middle east revealed wallpaper and d3 celebrate design talent at salone del mobile
2015-04-28 15:23
Khalid Shafar’s 2:4 Chairs and Puzzle rug are inspired by the popular sand souvenirs found in the Emirates which use different colors of sand to create graphic patterns under glass. His textile work takes the cliché souvenirs to the next level, transforming the subtle sand colors into vibrant shades arranged in an abstract, graphic composition
在壁纸的指导下,大编辑苏珊娜-特罗姆塞与设计迪拜创始人Cyril Zammit合作,展示了该地区丰富的文化影响力和新一代创意设计师的设计方法。
新增加的名册包括年轻的伊斯坦布尔设计师Tamer Nakisci,其“未来的空白”的毡帽集合赋予传统土耳其头饰一个当代的形状。另外一个节目是戴维/尼古拉斯,一个位于贝鲁特的设计二人,其复杂的“Louou/HoDA”系列华丽的物体弥补了黎巴嫩古典美学和现代设计之间的差距。
The Braided Chair and Ottoman by Emirati designer Latifa Saeed
Lebanese architect Fadi Sarieddine's 'Rise to the Occasion' bar is a fitting example of its creator's architectural experiences applied to furniture design
Sarieddine's 'Rise to the Occasion' bar is built with a modular system of adaptable components, and allows ample customization by inserting several parts in its slots. The counter can transform into a bench, or become a desk, allowing for a day-to-night function
Curated by Wallpaper* editor-at-large Suzanne Trocmé in collaboration with Design Days Dubai founder Cyril Zammit, the exhibition offered once again a comprehensive view of the region’s rich cultural influences and the approaches of a new generation of creatives
Aljoud Lootah's Oru lamp, part of a larger collection of origami-like objects, fatures a graceful composition that gives a poetic three-dimensionality to flat sheets of wood
As part of our Milanese Wallpaper* Arcade, the exhibition gave an insight into fields that span from furniture design to photography
Also part of the show was David/Nicolas, a Beirut-based design duo whose sophisticated Loulou/Hoda series of opulent objects bridged the gap between classic Lebanese aesthetic and modern design
The designers featured included young Istanbul-based designer Tamer Nakisci. His 'Futureisblank' collection of felt hats gives a contemporary shape to a traditional Turkish headgear
The geometric N+ chair by Nanu Al-Hamad questions the idea of transcendence with a chair that 'requires self-reliance or the reliance of another'
Designer Fadi Sarieddine and Wallpaper* Editor-at-Large and 'Middle East Revealed' curator Suzanne Trocmé
The 'Middle East Revealed' team, left to right: Maitha Al Suwaidi, Senior Business Development Manager at Dubai Design District (d3); Khalid Shaffar, Designer; Mark Stobbs, d3 Marketing Director; Nadine Kanso, Jewellery Designer; Cyril Zammit, Design Days Dubai Director; Yasmeen Abuamer, Senior Marketing Specialist
keywords:Dubai Design, Dubai, Salone del Mobile
关键词:迪拜设计,迪拜,Sonedel Mobile