La Crique PietriArchitectes

2018-10-31 03:00
 © Luc Boegly
架构师提供的文本描述。明亮的曲线正面,宽阳台的缎带,由木板…隔开建筑师让·巴普蒂斯特·皮埃特里的工作室位于蒙塔格纳岛脚下,设计了一套由145套公寓组成的新项目,距离卡兰克斯岛的海湾只有一箭之遥,该项目的名称是“拉·克里克”(La Crique)。
Text description provided by the architects. Luminous, curvilinear facades, ribbons of generous balconies separated by wood panels… At the foot of the Montagne de l’Aigle, Architect Jean-Baptiste Pietri’s studio has created a new programme of 145 apartments, a stone’s throw from the coves of the Massif des Calanques that gave the project its name: La Crique.
Text description provided by the architects. Luminous, curvilinear facades, ribbons of generous balconies separated by wood panels… At the foot of the Montagne de l’Aigle, Architect Jean-Baptiste Pietri’s studio has created a new programme of 145 apartments, a stone’s throw from the coves of the Massif des Calanques that gave the project its name: La Crique.
 © Luc Boegly
该项目位于马赛第九区(Chemin du Roy d‘Esp格涅)穿过路易斯·皮罗蒂大道(Boulevard Louis Pierotti)的地方,该项目的建筑构成了两个截然不同的单元,周围是茂密的植被。每个人都毫不费力地坐在陆地上,完全符合现有的海拔高度。第一卷向东的设置略低,使它能够跟随自然的地形,并尽量减少它的视觉影响。该雕塑的体积蛇在网站上和联锁创造了一个相当大的绿色空间,真正的种植中心的情节。
Located in Marseille’s 9th arrondissement, where Chemin du Roy d’Espagne crosses Boulevard Louis Pierotti, the project’s buildings form two distinct units, surrounded by dense vegetation. Each sits effortlessly on the land, totally in keeping with existing elevations. The first volume to the east is set slightly lower, allowing it to follow the natural lie of the land and minimizing its visual impact. The sculpted volumes snake over the site and interlock to create a sizable green space, the real planted centerpiece of the plot.
Located in Marseille’s 9th arrondissement, where Chemin du Roy d’Espagne crosses Boulevard Louis Pierotti, the project’s buildings form two distinct units, surrounded by dense vegetation. Each sits effortlessly on the land, totally in keeping with existing elevations. The first volume to the east is set slightly lower, allowing it to follow the natural lie of the land and minimizing its visual impact. The sculpted volumes snake over the site and interlock to create a sizable green space, the real planted centerpiece of the plot.
 © Luc Boegly
端墙和交错的梯田创造了层次分明,与附近的山区地形相呼应。在北部,沿着Chemin du Roy d‘Esp格涅,这座建筑的线路已经中断,因此形成了一个“入口”,让人联想到卡兰克岛,还展示了一个地中海加里格园的景观。通往这两座建筑走廊的通道设置在小区中央,略低于私人道路,让居民们每天都能享受到绿色植物。
The end walls with their staggered terraces create tiers, echoing the mountainous topography nearby. To the north, along the Chemin du Roy d’Espagne, the building’s line has been interrupted, creating thereby an “inlet”, reminiscent of the calanques and revealing a landscaped garden of Mediterranean garrigue. Access to the hallways of the two buildings is set in the center of the plot, slightly below the private road, allowing residents daily enjoyment of the greenery.
The end walls with their staggered terraces create tiers, echoing the mountainous topography nearby. To the north, along the Chemin du Roy d’Espagne, the building’s line has been interrupted, creating thereby an “inlet”, reminiscent of the calanques and revealing a landscaped garden of Mediterranean garrigue. Access to the hallways of the two buildings is set in the center of the plot, slightly below the private road, allowing residents daily enjoyment of the greenery.
 © Luc Boegly
Also in line with the hills, the north-facing terraces which guarantee superb luminosity all year round are adorned with plant pots containing trees, and gain gradually in depth from the ground up to the roof. The project thus mirrors the fundamental characteristics of the site it is set in.
Also in line with the hills, the north-facing terraces which guarantee superb luminosity all year round are adorned with plant pots containing trees, and gain gradually in depth from the ground up to the roof. The project thus mirrors the fundamental characteristics of the site it is set in.
 © Luc Boegly
Built in a difficult geographical environment, in the context of a straightforward help-to-buy scheme, with simple materials, La Crique encapsulates all the know-how of the architect, who, with great generosity, designed two seemingly ordinary buildings, yet managed to incorporate an extra share of heart and soul. The exterior spaces allocated to each apartment are more than generous, the specific characteristics of the surrounding landscape are deftly reflected in the design, light has been given its rightful place: everything about the project bears witness to a new way of thinking Marseille’s identity.
Built in a difficult geographical environment, in the context of a straightforward help-to-buy scheme, with simple materials, La Crique encapsulates all the know-how of the architect, who, with great generosity, designed two seemingly ordinary buildings, yet managed to incorporate an extra share of heart and soul. The exterior spaces allocated to each apartment are more than generous, the specific characteristics of the surrounding landscape are deftly reflected in the design, light has been given its rightful place: everything about the project bears witness to a new way of thinking Marseille’s identity.
Architects PietriArchitectes
Location Marsella, France
Area 8574.0 m2
Project Year 2018
Photographs Luc Boegly
Category Apartments
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