Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science Grimshaw Architects

2018-10-25 14:00
 © Chad Baumer
Text description provided by the architects. The exciting 250,000 square foot Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science (Frost Science) in Miami, FL brings together an aquarium, planetarium and science museum onto one campus in downtown Miami’s Museum Park. Taking advantage of the city’s plentiful sunshine, ocean breezes from nearby Biscayne Bay and views to a growing downtown skyline, the inventive architecture of the museum furthers Miami-Dade County’s cultural offerings in a sophisticated, contemporary building.
Text description provided by the architects. The exciting 250,000 square foot Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science (Frost Science) in Miami, FL brings together an aquarium, planetarium and science museum onto one campus in downtown Miami’s Museum Park. Taking advantage of the city’s plentiful sunshine, ocean breezes from nearby Biscayne Bay and views to a growing downtown skyline, the inventive architecture of the museum furthers Miami-Dade County’s cultural offerings in a sophisticated, contemporary building.
 © Chad Baumer
Over one million visitors have visited the new home of the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science in downtown Miami since opening over a year ago. Far surpassing attendance expectations, Miami residents and visitors, both adults and children alike, have flocked to the multi-faceted museum and its planetarium, aquarium and wide range of exhibitions.
Over one million visitors have visited the new home of the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science in downtown Miami since opening over a year ago. Far surpassing attendance expectations, Miami residents and visitors, both adults and children alike, have flocked to the multi-faceted museum and its planetarium, aquarium and wide range of exhibitions.
 © Rafael Gamo
Grimshaw’s response to the project brief resulted in a complex of four buildings situated in an open-armed stance, inviting visitors to walk amongst them and opening up the building to the outdoors. This conscious effort to link the building to the outdoors connects the world at large to the science exhibits within and reinforces the museum’s ties to both the city and nearby marine habitats. An open-air atrium threads between the buildings connecting them to one another and creating a dynamic environment that directly connects the community to the experience of the outdoors and the city around them.
Grimshaw’s response to the project brief resulted in a complex of four buildings situated in an open-armed stance, inviting visitors to walk amongst them and opening up the building to the outdoors. This conscious effort to link the building to the outdoors connects the world at large to the science exhibits within and reinforces the museum’s ties to both the city and nearby marine habitats. An open-air atrium threads between the buildings connecting them to one another and creating a dynamic environment that directly connects the community to the experience of the outdoors and the city around them.
 © Rafael Gamo
 © Rafael Gamo
每一座建筑的形状都是动态和多样的,造型是为了利用过滤过的光线和微风。合奏是由一个软的白色调色板,通过各种材料,创造出独特的模式和阴影建筑正面。北翼和西翼的棒状建筑被覆盖在一个多面的、像素化的几何纹理中,这使得太阳能够在白天让建筑物充满活力。水族馆,形状更有机,是嵌套在翅膀之间,以水滴的形状从上面出现,没有什么不像的船头当接近地面。标志性的天文馆,球状,完成了场地,创造了一个耐人寻味的地标,对比更刚性的建筑密集的相邻的发展。弗罗斯特科学博物馆(Frost Science Museum)的设计并不是建造一个单一的建筑,而是希望能让游客感觉更像一个村庄,那里的游客可以自然地探索露天通道。阳台被布置在一个中央庭院周围,让游客可以看到多条通往探索区域的多条路径。
The shapes of each individual building are dynamic and varied, sculpted to take advantage of filtered light and breezes. The ensemble is united by a soft white color palette expressed through a variety of materials that create unique patterns and shadows across the building facades. The bar-shaped buildings of the North and West Wings are clad in a faceted, pixelated geometrical texture that allows the passage of the sun to animate the buildings across daylight hours. The aquarium, more organic in shape, is nestled between the wings, appearing in shape as a water droplet from above and not unlike the prow of a ship when approached from the ground. The iconic planetarium, spherical in shape, completes the site, creating an intriguing landmark that contrasts the more rigid building massing of adjacent developments.  Rather than creating a single building, the Frost Science Museum design aspires to feel more like a village where visitors naturally explore the open-air passageways. Balconies are arranged around a central courtyard allowing visitors multiple vantage points to see the multiple paths to areas of exploration.
The shapes of each individual building are dynamic and varied, sculpted to take advantage of filtered light and breezes. The ensemble is united by a soft white color palette expressed through a variety of materials that create unique patterns and shadows across the building facades. The bar-shaped buildings of the North and West Wings are clad in a faceted, pixelated geometrical texture that allows the passage of the sun to animate the buildings across daylight hours. The aquarium, more organic in shape, is nestled between the wings, appearing in shape as a water droplet from above and not unlike the prow of a ship when approached from the ground. The iconic planetarium, spherical in shape, completes the site, creating an intriguing landmark that contrasts the more rigid building massing of adjacent developments.  Rather than creating a single building, the Frost Science Museum design aspires to feel more like a village where visitors naturally explore the open-air passageways. Balconies are arranged around a central courtyard allowing visitors multiple vantage points to see the multiple paths to areas of exploration.
 Wind Diagram

The aquarium building lies at the heart of the site and is where most guests will begin their exploration. Grimshaw has created a unique, vertically-oriented experience that allows guests to encounter aquatic ecosystems at various depths from an open-air rooftop “surface” level to more intimate, immersive galleries “below the waterline.” This portion of the museum is dominated by the 500,000-gallon Gulf Stream Aquarium. The aquarium’s unique cone shape spans three floors to provide a cornerless environment for ocean-cruising wildlife. The bottom of the cone resolves in a massive, 31-foot circular viewing window that allows visitors a dramatic view up and into the aquarium from below, immersed in the blue depths of the Gulf Stream. Other viewing points offer glimpses to the same aquarium including carefully placed portholes and an open-air deck with an aviary and other exhibits highlighting Florida ecosystems.  
The aquarium building lies at the heart of the site and is where most guests will begin their exploration. Grimshaw has created a unique, vertically-oriented experience that allows guests to encounter aquatic ecosystems at various depths from an open-air rooftop “surface” level to more intimate, immersive galleries “below the waterline.” This portion of the museum is dominated by the 500,000-gallon Gulf Stream Aquarium. The aquarium’s unique cone shape spans three floors to provide a cornerless environment for ocean-cruising wildlife. The bottom of the cone resolves in a massive, 31-foot circular viewing window that allows visitors a dramatic view up and into the aquarium from below, immersed in the blue depths of the Gulf Stream. Other viewing points offer glimpses to the same aquarium including carefully placed portholes and an open-air deck with an aviary and other exhibits highlighting Florida ecosystems.  
 © Chad Baumer
“冰霜科学”(Frost Science)的开幕是2009年开始的一个过程的高潮,该过程通过外联研讨会对当地居民进行了调查,以了解他们渴望参观什么样的科学博物馆。博物馆正在寻求LEED黄金认证,采用了各种环境策略,包括屋顶太阳能农场、雨水蓄水池和建筑设计,最大限度地利用来自海湾的充足阳光和微风,减少了空间条件所需的能量。
The opening of Frost Science is the culmination of a process that began in 2009 with outreach workshops that polled local residents to find out what kind of science museum they aspired to visit. The Museum is pursuing LEED Gold certification utilizing a variety of environmental strategies including a rooftop solar farm, rain water cisterns, and a building design that maximizes the abundant sunshine and breezes from the bay reducing the amount of energy needed to condition the space.
The opening of Frost Science is the culmination of a process that began in 2009 with outreach workshops that polled local residents to find out what kind of science museum they aspired to visit. The Museum is pursuing LEED Gold certification utilizing a variety of environmental strategies including a rooftop solar farm, rain water cisterns, and a building design that maximizes the abundant sunshine and breezes from the bay reducing the amount of energy needed to condition the space.
 © Rafael Gamo
Vincent Chang, Grimshaw Partner says “To echo the sentiments of many in the community, it has been a privilege to have been part of this journey, bringing science and true contemplation of the world around us into the heart of vibrant, ever-changing downtown Miami.”
Vincent Chang, Grimshaw Partner says “To echo the sentiments of many in the community, it has been a privilege to have been part of this journey, bringing science and true contemplation of the world around us into the heart of vibrant, ever-changing downtown Miami.”
 © Chad Baumer
Architects Grimshaw Architects
Location 1101 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132, United States
Associate Architect Rodriguez and Quiroga
Landscape Architect ArquitectonicaGEO
Area 250000.0 ft2
Project Year 2017
Photographs Rafael Gamo, Chad Baumer
Category Planetarium
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