulting organic forms contrast from its boxier neighbors. A plinth connecting the three towers provides a lush, landscape of amenities for residents and act as an extension to the surrounding natural environment. A series of passages weave in and out throughout the 5-acre site and provide connections and views to the Biscayne Bay.
OMA first won the design competition in 2013 with a scheme that would connect Coconut Grove’s community scale to the Biscayne Bay and honor the neighborhood’s natural beauty. Inspired by the Bay, Shohei Shigematsu and OMA envisioned the towers as barrier islands, each uniquely independent yet maintaining a linked intimacy. The resulting organic forms contrast from its boxier neighbors. A plinth connecting the three towers provides a lush, landscape of amenities for residents and act as an extension to the surrounding natural environment. A series of passages weave in and out throughout the 5-acre site and provide connections and views to the Biscayne Bay.
最后一座塔位于椰子树林银行(Coconut Grove Bank)的旧址,需要分阶段建造,以适应从世行最初的大楼到其位于桥墩的新家的无缝搬迁。该塔目前正在建设中,将于2019年春季完工。这三处住宅加在一起,将增加椰子树林独特的社区,为大都会市中心提供一种替代方案。
The final tower lies on the former site of the Coconut Grove Bank, which required a phased construction to accommodate a seamless move from the Bank’s original building to its new home in the plinth. The tower is currently under construction and will reach completion in Spring 2019. Together, the three residences will add to the distinct community of Coconut Grove that offers an alternative to the Metropolitan downtown.
The final tower lies on the former site of the Coconut Grove Bank, which required a phased construction to accommodate a seamless move from the Bank’s original building to its new home in the plinth. The tower is currently under construction and will reach completion in Spring 2019. Together, the three residences will add to the distinct community of Coconut Grove that offers an alternative to the Metropolitan downtown.
公园格罗夫一期工程的启用标志着明年一系列住宅塔竣工工程的开始。OMA参与了一些住宅塔项目的设计,包括纽约121号E 22街(2019年)、旧金山Transbay Bock 8号(2019年)和斯德哥尔摩Nora Tornen(2018年)。所有四个项目都将在2019年前完成。
The opening of the first phase of Park Grove marks the beginning of a series of residential tower completions to follow in the next year. OMA has been engaged in the design of a number of residential tower projects, including 121 E 22nd Street in New York (2019), Transbay Bock 8 in San Francisco (2019) and Nora Tornen in Stockholm (2018). All four projects will be completed by 2019.
The opening of the first phase of Park Grove marks the beginning of a series of residential tower completions to follow in the next year. OMA has been engaged in the design of a number of residential tower projects, including 121 E 22nd Street in New York (2019), Transbay Bock 8 in San Francisco (2019) and Nora Tornen in Stockholm (2018). All four projects will be completed by 2019.
Location Miami, FL 33133, United States
Partner in Charge Shohei Shigematsu
Design TeamProject Manager Scott Abrahams