event report london festival of architecture 2010
2010-07-09 10:07
Hy-Pavilion was set up in Park Crescent before being moved to the NLA HQ in Store Street for the rest of the festival
Designed by London-based engineers Price & Myers, the pavilion provided shelter for talks and presentations, as well as the multitude of LFA visitors who just wanted somewhere shady to sit.
'Moss Your City' pavilion by Oslo-based studio, Pushak
On entering the cave-like pavilion, visitors were surrounded by an urban forest
The Jellyfish Theatre - London's first fully functioning theatre made from recycled materials, designed by Berlin architects Martin Kaltwasser and Folke Köbberling
A model of Tate Modern made from sugar cubes was on show at the under-construction NEO Bankside complex, designed by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
Wallpaper's exhibition at the New London Architecture gallery opened during the festival and will be on show until the 9th July, presenting work produced by the 30 international architects that took part in Wallpaper's 2010 Architects Directory. Photograph by Agnese Sanvito
Illustrations by British graphic designer Andrew Clark. Photograph by Agnese Sanvito
Visitors can leaf through copies of our July issue, displayed on the 'Hexagon' bookstand by Nendo for Quodes. Photograph by Agnese Sanvito
The Foldaway Bookshop by Campaign Design
The bookshop was as an initiative of Claire Curtice publicists
Designed in three weeks and constructed within three days from 58 sheets of cardboard, Foldaway was managed and stocked by RIBA Bookshops
The Union Street Urban Orchard pop-up garden
The garden regenerated a disused site in Bankside
The Swarming Futures exhibition, curated by Naja deOstos' practice partner Ricardo deOstos
The show presented a snapshot of the present and a glimpse of the future of Brazilian architecture
A solar lift by Matthew Lloyd Architects, Architecture Inside Out, Shape and RIBA London made an appearance for 15 days at the Duke of York Steps
RIBA London held an exhibition called Forgotten Spaces, showcasing the results of the regional competition which invited proposals for overlooked pockets of land in London. First prize went to 'Reservoir Roofs' by Gort Scott - a proposal for the development of existing reservoirs to allow school children and day trippers to connect with the middle Lee Valley
Second prize went to 'The Pool' by Scott Brownrigg - a plan to bring the Kingsway Tramway Subway back into use
Third prize went to the 'Thames Archipelago' by Craft Pegg Limited - a proposal for floating natural habitats at East India Dock