element by cecil balmond tokyo
2010-03-02 13:07
'Danzer' by Cecil Balmond, a giant three-dimensional puzzle created out of four kinds of tetrahedrons.
'Danzer' (foreground) and H_edge (background) by Cecil Balmond.
'H_edge' by Cecil Balmond, a labyrinthine structure made entirely out of H-shaped aluminium plates and chains.
An installation shot of 'Danzer' and 'H_edge', both of which showcase how a complex organic rhythm and language can be applied to building design.
Within Balmond's intricately sculptural 'H_edge'.
An interior shot of 'H_edge'.
'Danzer' (foreground) and 'H_edge' (background).
Presentation of a selection of work by Arup - where Balmond is part of the cutting-edge Advanced Geometry Unit.
Presentation of a selection of work by Arup.
The first section of the exhibition, explaining how Balmond looks to nature for engineering inspiration.
The first section of the exhibition.
The first section of the exhibition
A section of the Arup project wall.
Test printing in preparation for the show.
A selection of self-adhesive prints, used in the preparation for the show.
'Element' gradually comes together in Tokyo's Opera City Gallery.
The Sculpture room taking shape.
The Sculpture room taking shape.
Constructing Balmond's 'H_edge' sculpture.
Constructing Balmond's 'H_edge' sculpture.
Constructing Balmond's 'Danzer' sculpture.
A sketch showing the basic elements of 'H_edge'.