2018-06-15 00:00
简介:同一個家經過15年歲月的洗禮,成員們個個長大成人,為因應不同的需要而重新出發,尋求全新的空間定位與感受,成為勢在必行之事;我們首要保留住老屋最珍貴,可共享的對外視野,並讓全家每個人在空間中都能找到個自的角落,同時又不失彼此原有的互動關係。 三進式的空間層級配置,從第一層區分裡外的入口玄關,到第二層左右獨立孩房空間,再至最深層左右兩側主人書房與主臥房的安排,體現了中式合院的倫理及內外關係,而客餐廳及廚房則有如合院中庭,讓家人共處與互動更為自然。 定位,讓空間各就其位,讓家人各得其所,成為本案的空間發展首要;同時,也成為立面設計的發想起始。我們以定位坐標位置的經線與緯線的形式概念,讓封閉,半封閉,穿透等牆體立面,有了定位的表情,試圖共構出,屬與一家人的歸屬和弦! Chord of latitude and longitude Having gone through the trials of fifteen long years as one family, all of its members have one after the other come of age. Responding to different kinds of needs, it has become imperative to them to start afresh and seek the experience of a brand new positioning of space. It is of chief importance to us to preserve the most precious aspects of the old house: the view outside enjoyed by everybody and enabling every member of the family to find a space of his or her own. And we achieve this without sacrificing the interaction between them. This project employs a layout of three consecutive levels of space. It begins with the entryway on the first level that separates the inside from the outside and continues on the second level with separate childrens’ rooms on either side. This is followed by the central level, where the homeowner’s main study and the main bedroom are arranged on the left and right hand side. This reflects the principles of Chinese courtyard style estates and their connection of the inside with the outside. The living and dining rooms, as well as the kitchen can be likened to the central courtyard, providing the family members with a space to meet and interact in a natural way.
Chord of latitude and longitude
Having gone through the trials of fifteen long years as one family, all of its members have one after the other come of age. Responding to different kinds of needs, it has become imperative to them to start afresh and seek the experience of a brand new positioning of space. It is of chief importance to us to preserve the most precious aspects of the old house: the view outside enjoyed by everybody and enabling every member of the family to find a space of his or her own. And we achieve this without sacrificing the interaction between them.
This project employs a layout of three consecutive levels of space. It begins with the entryway on the first level that separates the inside from the outside and continues on the second level with separate childrens’ rooms on either side. This is followed by the central level, where the homeowner’s main study and the main bedroom are arranged on the left and right hand side. This reflects the principles of Chinese courtyard style estates and their connection of the inside with the outside. The living and dining rooms, as well as the kitchen can be likened to the central courtyard, providing the family members with a space to meet and interact in a natural way.