soft spot mujis pit stop offers some much needed rr during new york design week
2015-05-12 09:51
Muji has unveiled Rest Stop, a custom-designed pavilion that invites visitors to come in and take a load off during the madness of Design Week. To celebrate the arrival of the Body Fit cushion to America, the rest stop has a pair of them at the ready for weary passers-by to try
Rest Stop brings together white oak, steel and unbleached cotton elements to evoke Muji's simple way of living
The tranquil sanctuary is made even more peaceful by the aroma diffusers puffing out the scent of essential oils as a finishing touch
The installation is also equipped with built-in digital consoles for loungers to experience a version of the Muji to Relax app
keywords:muji, muji to relax, body fit cushion, new yourk deisgn week, nycxdesign, muji cooper square