Renovation of Beverly Center Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas

2018-11-29 17:00
 © John Linden
架构师提供的文本描述。总部位于罗马的建筑和城市设计公司StudioFuksas,由Massimiiano和Doriana Fuksas领导,被选为886,000平方米的翻修设计建筑师。英国“金融时报”。加州洛杉矶贝弗利中心。经过三十四个月的建设,五亿美元之后,一个重新构想的中心于2018年11月2日正式揭幕。该购物中心位于贝弗利山和西好莱坞的边缘,是一座8层的整体结构,现在拥有一种新的白皙皮肤,它是由一幅质地极高的灰泥制成的,它超越了一种金属网,可以在白天和观众的优势点上改变透明度。
Text description provided by the architects. Roma-based architectural and urban design firm Studio Fuksas, led by Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas, was selected as the design architect for the renovation of the 886,000 sq. ft. Beverly Center in Los Angeles, California. Thirty-four months of construction and five hundred million dollars later a reimagined Center was officially unveiled on November 2, 2018. The mall, a monolithic eight-story structure located at the edge of Beverly Hills and West Hollywood, now boasts a new glimmering white skin made of a highly textured stucco surmounting a metal mesh which changes transparency through the day and according to the viewer's vantage point.
Text description provided by the architects. Roma-based architectural and urban design firm Studio Fuksas, led by Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas, was selected as the design architect for the renovation of the 886,000 sq. ft. Beverly Center in Los Angeles, California. Thirty-four months of construction and five hundred million dollars later a reimagined Center was officially unveiled on November 2, 2018. The mall, a monolithic eight-story structure located at the edge of Beverly Hills and West Hollywood, now boasts a new glimmering white skin made of a highly textured stucco surmounting a metal mesh which changes transparency through the day and according to the viewer's vantage point.
Due to its sheer size, on a total land area of approximately eight acres, the Beverly Center could be very well considered a city block. The unusually large scale amplifies the relationship between the exterior and the surrounding neighborhood. The sinuosity, and the glossy white, of the metal mesh wrapping the entire perimeter, enables both absorption and reverberation of natural light. The exterior appears calm and diaphanous in the morning. Dynamic and fiercely contrasting in the afternoon. Dematerialized in a soft and wavy 300-yard long kaleidoscope at night when the mesh up lights turn on.
Due to its sheer size, on a total land area of approximately eight acres, the Beverly Center could be very well considered a city block. The unusually large scale amplifies the relationship between the exterior and the surrounding neighborhood. The sinuosity, and the glossy white, of the metal mesh wrapping the entire perimeter, enables both absorption and reverberation of natural light. The exterior appears calm and diaphanous in the morning. Dynamic and fiercely contrasting in the afternoon. Dematerialized in a soft and wavy 300-yard long kaleidoscope at night when the mesh up lights turn on.
 © John Linden
在商场内部,挑战是增加空间对自然光的渗透性。考虑到这一目标,实施了25 000平方米。在英国“金融时报”,轻轻弯曲,一个高性能天窗,三倍以前的屋顶部分打开了天空。重新配置的楼层开口允许阳光直射到所有楼层,尤其是较低的楼层。抵消地板开口极大地改善了通过地板和天窗的视线。天窗几乎贯穿整个屋顶,就像一条光之河,它的金属面板闪闪发光,由白金汽车漆和一系列背光的微孔组成。丰富的调节良好的自然光和更透气的地板的结合,使商场内部成为一个更愉快的空间,在那里,与户外的联系是永远不会失去的。
Inside the mall, the challenge was to increase the space permeability to the natural light. With this goal in mind, it was implemented a 25,000 sq. ft., gently curving, a high-performance skylight that triples the former roof sections opened to the sky. The reconfigured floor openings allow direct sunlight to reach with the same intensity all floors, especially the lower ones. Offsetting the floor openings greatly improved sight lines through the floors and the skylight. The skylight runs almost for the entire length of the roof acting like a river of light with its banks of shimmering metal panels made precious by a platinum automotive-finish paint and, at night, by a series of backlit micro-perforations. The combination of abundant well-modulated natural light and more permeable floor decks made the mall interior a much more pleasant space where the connection with the outdoors is never lost. 
Inside the mall, the challenge was to increase the space permeability to the natural light. With this goal in mind, it was implemented a 25,000 sq. ft., gently curving, a high-performance skylight that triples the former roof sections opened to the sky. The reconfigured floor openings allow direct sunlight to reach with the same intensity all floors, especially the lower ones. Offsetting the floor openings greatly improved sight lines through the floors and the skylight. The skylight runs almost for the entire length of the roof acting like a river of light with its banks of shimmering metal panels made precious by a platinum automotive-finish paint and, at night, by a series of backlit micro-perforations. The combination of abundant well-modulated natural light and more permeable floor decks made the mall interior a much more pleasant space where the connection with the outdoors is never lost. 
 Skylight Exploded Isometric
这四层楼高的中心广场(High Center Court)有一个令人印象深刻的20英尺x35英尺LED屏幕,重新设计成一个灵活的空间,可以举办活动、展览、安装,并鼓励顾客们参与和自由探索这个购物中心,这个购物中心几十年来一直是当地人、名人和国际游客的标志性时尚目的地。行人和车辆的流通也得到了极大的改善。一片郁郁葱葱的街道景观,加上耐旱的绿色植物,让步行或骑自行车到达购物中心更加愉快,而最先进的智能停车系统则极大地改善了四个停车场的到达和离开体验。富克斯工作室不仅重新考虑了新立面的设计,以提高建筑的审美品质,而且,除了重塑购物中心的形象之外,它还为加州的奢侈品市场创造了新的会议空间。
The four stories high Center Court, with an impressive 20 ft x 35 ft LED screen, was redesigned as a flexible space to host events, exhibitions, installations and to encourage the patrons to mingle and freely explore the mall which has been for decades an iconic fashion destination for locals, celebrities and international visitors. Pedestrian and vehicular circulation has been also greatly enhanced. A lush streetscape, with drought-resistant greenery, makes more pleasant reaching the mall on foot, or bicycle, while a state-of-the-art smart parking system dramatically improves the arrival and departure experience throughout the four parking decks. Studio Fuksas not only rethought the design of the new façade to improve the aesthetic qualities of the building but, beyond renovating the image of the shopping center, it also created new meeting spaces for the luxury market in California.
The four stories high Center Court, with an impressive 20 ft x 35 ft LED screen, was redesigned as a flexible space to host events, exhibitions, installations and to encourage the patrons to mingle and freely explore the mall which has been for decades an iconic fashion destination for locals, celebrities and international visitors. Pedestrian and vehicular circulation has been also greatly enhanced. A lush streetscape, with drought-resistant greenery, makes more pleasant reaching the mall on foot, or bicycle, while a state-of-the-art smart parking system dramatically improves the arrival and departure experience throughout the four parking decks. Studio Fuksas not only rethought the design of the new façade to improve the aesthetic qualities of the building but, beyond renovating the image of the shopping center, it also created new meeting spaces for the luxury market in California.
 © John Linden
Architects Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas
Location Beverly Center, 8500 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048, United States
Area 220000.0 m2
Project Year 2018
Photographs John Linden
Category Shopping Centers
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