Dr. George W. Davis Senior Residence and Senior Center David Baker Architects

2018-10-12 11:00
 © Bruce Damonte
Text description provided by the architects. This dynamic new senior community center and on-site supportive senior homes are the realization of a long-time dream of activists and advocates working to create a gracious space for local elders to age in place in health, dignity, and company. The center is the heart of a developing Aging Campus in the Bayview neighborhood and the point of entry for a wide range of targeted senior services.
Text description provided by the architects. This dynamic new senior community center and on-site supportive senior homes are the realization of a long-time dream of activists and advocates working to create a gracious space for local elders to age in place in health, dignity, and company. The center is the heart of a developing Aging Campus in the Bayview neighborhood and the point of entry for a wide range of targeted senior services.
 © Bruce Damonte
这座充满活力的建筑实现了已故的乔治·W·戴维斯(George W.Davis)博士-一位社区活动家、Bayview高级服务公司的负责人-所追求的几十年梦想,即建造住房和社区中心,以支持老年人在服务不足的社区安享晚年。戴维斯博士去世后,支持性的、永久负担得起的房屋和社区中心围绕着四重奏的新建筑,激活了一处废弃的场地,并在迅速发展的第三街走廊(Third Street Corridor)沿线建立了一个多样化的社区。
This vibrant building is the realization of a multi-decade dream pursued by the late Dr. George W. Davis—a community activist and head of Bayview Senior Services—to build housing and a community hub that would support seniors to age in place in an underserved neighborhood. Dedicated posthumously to Dr. Davis, the supportive, permanently affordable homes and community center round out a quartet of new buildings activating a disused site and establishing a diverse neighborhood along the rapidly developing Third Street Corridor.
This vibrant building is the realization of a multi-decade dream pursued by the late Dr. George W. Davis—a community activist and head of Bayview Senior Services—to build housing and a community hub that would support seniors to age in place in an underserved neighborhood. Dedicated posthumously to Dr. Davis, the supportive, permanently affordable homes and community center round out a quartet of new buildings activating a disused site and establishing a diverse neighborhood along the rapidly developing Third Street Corridor.
该大楼收到了超过4 000份申请,建造了120套新住宅,突出表明该地区急需负担得起的高级住房。其中23所为以前长期无家可归的老年人保留了住房,两个单元为离开监狱的老年人提供支持性的过渡性住房。
The building received more than 4,000 applications for the 120 new homes, highlighting the critical need for affordable senior housing in the area. Twenty-three of the homes are reserved for formerly chronically homeless seniors, and two units offer supportive transitional housing for seniors leaving incarceration.
The building received more than 4,000 applications for the 120 new homes, highlighting the critical need for affordable senior housing in the area. Twenty-three of the homes are reserved for formerly chronically homeless seniors, and two units offer supportive transitional housing for seniors leaving incarceration.
 © Bruce Damonte
The ground floor of the east wing is devoted to residential service and shared spaces. Residents enjoy a private common room with a fireplace and an event kitchen, fitness center, and upcoming beauty salon. A dedicated staff provides a wide range of on-site social services and case management. Each residential floor features informal lounges and a laundry room, and shared decks at the second and fourth levels overlook the sunny courtyard.
The ground floor of the east wing is devoted to residential service and shared spaces. Residents enjoy a private common room with a fireplace and an event kitchen, fitness center, and upcoming beauty salon. A dedicated staff provides a wide range of on-site social services and case management. Each residential floor features informal lounges and a laundry room, and shared decks at the second and fourth levels overlook the sunny courtyard.
 © Bruce Damonte
 © Bruce Damonte
这个14,000-SF社区服务的高级中心是Bayview Hunters Point社区中老年人相互联系和获取关键服务的去处,从翻译到资金管理到医疗咨询。在这栋大楼西翼的底层,熙熙攘攘的新中心是一个社交中心和聚会场所-一个真正的社区中心,老年人可以在这里放松,赶上朋友和邻居,玩游泳池和多米诺骨牌,喝咖啡。商业厨房每天提供500多个午餐。教室里有烹饪示范、运动和健康课程、艺术和手工艺以及其他有活力的活动。游戏之夜,泳池锦标赛,每月的生日庆祝,和一个流行的晚间爵士系列保持活力,整个星期。
The 14,000-sf neighborhood-serving Senior Center is the go-to place for seniors in the Bayview Hunters Point community to connect with each other and to access critical services ranging from translation to money management to medical advice. Occupying the ground floor of the west wing of the building, the bustling new Center serves as a social hub and meeting place—a true community center where seniors can relax, catch up with friends and neighbors, play pool and dominoes, and drink coffee. The commercial kitchen serves more than 500 lunches daily. Classrooms are programmed with cooking demonstrations, exercise and wellness classes, arts and crafts, and other invigorating activities. Game nights, pool tournaments, monthly birthday celebrations, and a popular evening jazz series keep the energy up throughout the week.
The 14,000-sf neighborhood-serving Senior Center is the go-to place for seniors in the Bayview Hunters Point community to connect with each other and to access critical services ranging from translation to money management to medical advice. Occupying the ground floor of the west wing of the building, the bustling new Center serves as a social hub and meeting place—a true community center where seniors can relax, catch up with friends and neighbors, play pool and dominoes, and drink coffee. The commercial kitchen serves more than 500 lunches daily. Classrooms are programmed with cooking demonstrations, exercise and wellness classes, arts and crafts, and other invigorating activities. Game nights, pool tournaments, monthly birthday celebrations, and a popular evening jazz series keep the energy up throughout the week.
 Second floor plan
Based on the desires and sense of identity of the local community, the building incorporates a wide range of African-inspired design elements. The curved natural organic form of the central tower, as well as the earth-tone palette and textured façades, draw inspiration from traditional village structures. African textiles informed the bright accent colors and patterns as well as the color blocking on the elevations. The landscape paving and plantings reflect African fractal patterns, and the interiors feature a donated African sculpture collection.
Based on the desires and sense of identity of the local community, the building incorporates a wide range of African-inspired design elements. The curved natural organic form of the central tower, as well as the earth-tone palette and textured façades, draw inspiration from traditional village structures. African textiles informed the bright accent colors and patterns as well as the color blocking on the elevations. The landscape paving and plantings reflect African fractal patterns, and the interiors feature a donated African sculpture collection.
 © Bruce Damonte
Designed with principles of social resilience and environmental stewardship, the project employed a wide range of complementary strategies to achieve LEED for Homes Platinum certification.
Designed with principles of social resilience and environmental stewardship, the project employed a wide range of complementary strategies to achieve LEED for Homes Platinum certification.
 © Bruce Damonte
Architects David Baker Architects
Location San Francisco, California, United States
Interior Architecture Gelfand Partners Architects
Project Year 2016
Photographs Bruce Damonte
Category Residential
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