Black Volcano Urban Mesh Design

2018-10-20 09:00
 © Charles Hosea
c.Charles Hosea
Text description provided by the architects. An abandoned plot in Shoreditch, East London has been transformed into a 220sqm new build family home by architects Urban Mesh Design ltd. Designed by and for practice director, Oliver Lazarus, and his family, Volcano House is complete with four bedrooms, ground floor studio, a series of home offices and garden terraces and a stunning facade of bespoke ‘Black Volcano’ brickwork.
Text description provided by the architects. An abandoned plot in Shoreditch, East London has been transformed into a 220sqm new build family home by architects Urban Mesh Design ltd. Designed by and for practice director, Oliver Lazarus, and his family, Volcano House is complete with four bedrooms, ground floor studio, a series of home offices and garden terraces and a stunning facade of bespoke ‘Black Volcano’ brickwork.
 © Charles Hosea
c.Charles Hosea
Previously an open yard to the rear of a grocery shop, the site had been vacant since 2008. Urban Mesh saw potential in a site shunned by other developers and designed a house to transcend the narrow geometry of the plot and complement an already colourful street.
Previously an open yard to the rear of a grocery shop, the site had been vacant since 2008. Urban Mesh saw potential in a site shunned by other developers and designed a house to transcend the narrow geometry of the plot and complement an already colourful street.
Volcano House sits on Coate Street E2, a pedestrian thoroughfare that runs east west between the burgeoning Oval Space and the tranquillity of Haggerston Park. Sited in a conservation area, the locale is also blessed with a number of modern house gems and given this heritage and the increasing foot traffic through the area, Urban Mesh were keen to add to this East London landscape.
Volcano House sits on Coate Street E2, a pedestrian thoroughfare that runs east west between the burgeoning Oval Space and the tranquillity of Haggerston Park. Sited in a conservation area, the locale is also blessed with a number of modern house gems and given this heritage and the increasing foot traffic through the area, Urban Mesh were keen to add to this East London landscape.
 © Charles Hosea
c.Charles Hosea
考虑到相对较小的外部布局和它在街道上的突出地位,城市网能够专注于质量而不是数量,并提供一些独特的东西。与EBM的砖供应商Erkan Nihat和HG Matthews的砖大师IanPeper密切合作,他们专门为该项目开发了一种完全定制和创新的“黑色火山”砖。
Given the relative small layout of the exterior and its prominence on the street, Urban Mesh were able to focus on quality over quantity and deliver something unique. Working closely with brick supplier Erkan Nihat of EBM and brick maestro Ian Peper of HG Matthews they developed an entirely bespoke and innovative ‘Black Volcano’ brick specifically for the project.
Given the relative small layout of the exterior and its prominence on the street, Urban Mesh were able to focus on quality over quantity and deliver something unique. Working closely with brick supplier Erkan Nihat of EBM and brick maestro Ian Peper of HG Matthews they developed an entirely bespoke and innovative ‘Black Volcano’ brick specifically for the project.
 © Charles Hosea
c.Charles Hosea
Consisting of three bands of differing brick treatment and throwing mirror polish slips into the mix creates a surface that is as reflective as it is enveloping: by day a semi transparent elevation and by night a reflective beacon of the bright lights of the East End.
Consisting of three bands of differing brick treatment and throwing mirror polish slips into the mix creates a surface that is as reflective as it is enveloping: by day a semi transparent elevation and by night a reflective beacon of the bright lights of the East End.
 © Charles Hosea
c.Charles Hosea
家里的室内装饰设计得很有趣,以满足拉撒路和他家人的愿望和个性。因此,整个家庭充满了五颜六色和个性化的触感。在主要的餐饮空间,滑动的粉彩绿色厨房单元由一个悬臂式的海蓝色环绕皮革班格和再生桃子教堂的皮椅来补充。玻璃门消失在墙上,霓虹灯的心发光,楼梯变成镜。在3r d楼主浴室,一个很好的台阶把6‘3“和4’11”的情侣放在双石水槽的等高处,并提供通往一条面向竹台的隐蔽街道的通道。
The interiors of the home were playfully designed to suit the desires and personalities of Lazarus and his family. As a result, the home is filled with colourful and individual touches throughout. In the main dining space sliding pastel green kitchen units are complemented by a cantilevered sea-blue wrap-around leather banquette and reclaimed peach church pew. Glass doors disappear into walls, neon hearts glow, stairs become periscopes. In the 3r d floor master bathroom a well placed step puts the 6’3” and 4’11” couple at equal heights at double stone sinks as well as providing access to a secluded street facing bamboo terrace.
The interiors of the home were playfully designed to suit the desires and personalities of Lazarus and his family. As a result, the home is filled with colourful and individual touches throughout. In the main dining space sliding pastel green kitchen units are complemented by a cantilevered sea-blue wrap-around leather banquette and reclaimed peach church pew. Glass doors disappear into walls, neon hearts glow, stairs become periscopes. In the 3r d floor master bathroom a well placed step puts the 6’3” and 4’11” couple at equal heights at double stone sinks as well as providing access to a secluded street facing bamboo terrace.
 © Charles Hosea
c.Charles Hosea
At upper levels circulation areas expand to become music, games and homework spaces - as much a salute to creative space planning as a reaction to the family’s previous corridored Victorian maisonette.
At upper levels circulation areas expand to become music, games and homework spaces - as much a salute to creative space planning as a reaction to the family’s previous corridored Victorian maisonette.
The Ground floor provides a calm refuge arranged around a large pear tree planted within a glazed courtyard containing guest accommodation and an airy open ceilinged studio space for Lazarus’ yoga and health practitioner wife
The Ground floor provides a calm refuge arranged around a large pear tree planted within a glazed courtyard containing guest accommodation and an airy open ceilinged studio space for Lazarus’ yoga and health practitioner wife
 Ground Floor Plan

 First Floor Plan
 Second Floor Plan
 Third Floor Plan
Despite the plot size, 3.7m wide at front, and 20m in depth, the home is filled with natural light from generous glazing in recesses that resulted from extensive party wall and rights of light negotiations. Even the plot shape formed part of the design process as negotiations with a neighbouring development resulted in a widened rear and a beguiling wedge shaped footprint to the building that subtly opens up as you pass from front to back.
Despite the plot size, 3.7m wide at front, and 20m in depth, the home is filled with natural light from generous glazing in recesses that resulted from extensive party wall and rights of light negotiations. Even the plot shape formed part of the design process as negotiations with a neighbouring development resulted in a widened rear and a beguiling wedge shaped footprint to the building that subtly opens up as you pass from front to back.
城市网主任奥利弗·拉扎鲁斯(Oliver Lazarus)是火山大厦(Volcano House)的住户,他说:“这个项目从购买、规划到建筑和装修一直是一项充满爱心的劳动,但如果有机会,有什么建筑师能拒绝建造自己的房子的机会,尤其是在伦敦离家这么近的地方。”该网站的性质促使我们作为建筑师创造一些东西,参与街景和内部创造一个慷慨的家与功能,美丽的比例和良好连接的空间。作为一个家庭,它给了我们一个难以置信的机会,在我们生活和热爱的地方建造了一个终生的家。
Oliver Lazarus, Director of Urban Mesh and occupant of Volcano House said “The project has been a labour of love from purchase and planning through to construction and fit out but, given the opportunity, what architect could resist the opportunity to build their own house, especially so close to home in London. The nature of the site pushed us as architects to create something engaging in the streetscape and internally to create a generous home with functional, beautifully proportioned and well connected spaces. As a family it gave us the incredible opportunity to build a lifetime home in an area we lived and loved.
Oliver Lazarus, Director of Urban Mesh and occupant of Volcano House said “The project has been a labour of love from purchase and planning through to construction and fit out but, given the opportunity, what architect could resist the opportunity to build their own house, especially so close to home in London. The nature of the site pushed us as architects to create something engaging in the streetscape and internally to create a generous home with functional, beautifully proportioned and well connected spaces. As a family it gave us the incredible opportunity to build a lifetime home in an area we lived and loved.
 © Charles Hosea
c.Charles Hosea
Volcano House is shortlisted for two awards at the 2019 Brick Awards: Innovation and Architects’ Choice.
Volcano House is shortlisted for two awards at the 2019 Brick Awards: Innovation and Architects’ Choice.
 © Charles Hosea
c.Charles Hosea
Architects Urban Mesh Design
Location Londres, United Kingdom
Area 220.0 m2
Project Year 2018
Photographs Charles Hosea
Category Renovation
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