the highlights dutch design week 2013

2013-10-27 11:47
Design Academy Eindhoven graduate Arnout Meijer's project, 'Thanks for the Sun Series', allows the user to adapt the character of the light, from bright white during the day to aid alertness, to warmer light in the evening to help wind down
其他人谈到了合作和社会问题-威德逊所说的“不自我”或“我们”。一个有趣的例子出现在Luc van Hoeckel的“单发火花”中。
Widdershoven还把“自我”的主题扩展到范阿贝米斯,在那里他邀请了两位设计师和选定的爱恩德霍芬设计学院毕业生来展示最近的项目。在这里,Hella Jongerius与KLM在其世界商务舱的合作完美地体现了“自我”与“自我”之间的斗争,设计师不得不在自己强大的设计美学和客户之间进行谈判。
在埃因霍温其他地方,我们最激动人心的发现之一是荷兰品牌Vlisco的表演。手印纺织品公司于1846在海尔蒙德成立,因其色彩丰富、几何图案而在西非有着巨大的追随者,但在国内却鲜为人知。在荷兰设计周,它通过与工作室工作合作进入设计阶段。设计工作室,以其高度装饰性的印刷品和强大的图像而闻名,似乎是一个完美的品牌匹配。Studio Job的一次性印刷品,以非洲面罩、蛇和树叶图案为特色,随后将与设计师进行更多的合作。“我们即将成为一个新的VLISCO,”首席执行官Hans Ouwendijk和创意总监Roger Gerards宣布。
Sophia Altekamp's 'Home Mixology' series, includes a juicer, shaker, crusher and measurer with colourful lines to make mixing easy
Birgit Severin worked on a vast series of drawings for her final project at the Academy. The series explores her interest in breaking common forms of pattern, which are often uniform and rigid, and working in a looser and less mathematical way to express the beauty of the human condition
'Single Spark' is a starter kit by Luc van Hoeckel, aimed at the men and women living in Northern Uganda who have been traumatised by war. The kit allows them to start up a small ointment-making operation in order to ease pain, generate an income and increase autonomy 
'Screw Yourself' is a collection of facial jewellery designed for men, inspired by toy blocks held in place with screws. Peter Hsieh's playful series encourages men to use their face as their own playground
'Primal Skin' is a make-up range for men, made of natural ingredients - coal, clay and mineral stones - all applied with sturdy tools, which offer better grip for the male user. The range is designed by Annemiek van der Beek 
'Baharat', a range of spice containers by Hozan Zangana, challenges conventional forms with its pyramid-shaped lids 
Niels Datema utilises graphite as an electricity conductor to create his 'Graphlights' which turn off when the lights are removed from their pivot base
Bas Kamp has designed a set of five humane animal traps for his final project, which offer the user the choice of live removal. The traps are made in a mix of material including terracotta, ceramic and metal
'MAG furniture' by Benjamin Vermeulen is a series of steel and wood flat packed furniture that, requiring no tools, can be quickly assembled by powerful magnets
Guillaume Neu-Rinaudo's final work looks at the personal associations we have with objects. He designed a series that allows for self-reflection and free exploration, entitled 'Object for Identification'
Over at IGLUU in Eindhoven, hand-printed textile brand Vlisco staged an exhibition titled 'Vlisco Unfolded'
Sketches of Vlisco's distinctive designs
As well as presenting its new collection, archive material and its company history, Vlisco also presented a one-off print produced in collaboration with Studio Job, which was a highlight of the exhibition
A collection of leather bags and holdalls on display at Jannissima Concept Store
Design Academy Eindhoven's creative director Thomas Widdershoven also curated an exhibition at the Van Abbemuseum, continuing the theme 'Self Unself' with works by established designers, as well as a selection of graduates from the Academy. Pictured is an installation of samples, tests, first drafts and experiments from Vincent De Rijk's archive
A collection of Hella Jongerius' tests for her collaboration with the airline KLM, for which she designed its World Business Class, presented at the Self Unself exhibition
Hella Jongerius' flight cabin model introduces different forms of textiles in shades of blue, working with the brand's identity as well as creating a more comfortable flight experience
The Dutch Invertuals: Revaluate exhibition, curated by Wendy Plomp shows the 'Keystone' collection by OS & OOS
'Ziel' coloured glassware collection by Daphna Laurens, shown at the Dutch Invertuals: Revaluate exhibition
Studio Mieke Meijer experiments with a range of processes and materials for a piece called 'Materialism', creating highly tactile tabletops
Roos Gomperts' 'Foam & Glass' collection treats glass and foam as equals by creating each other's opposite form 
New exhibition space Kazerne - which opened during Dutch Design Week - hosted contemporary design product distributor Thomas Eyck, who presented new 'Coloured Vases' by Hella Jongerius
Also on display at Kazerne was a series of breakfast tableware by De Intuitiefabriek, commissioned specially for Chateau de la Resle
The 'Haze' chair by Studio Wonmin Park, sits in contrast to the industrial backdrop of the Kazerne exhibition space. The studio's collection was launched at Spazio Rossana Orlandi during this year's Salone
Max Lipsey's 'Steel Vessels' on display at Kazerne
A sea of Daphna Laurens' 'Bottle Houses' sits atop vessels on the floor at Kazerne
Studio Drift's compelling 'Nola' lighting installation mixes coloured light via hand-blown glass domes
'Bellamp' by Akko Goldenbeld on display in his design studio at the Sectie C workspace, where 94 designers, artists, photographers, musicians, graphic designers and other creative companies have their studios
Nacho Carbonell showcased a selection of his new projects in his studio at Sectie C
One of many lighting sculptures by Nacho Carbonell on display at his studio
Nacho Carbonell's sketches pinned to the walls of his workshop
Daniel Gaciu's 'Organic Cups' bring new life to something people regard as disposable in his dried fruit vessels made of melon skins and beeswax, on show at the Agri Meets Design exhibition. Gaciu's work is part of a series in which designers have responded to issues within agriculture
Nanda Smits' newly designed leaf and canteloupe-shaped ceramics, on display at Piet Hein Eek's concept shop
The many varied furniture collections of Piet Hein Eek sit side by side in his studio and showroom space, at Strijp R
Piet Hein Eek's 'Crisis 2013' collection comprises sturdy wood cabinets
An oak stool from Steven Banken's 'Tannic Acid' collection, on show at his atelier in Strijp R
The 'Copper Lamp' series by Steven Banken
The 'Split Mirror' collection by Ontwerpduo, is constructed using singular sheets of folded mirror, which allows the user to see their reflection from three different angles
'Tallow' candles by Ontwerpduo on show at their studios at Strijp R
In Brit van Nerven and Sabine Marcelis 'Seeing Glass' collection - on show at the Objects to Play exhibition at Strijp T - glass objects play with material, colour and layering to create unexpected reflective effects that alter one's visual perception and play with the surrounding space
'Toolbox for Imagination', by Lotte van Wulfften Palthe, is a careful gathering of objects for one to play with, to stir the imagination and help dream
The OS & OOS 'Formation Carpets' collection - on show at Objects to Play - is made up of three basic forms, six colours, and ten shapes for the user to reconfigure
The Guestbook at the entrance to the Objects to Play exhibition invites the visitor to type their name and write comments using a vintage typewriter
Inspired by the streets of Venice, where the washed sheets of the city hang on lines from above, Reiner Bosch created a series of lights using fine sheets of Murano glass, as part of the Convoi Exceptional exhibition, on show at Strijp T
'Weld Drawings' by Josh Bitelli is a series of kettles and candlesticks made by coils drawn in molten steel, on show as part of the Convoi Exceptional exhibition
Responding to the fact that there is 50% to 80% of timber wastage during standard manufacturing, Marjan van Aubel & James Shaw created a collection of chairs by mixing bio-resin with the waste shavings, to create a new mouldable material
Their 'Well Proven Chair' project is on show at Convoi Exceptional
Carolina Wilke's copper shelf and wood book ends on display at Convoi Exceptional
Graphic textiles are made into scarves, throws and cushions as part of collaboration between textile designer Nikkie Wester and Jonghlabel
'Oscillation Bowls' by David Derksen, on show at Eindhoven's temporary Art Centre, are painted by a pendulum, creating a unique pattern on each plate's surface
keywords:Dutch Design Week, designer, furniture design, design




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