De Lakfabriek Wenink Holtkamp Architecten

2018-10-29 09:00
BOEI工业遗产承包商/开发商Nico de Bont TBI建设者Vianen Bouwadvies建筑咨询K机械安装Van Thiel Optimaal电气安装Copal多规格无规格
Developer Industrial Heritage Boei Contractor / Developer Nico De Bont TBI Constructor Vianen Bouwadvies Building Advice K+ Mechanical Installation Van Thiel Optimaal Electrical Installation Copal More Specs Less Specs
Developer Industrial Heritage Boei Contractor / Developer Nico De Bont TBI Constructor Vianen Bouwadvies Building Advice K+ Mechanical Installation Van Thiel Optimaal Electrical Installation Copal More Specs Less Specs
 © Tim van de Velde
c.Tim van de Velde
架构师提供的文本描述。De LakFabriek是前皮革工厂KVL的一部分,KVL多年来一直是欧洲最大的皮革生产商之一。De LakFabriek最初是为皮料涂漆,后来发挥了技术服务的作用。2001年,该公司停止运营,并关闭了它们的大门。
Text description provided by the architects. De Lakfabriek is part of the former leather factory complex KVL, which for years was one of the largest leather producers in Europe. De Lakfabriek initially served to paint the leather sheets, subsequently it functionated as a technical service. In 2001 the company ceased operations and closed their doors.
Text description provided by the architects. De Lakfabriek is part of the former leather factory complex KVL, which for years was one of the largest leather producers in Europe. De Lakfabriek initially served to paint the leather sheets, subsequently it functionated as a technical service. In 2001 the company ceased operations and closed their doors.
从那时起,工厂建筑群基本上被修复,重新设计,并已发展成为一个活泼和有吸引力的地区。De LakFabriek是该网站上第一座有居住目的地的重新用途建筑;该建筑已由Wenink Holtkamp建筑公司代表BOEi和Nico de Bont TBI进行改造。
Since then, the factory complex have been largely restored, redesigned and has been unfolding itself into a lively and attractive area. De Lakfabriek is the first repurposed building on the site with a residential destination; the building has been transformed by Wenink Holtkamp Architects on behalf of BOEi and Nico de Bont TBI.
Since then, the factory complex have been largely restored, redesigned and has been unfolding itself into a lively and attractive area. De Lakfabriek is the first repurposed building on the site with a residential destination; the building has been transformed by Wenink Holtkamp Architects on behalf of BOEi and Nico de Bont TBI.
 © Tim van de Velde
c.Tim van de Velde
Industrial character The building, designed in 1925 by architect A. Benoit, is characterized by an unambiguous brick architecture. The rigid division of the façade openings and the vertical brickwork elements results in a rhythmic facade.
Industrial character The building, designed in 1925 by architect A. Benoit, is characterized by an unambiguous brick architecture. The rigid division of the façade openings and the vertical brickwork elements results in a rhythmic facade.
 © Tim van de Velde
c.Tim van de Velde
Preserving the industrial character of the former factory building was one of the core values of the transformation. This is exemplified by the raw concrete structure which has been left visible as much as possible in the interior of the housing units. The industrial look is maintained in the façade by the use of new slender aluminum window frames with a classic profile that refer to the original steel window frames, which unfortunately could not be preserved.
Preserving the industrial character of the former factory building was one of the core values of the transformation. This is exemplified by the raw concrete structure which has been left visible as much as possible in the interior of the housing units. The industrial look is maintained in the façade by the use of new slender aluminum window frames with a classic profile that refer to the original steel window frames, which unfortunately could not be preserved.
 © Tim van de Velde
c.Tim van de Velde
Housing By adding a glass extension to the roof an extra building layer is created. The modern and minimalistic structure clearly distinguishes itself from the existing architecture through language and materialization, but suits itself in a natural way into the whole. On the top floor, roof terraces are created by placing the extension backwards in relation to the existing façade.
Housing By adding a glass extension to the roof an extra building layer is created. The modern and minimalistic structure clearly distinguishes itself from the existing architecture through language and materialization, but suits itself in a natural way into the whole. On the top floor, roof terraces are created by placing the extension backwards in relation to the existing façade.
 © Tim van de Velde
c.Tim van de Velde
The 25 living units are realized in three different types: studios, apartments and ground-based homes. The layout of each house is designed in consultation with the future residents, accompanied by Wenink Holtkamp Architecten. This concept resulted in a colorful range of housing types, "The house as a custom-made suit for the residents."
The 25 living units are realized in three different types: studios, apartments and ground-based homes. The layout of each house is designed in consultation with the future residents, accompanied by Wenink Holtkamp Architecten. This concept resulted in a colorful range of housing types, "The house as a custom-made suit for the residents."
 © Tim van de Velde
c.Tim van de Velde
 Before / Ground floor plan
 © Tim van de Velde
c.Tim van de Velde
 After / First floor plan
 © Tim van de Velde
c.Tim van de Velde
Architects Wenink Holtkamp Architecten
Location Oisterwijk, The Netherlands
Area 1200.0 m2
Project Year 2018
Photographs Tim van de Velde
Category Adaptive Reuse
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