2017-04-22 19:13
五合地产销售中心设计理念弱化售楼处固有的概念,营造一个气氛恬静、愿意在此停留的空间。注重空间的多样性,简洁而不简单的空间特点,保留了宽松高大的内部空间形式,使得顾客在空旷的空间里非常的放松,像是走入了一个艺术展览馆,避免直白销售给顾客带来的压迫感,在无形当中顺利完成销售。设计以褐色,雅金,深灰为基调,表现出现代的优雅淡定。在改造外观时候保持了原来的青砖青瓦的风格,在入口处加建了一个大玻璃盒子,既有历史的厚重感又不乏现代气息,透过玻璃轻而易举的把室内与外景观融合到一起Wuhe Real Estate Sales Center Design ConceptThe space is designed to be a peaceful and relaxing place where you are willing to stay, rather than a sales center. The designers pay much attention to the variety and the features of succinct vogue without simpleness. The pattern of the internal space which is wide and tall remains unchange in the design to make to clients feel easy and relaxing in the wide clients may feel as if hey have entered an exhibition center. Thus, the sales pressure towards the clients will be avoided and sales target may be succesfully achieved in a smooth way. The design is in brown, matte golden, and dark gray bases to show the morden grace feeling. The gray brick style is kept in the appearance reconstruction, and a huge glass of box is built at the entrance to show both the historical and morden styles, through which we may easily catch the indoor and outdoor views together.矩阵纵横 MATRIX DESIGN设计师:刘建辉矩阵纵横室内设计 MATRIX DESIGN 教育经历:南昌大学艺术与设计学院室内设计专业从业时间:8年职 务:设计总监 合伙人网站创始人主持设计项目:重庆万科财富中心3号办公楼;重庆万科缇香郡销售中心室内设计;重庆同景J组团红酒主题会所室内设计;广州文华东方SPA会所室内设计;江西乐平五合地产会所室内设计;沈阳汇置尚都销售会所室内设计;沈阳BOUTIQUE HOTEL酒店室内设计;西安富平王国大酒店室内设计;西安富平王国豪门SPA会所室内设计;西安曲池坊销售中心室内设计;深圳彭成实业大东城三号楼示范单位;和记黄埔(深圳)埔御峰园T1别墅示范单位主要荣誉2008年 第四届中国(深圳)国际室内设计文化节―银奖2010年 深圳“鹏程杯”样板房设计大赛―银奖2010年 当选深圳十大设计新势力