平顶山样板房巴厘风情灵感源自“人间天堂”印尼巴厘岛,一个充满热带风情的神秘国度。家具经提炼和优化后,无论家私或饰品在选材上,除了保留原有的民族特征和元素外,造型和使用方式更趋现代。在透着斑驳铜绿的巨幅芭蕉叶掩映下,与纹理清晰,质地细润的斑马木配合得丝丝入扣,天衣无缝。当天然的竹、木编屏风、植物、石与极简的造型相结合,再配以柔和的纱帘和木质的屏风.没有雕琢的痕迹带着一层神秘的东南亚面纱,弥漫着浓浓的巴黎风情,重塑出异域风情与现代风格相糅合所要追求的境界。Pingdingshan model for the Bali style Inspiration from the "paradise" Indonesian island of Bali, one of the tropical land of mystery. Furniture and optimize the process, regardless of furniture or jewelry in the selection, in addition to retain their national identity and the elements, modeling and the use of more modern way. Touzhuo mottled aeruginosa in the giant banana leaves Yanying, texture and clarity, texture Xirun the zebra wood with a Sisirukou, flawless. When the natural bamboo and wood for the wall, plants, stone and minimalist shapes combine Coupled with soft Shalian and wooden screens. Diaozhuo no traces of Southeast Asia with a mysterious veil, filled with thick The Paris style, reshaping the exotic and modern style by combining the pursuit of the realm.