Earth Wind and Fire, The Village House Luigi Rosselli

2018-11-21 20:00
 © Edward Birch
Text description provided by the architects. Earth is one of the oldest construction materials known to man; it can be fired, as with bricks and tiles, or used in its raw state as with adobe or rammed earth.  Earth is a malleable material; in the Bible it is claimed that God formed mankind in ‘his’ own image from earth and water.  Earth is a soft material that can become strong and weight bearing, while maintaining a breathable skin.
Text description provided by the architects. Earth is one of the oldest construction materials known to man; it can be fired, as with bricks and tiles, or used in its raw state as with adobe or rammed earth.  Earth is a malleable material; in the Bible it is claimed that God formed mankind in ‘his’ own image from earth and water.  Earth is a soft material that can become strong and weight bearing, while maintaining a breathable skin.
 © Justin Alexander
With ‘The Village House’, rammed earth provides the catalyst to bring together history, nature, malleability and softness around a graceful Federation era bungalow, adorned with a handsome veranda. 
With ‘The Village House’, rammed earth provides the catalyst to bring together history, nature, malleability and softness around a graceful Federation era bungalow, adorned with a handsome veranda. 
 Sketch 008
Sketch 008
该项目被称为“村屋”,原因是位于悉尼上北岸的郊区大片街区上散落着许多屋顶山墙、两翼和独立的建筑。该项目包括一个鸡舍和围栏、一个广袤的菜园和一个大型作坊/棚屋。威尔·丹格(Will Dangar)设计了大型、花花绿绿的庭院和一个风俗习惯。十根钢制木桩。
The project came to be known as The Village House owing to the number of roof gables, wings and separate buildings scattered across the large suburban block, located on Sydney’s Upper North Shore.  The property comes complete with a chicken coop and enclosure, an extensive vegetable garden and a large workshop / shed.  Will Dangar designed the large, lushly landscaped grounds and a custom, Cor-ten steel wood pile.
The project came to be known as The Village House owing to the number of roof gables, wings and separate buildings scattered across the large suburban block, located on Sydney’s Upper North Shore.  The property comes complete with a chicken coop and enclosure, an extensive vegetable garden and a large workshop / shed.  Will Dangar designed the large, lushly landscaped grounds and a custom, Cor-ten steel wood pile.
 © Edward Birch
The additions to the original home stretch out to one side and towards the back of the block to best capture the northern sun.  The stretches across the other side with a pool house to one end.  A separate wing at the front contains the garage and laundry. 
The additions to the original home stretch out to one side and towards the back of the block to best capture the northern sun.  The stretches across the other side with a pool house to one end.  A separate wing at the front contains the garage and laundry. 
 Ground floor plan

 1st floor plan
Used sparingly together with the original materials of the century old home, timber shingles, bricks recycled from this and other sites, the rammed earth walls are the links that unite the fragments.  A slate roof with multiple complex gables and valleys also unifies the complex, exploded layout of the house.
Used sparingly together with the original materials of the century old home, timber shingles, bricks recycled from this and other sites, the rammed earth walls are the links that unite the fragments.  A slate roof with multiple complex gables and valleys also unifies the complex, exploded layout of the house.
 © Justin Alexander
Internally, the flow of the spaces reflects the century of history that has shaped the rooms, from the entry through the original veranda and the formal rooms built in the early 1900s through to the main modern additions where a curved steel stair links to the two storey main wing.  The additions use materials and an architectural language that relates back atmosphere of the original house as a sign of respect and affinity yet is without mimicry.  Rammed earth, limestone floors, timber trusses, and panelled timber joinery are a timeless soft palette to achieve a very liveable home for a convivial, warm and embracing family.   
Internally, the flow of the spaces reflects the century of history that has shaped the rooms, from the entry through the original veranda and the formal rooms built in the early 1900s through to the main modern additions where a curved steel stair links to the two storey main wing.  The additions use materials and an architectural language that relates back atmosphere of the original house as a sign of respect and affinity yet is without mimicry.  Rammed earth, limestone floors, timber trusses, and panelled timber joinery are a timeless soft palette to achieve a very liveable home for a convivial, warm and embracing family.   
 © Edward Birch
Architects Luigi Rosselli
Location Wahroonga, Australia
Design Architect Luigi Rosselli
Project Architect Irene Brugueras, Monica Vogel-Santos, Simon Hassall
Project Year 2018
Photographs Justin Alexander, Edward Birch, Prue Ruscoe
Category Extension





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