Waterview Connection Warren and Mahoney

2018-10-20 19:00
Text description provided by the architects. Dubbed a project of “national significance” by our government, the New Zealand Transport Agency’s Waterview Connection was conceptualised to improve Auckland’s transport network.
Text description provided by the architects. Dubbed a project of “national significance” by our government, the New Zealand Transport Agency’s Waterview Connection was conceptualised to improve Auckland’s transport network.
 © Sam Hartnett
Opening up the Western Ring and airport routes with two, 2.5-kilometre parallel tunnels, it provides a safer, less-congested and more time-efficient alternative to complex drives around suburbia. Passing through some of Auckland’s most densely-populated neighbourhoods, there was no doubt that the Connection was needed – but as the largest infrastructure project undertaken in the country to date, local views and ancestral Māori ties to land were of paramount concern.
Opening up the Western Ring and airport routes with two, 2.5-kilometre parallel tunnels, it provides a safer, less-congested and more time-efficient alternative to complex drives around suburbia. Passing through some of Auckland’s most densely-populated neighbourhoods, there was no doubt that the Connection was needed – but as the largest infrastructure project undertaken in the country to date, local views and ancestral Māori ties to land were of paramount concern.
 © Sam Hartnett
为期六年的设计过程涉及1万多人,是在与项目设计师汤姆·洛克(Tom Locke)所说的“真正的专家”-当地社区-进行磋商后开始的。每两周一次的设计会议都会与社区代表讨论计划,以发现地质联系、文化联系和共同历史。高速公路和公共领域被社区视为截然不同的身份。随着设计的发展,以反映每个环境的重点。当地一家杂志将该项目描述为“如何咨询和进行的典范”,该项目非常规地试图把人,而不是汽车放在项目的核心。
The six-year process, which involved more than 10,000 people, began after consulting what project architect Tom Locke calls “the true experts” – the local community.  Fortnightly design sessions discussed plans with community representatives to discover geological ties, cultural connections and shared histories.  The motorway and public realm were seen as distinctly separate identities by the community, with the design developed to reflect each environment’s focus. Described by a local magazine as “a model of how to consult and carry on”, the project unconventionally sought to put people, not cars, at the project’s heart.
The six-year process, which involved more than 10,000 people, began after consulting what project architect Tom Locke calls “the true experts” – the local community.  Fortnightly design sessions discussed plans with community representatives to discover geological ties, cultural connections and shared histories.  The motorway and public realm were seen as distinctly separate identities by the community, with the design developed to reflect each environment’s focus. Described by a local magazine as “a model of how to consult and carry on”, the project unconventionally sought to put people, not cars, at the project’s heart.
 © Sam Hartnett
水景连接的目的在于维护当地的联系。在新高速公路上,特怀特加(Te Whitinga)人行桥将罗斯基尔山和阿尔伯特山的社区连接起来。这座步行桥是指湿地地区周围火山的弧形,湿地上绿油油的公共空间、水道和土生鸟类的栖息地。在黑色的火山玄武岩腿上完成,桥的形式增加了水景的标志性,火山景观在三个横扫曲线。
The Waterview Connection sought to do what its name implied – to preserve local connections.  Bridging the communities of Mount Roskill and Mount Albert over the new highway, the Te Whitinga pedestrian bridge referenced the arcs of surrounding volcanoes over a wetland area lush with green public spaces, waterways and a habitat for native birds. Finishing on dark volcanic basalt legs, the bridge’s form added to Waterview’s iconic, volcanic landscape in three sweeping curves.
The Waterview Connection sought to do what its name implied – to preserve local connections.  Bridging the communities of Mount Roskill and Mount Albert over the new highway, the Te Whitinga pedestrian bridge referenced the arcs of surrounding volcanoes over a wetland area lush with green public spaces, waterways and a habitat for native birds. Finishing on dark volcanic basalt legs, the bridge’s form added to Waterview’s iconic, volcanic landscape in three sweeping curves.
 Waterview Connection
这条隧道提供了另一个连接地方的机会-48座活火山和休眠火山的发源地。这条隧道的标题是一个闪耀着金光的入口,它将奥克兰的历史作为一个火山喷发点,通过斑纹玄武岩墙,模拟穿越曾经汹涌澎湃的熔岩的经历。形成来反映早期的MāOri园艺工具,建立了我们的第一个网络,在隧道入口处的黑石盆也代表了一个头部,象征着MāOri的力量和对旅行的指导。在南方入口处,与MāOri部落NgāTiWHāTuaŌrāKei和Te Kawerau a Maki合作创作了两幅描绘Hinemairangi和Tamareia的具体艺术品,这两位民间传说中的英雄逃入熔岩管以避免被捕。
The tunnel offered another opportunity to link to place - the birthplace of 48 active and dormant volcanoes. Headlined by a portal glowing with diffused golden light, the tunnel referenced Auckland’s history as a volcanic eruption site through striated basalt walling, simulating the experience of moving through its once-surging lava. Formed to mirror the early Māori horticultural tools that built our first networks, the obsidian Pou at the tunnel’s entrance also represented a head, the Māori symbol of strength and guidance for travel. At the Southern Entrance, collaborations with Māori tribes Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and Te Kawerau a Maki created two concrete artworks depicting Hinemairangi and Tamareia, two folklore heroes who escaped into a lava tube to avoid capture.
The tunnel offered another opportunity to link to place - the birthplace of 48 active and dormant volcanoes. Headlined by a portal glowing with diffused golden light, the tunnel referenced Auckland’s history as a volcanic eruption site through striated basalt walling, simulating the experience of moving through its once-surging lava. Formed to mirror the early Māori horticultural tools that built our first networks, the obsidian Pou at the tunnel’s entrance also represented a head, the Māori symbol of strength and guidance for travel. At the Southern Entrance, collaborations with Māori tribes Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and Te Kawerau a Maki created two concrete artworks depicting Hinemairangi and Tamareia, two folklore heroes who escaped into a lava tube to avoid capture.
 © Sam Hartnett
The project’s strongest supporters and harshest critics, the Waterview community challenged our team to reverse Auckland’s infrastructure model, to deliver to Aucklanders without taking away. Local councillor Margi Watson summed up the community engagement process thus:
The project’s strongest supporters and harshest critics, the Waterview community challenged our team to reverse Auckland’s infrastructure model, to deliver to Aucklanders without taking away. Local councillor Margi Watson summed up the community engagement process thus:
 “It ensured that there were opportunities to challenge design, look for better outcomes, seek community input and deliver a construction project that is both complex and built with respect to the surrounding environment and community.”
 “It ensured that there were opportunities to challenge design, look for better outcomes, seek community input and deliver a construction project that is both complex and built with respect to the surrounding environment and community.”
 © Sam Hartnett
Waterview Connection was originally an urban infrastructure project with transport-related goals. Through community engagement, research and consultation with Māori, we have seized the opportunity to discover, preserve and enhance our communities and environment at the same time.
Waterview Connection was originally an urban infrastructure project with transport-related goals. Through community engagement, research and consultation with Māori, we have seized the opportunity to discover, preserve and enhance our communities and environment at the same time.
 © Sam Hartnett





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