true blue atelier courbet and buaisou shed light on an ancient craft
2015-04-01 15:48
New York's Atelier Courbet's current enterprise is Aizome Tradition of Tokushima - a beautifully formed exhibition that showcases the tradition of Japanese indigo dying
优雅的设计商店和画廊,Atelier Courbet,一直悬挂着一个精致的旗帜,手工艺和精美的设计,因为它在曼哈顿的开放的诺丽塔社区在2013开幕。它目前的企业,德岛的传统——一个展示日本靛蓝死亡传统的精美展览没有什么不同。在Bijou画廊设置,毗邻其主啤酒屋车厢空间,Atelier Courbet已经与BuiSou-一个现代手工车间合作-为游客提供一个在这个古老的工艺背后的SavoIR Furrar的深入查看。
位于德岛的日本四国岛岛,布埃索是由Kakuo Kaji和Kenta Watanabe经营的一个靛蓝植物农场和垂死的车间。在剩下的五个靛蓝植物农场中,有700个保留了靛蓝树叶的传统,并将它们堆肥成靛蓝染料,布埃索在Atelier Courbet内部植入了一系列的操作,在其住所举办了一系列垂死的工作室。从靛蓝染料用木灰、水、氢氧化钙和麦麸发酵的靛蓝染料制成的大型桶,以展示产生这些标志性日本图案的技术,展览和车间都提供了一个特殊的机会来理解。靛蓝的内部运作濒临死亡。
在Atelier Courbet举办的研讨会可能只是应邀举办的,但对于那些希望尝试为自己而死的人来说,Buaisou最近开设了一家布鲁克林工作室,配备了大量的编程和手工染色产品。
Set up in its bijou gallery next door, Atelier Courbet has teamed up with Brooklyn bluesmasters Buaisou, offering an in-depth view of this age-old craft
Buaisou is one of just five remaining authentic Japanese indigo plant farms. The dying process is a 700-year-old tradition
Pieces of wood showing the variation in tone, shade and hue the dying process can create
Pristine, white cloths, waiting to be dyed
The dye itself is a batter-like mixture, made from fermented indigo leaves, wood ash, water, wheat bran and calcium dioxide
The techniques are as varied as the iconic patterns the process produces. Here, a cloth is knotted to create a tie-dye effect
The cloth is then drowned in the dark blue dye
To ensure the cloth becomes fully saturated, a hands-on approach is required. No fingernail escapes unscathed
Washing and wringing
The finished piece: sky blue and cloud white, by way of deep midnight
A clamp is used to hold concertina pleats in place, ensuring the dye doesn't penetrate too deeply into the fabric
With such an emphasis on manual craftsmanship, no two pieces are ever the same
Woven wood in myriad shades of this ancient dye
For those hoping to try their hand at dying for themselves, Buaisou has recently opened a Brooklyn atelier armed with a packed schedule and hand-dyed offerings
keywords:indigo, japanese indio dying, atelier courbet, buaison, workshop, Aizome Tradition of Tokushima, Kakuo Kaji, Kenta Watanabe