Escape Vehicle #9 ICE Studio Morison
2019-01-03 14:00
Courtesy of Studio Morison
架构师提供的文本描述。近几年来,莫里森工作室的希瑟和伊万·莫里森的艺术家们已经熟悉了一些建筑,这些建筑设计与逃避、庇护和避难有关。为了进入自然,他们在荷兰的霍丁格尔维尔德(Holtingerveld)的景观中建造了一个特殊的雕塑展馆,名为“逃逸车9号”(Escape Vehicle#9)。9号越野车来自一个未来,在这个未来,地球上更强大的元素力量重新振作起来,使人类成为逃离自然的难民,不得不在他们所占领的土地上迅速而轻率地践踏。
Text description provided by the architects. In recent years, artists Heather and Ivan Morison, of Studio Morison, have become familiar with architectural constructions that play with ideas of escape, shelter, and refuge. For Into Nature, they have built a special sculptural pavilion, Escape Vehicle #9, within the landscape of Holtingerveld, Netherlands, that can be stayed in overnight. Escape Vehicle #9 comes from a future in which the bigger elemental forces of the planet have reasserted themselves, leaving mankind a refugee from nature, having to tread quickly and lightly on the land they occupy.
Text description provided by the architects. In recent years, artists Heather and Ivan Morison, of Studio Morison, have become familiar with architectural constructions that play with ideas of escape, shelter, and refuge. For Into Nature, they have built a special sculptural pavilion, Escape Vehicle #9, within the landscape of Holtingerveld, Netherlands, that can be stayed in overnight. Escape Vehicle #9 comes from a future in which the bigger elemental forces of the planet have reasserted themselves, leaving mankind a refugee from nature, having to tread quickly and lightly on the land they occupy.
“当我第一次想象越野车#9的时候,我有了一个飞往未来的愿景。我在现在的黑暗中看到了未来的光明,这就是逃逸车可以带我们去的地方。“Escape Vehicle#9 Studio Morison的艺术家伊万·莫里森(Ivan Morison)展示了一个轻巧的可拆迁住所,为两个人预订了过夜的房间,让他们亲身体验了地方、黑暗、孤独、不稳定以及未来可能发生的一切。
“When first imagining Escape Vehicle #9 I had a vision of a flight into the future. I saw a lightness from that future within the darkness of the present, and this is where the Escape Vehicle can take us towards.” Ivan Morison, artist With Escape Vehicle #9 Studio Morison presents a lightweight demountable shelter, one that booked for two people to spend the night in, allowing a first-hand experience of place, the sense of darkness, of solitude, of instability and the possibilities of what is to come.
“When first imagining Escape Vehicle #9 I had a vision of a flight into the future. I saw a lightness from that future within the darkness of the present, and this is where the Escape Vehicle can take us towards.” Ivan Morison, artist With Escape Vehicle #9 Studio Morison presents a lightweight demountable shelter, one that booked for two people to spend the night in, allowing a first-hand experience of place, the sense of darkness, of solitude, of instability and the possibilities of what is to come.
Courtesy of Studio Morison
Experience Overnight occupants experience a slowly rising intensity of yellow as morning approaches, with the day’s first rays of light creating an ever-changing shadow play of nature and geometry across the yellow inner membrane. As the day moves on the illumination becomes more intense rotating around the curved wall; the strong yellow glow within this chamber creating an enveloping and calming effect, one which is emphasized when the occupant emerges into the stark ice white light of the outside world.
Experience Overnight occupants experience a slowly rising intensity of yellow as morning approaches, with the day’s first rays of light creating an ever-changing shadow play of nature and geometry across the yellow inner membrane. As the day moves on the illumination becomes more intense rotating around the curved wall; the strong yellow glow within this chamber creating an enveloping and calming effect, one which is emphasized when the occupant emerges into the stark ice white light of the outside world.
Courtesy of Studio Morison
Materials Escape Vehicle #9 is made entirely from aluminum and PVC. Conceived as a set of connecting components; it is fully demountable with all parts handle-able by a single person. The legs are supported and anchored by four Spirafix screw anchors, making and leaving practically zero impact on the landscape. The curtain wall of the main circular chamber consists of an outer ‘protective’ layer of specially commissioned aluminum expanded mesh, and an inner taut curving membranous ‘weather’ layer of lemon yellow PVC. The ceiling of the main chamber includes a quilted foil insulation layer that helps maintain a habitable temperature day and night. On the top deck, the conical ‘navigational buoy’ was bent from sheet aluminum.
Materials Escape Vehicle #9 is made entirely from aluminum and PVC. Conceived as a set of connecting components; it is fully demountable with all parts handle-able by a single person. The legs are supported and anchored by four Spirafix screw anchors, making and leaving practically zero impact on the landscape. The curtain wall of the main circular chamber consists of an outer ‘protective’ layer of specially commissioned aluminum expanded mesh, and an inner taut curving membranous ‘weather’ layer of lemon yellow PVC. The ceiling of the main chamber includes a quilted foil insulation layer that helps maintain a habitable temperature day and night. On the top deck, the conical ‘navigational buoy’ was bent from sheet aluminum.
Courtesy of Studio Morison
Courtesy of Studio Morison
Architects Studio Morison