mathematics exhibition at fondation cartier paris
2011-10-21 14:44
Mathematics: A Beautiful Elsewhere is a new exhibition at the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain in Paris. Bringing together prominent mathematicians and well-known artists like Takeshi Kitano and David Lynch, the show aims to take visitors on a visual journey through mathematical thought. This piece, titled 'O Paraiso', is by Beatriz Milhazes
该展览是与哈特斯研究所(IH-Es)共同开发的,由六位最著名的人物:Michael Atiyah爵士、Alain Connes、Nicole El Karoui、Misha Gromov、卡德里克•维拉尼和Don Zagie带领游客进行数学思维的旅行。世界权威,如数论、代数几何、微分几何和概率。
为了帮助他们交流大脑-复杂得令人心旷神怡的想法,卡地亚基金会将这些专家与八位艺术家-让·米歇尔·艾伯拉(Jean-Michel Alberola)、雷蒙德·德雷泰(Raymond DeExcone)和克劳丁·努加雷特(Claudine Noug雷特)、北野武(Takeshi Kitano)、戴维·林奇(David Lynch)、比阿特·米尔哈兹(Beatriz Milhaze)、帕蒂·史密斯(
例如,大卫·林奇(David Lynch)创建了一个零形状的结构,以容纳米莎·格罗莫夫(Misha Gromov)的“神秘图书馆”(Library Of Miysteries),该图书馆通过视听装置提供数学史上主要事件的回顾。
林奇还为“Ergo-Robots/Flowers Field:人工好奇和语言”(Ergo-Robots/Flowers Field:人工好奇和语言)做出了贡献,这是一种交互式装置,可以让一群机器人从鸡蛋中脱颖而出,然后探索它们的环境,学习新技能,并与人类游客林奇设计的机器人头部,与它们之间有着鲜明的接触。
然而,可以说,在整个展览的所有设施中,最相关的是杉本弘(Hiroshi Sugimoto)的优美雕塑,它是一种名为“具有恒定负曲率的旋转曲面”的双曲线形式,它提出了支撑整个项目的棘手问题:数学抽象如何在视觉上得到体现?
'Fireplace' is an animated film created for the exhibition by David Lynch
A still from 'Fireplace''
'Galaxy' is a second animated film created for the exhibition by David Lynch
A still from the film 'Mathematical paradises', by Beatriz Milhazes, depicting Heat Diffusion (Fourier's equation)
A still from the film 'Mathematical paradises', by Beatriz Milhazes, depicting Bird Flight (Bernoulli's principle)
A still from the film 'Mathematical paradises', by Beatriz Milhazes, depicting Sea Waves (wave equation)
Hiroshi Sugimoto's aluminum and mirror sculpture 'Conceptual Form 011: Surface of revolution with constant negative curvature' poses the question: how can mathematical abstraction be represented visually?
'Conceptual Form 011: Surface of revolution with constant negative curvature' by Hiroshi Sugimoto
'Conceptual Form 011: Surface of revolution with constant negative curvature' by Hiroshi Sugimoto
'Ergo-Robots/Flowers Fields: Artificial Curiosity and Language' - an interactive installation that sees a 'tribe' of robotic figures emerging from an egg and then exploring their environment, learning new skills and communicating with their human visitors
Coordinated by Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, the 'Ergo-Robots/Flowers Fields' project came about as the result of an encounter between Oudeyer, mathematician Mikhail Gromov and David Lynch. It was realised by INRIA Flowers in collaboration with University of Bordeaux
'Ergo-Robots/Flowers Fields' explores fundamental questions about the nature of humans and machines. Based on recent advanced models of autonomous learning inspired by human infant development, the robots progressively acquire new skills, discover ways to communicate, and organise their own culture
David Lynch designed the heads and the environment of the Ergo-robots - with inspiration, we imagine, from his cult 1977 film Eraserhead
keywords:Art, Mathematics, Exhibition, Artists, Paris