Sky Club House by DOMANI is the Fanciest Gym Ever
2018-02-20 05:30
sky club house by domani is the fanciest gym ever
sky club house by domani is the fanciest gym ever
sky club house by domani is the fanciest gym ever
sky club house by domani is the fanciest gym ever
sky club house by domani is the fanciest gym ever
sky club house by domani is the fanciest gym ever
sky club house by domani is the fanciest gym ever
健身房、健身俱乐部和瑜伽工作室曾经是建筑上的荒地。你知道的-汗流满面的地毯,华丽的荧光,可怕的地方的镜子。然而,现在有这么多的设计被创建为定义元素。在悉尼和墨尔本是凯伦·阿伯纳希(Karen Abe Nathy)的“哼唱小狗”整体瑜伽工作室,在巴黎有“让我们骑车去DAS工作室”(Das Studio),而在美国,历史悠久的洛杉矶田径会(旁注,壁球又很酷,每个人)。有很多符合要求的:健身文化正在蓬勃发展,围绕着它的生活方式和外观也在蓬勃发展。
中国公司多马尼(Domani)的天空俱乐部(SkyClub House)就是这个奢华、时尚的健康中心的一个新例子。该中心位于中国广东省,不仅有几排跑步机和楼梯主人在一间被烫过的房间里,还被标榜为一家豪华的私人俱乐部,看上去更像是一座简约的寺庙,而不是下班后燃烧卡路里的地方。
sky club house by domani is the fanciest gym ever
sky club house by domani is the fanciest gym ever
sky club house by domani is the fanciest gym ever
sky club house by domani is the fanciest gym ever
sky club house by domani is the fanciest gym ever
keywords:china commercial design glass grey interior architecture luxury marble minimalist public space skylight stairs swimming pool timber white