architecture update letter from colombia

2011-10-26 13:01
Enrique Low Murtra Building in the Gimnasio Campestre college, Bogotá, by MGP Arquitectura y Urbanismo Enrique Low Mutra is the first new building to be completed as part of a masterplan drawn up by the MGP to modernize the installations of one of the city's most exclusive educational institutions. MGP's principal partner Felipe Gonzalez-Pacheco studied in the college's traditional buildings, which were first drawn up in 1938 by Colombian architect Alberto Bonilla. The two elevated bodies face each other across a patio in line with the school's original design. Nine new projects are due to be built between 2010 and 2022 Photography: Andres Valbuena
作为CIVETS国家的一员-一组新兴经济体被挑出来预测未来十年的惊人增长-哥伦比亚已经将其暴力和痛苦的过去抛在了脑后。一个新的、更加自信的国家正在形成一个更加光明的未来,这反映在其日益雄心勃勃的架构中。随着安全问题被提上日程,教育被允许在由吉安卡洛·马扎提(Giancarlo Mazzanti)、丹尼尔·博尼拉(Daniel Bonilla)和费利佩·乌里韦·德贝多(Felipe Uribe De Bedout)等发人@@这个国家最引人注目的工作是由学习曲线两端的机构委托进行的,从专上大学到改善校园,再到最贫困地区的学校。
从2007年去世的大师罗格里奥·萨尔莫纳(Rogelio Salmona)的巨大影响中解脱出来,现代设计已经从他用来塑造首都方言的红砖和矿砂水泥中移开了半个多世纪。这座城市更加五彩缤纷的当代调色板可能并不是每个人都喜欢的,但它让人联想到一个前途光明的国家的乐观愿景。
Enrique Low Murtra Building in the Gimnasio Campestre college, Bogotá, by MGP Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Enrique Low Murtra Building in the Gimnasio Campestre college, Bogotá, by MGP Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Enrique Low Murtra Building in the Gimnasio Campestre college, Bogotá, by MGP Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Enrique Low Murtra Building in the Gimnasio Campestre college, Bogotá, by MGP Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Sports Complex, Bogotá, by MGP Arquitectura y Urbanismo Setting the example in Colombia's higher educational circles is the ultra-exclusive University of Los Andes. Nestled against the mountains of Bogotá close to the capital's historic centre, the campus is home to works by a celebrated crop of Colombian architects. The university has invested heavily in new blocks drawn up by the likes of Daniel Bermudez and Daniel Bonilla in recent years. This plush sports complex by Felipe Gonzalez-Pacheco's team has the rest of the city's universities scrambling around for an architectural response Photography: Andres Valbuena
Sports Complex, Bogotá, by MGP Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Sports Complex, Bogotá by MGP Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Sports Complex, Bogotá by MGP Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Nucleo Comfama, Parque Arvi, Medellin, by UdeB Arquitectos A Centipede-like structure, a pre-Colombian tomb and 12m by 12m flower arrangements provide a low-impact, architectural draw for those looking to escape Medellin and submerge themselves in the local wildlife. Linked to Santo Domingo, one of the city's most deprived neighbourhoods via a 20-minute cable car trip, Felipe Uribe de Bedout drew up this environmentally sensitive project as an anchor for a 70 sq km nature reserve. Fearful of stumbling across local archaeological sites during construction, Uribe drew up flexible plans for as many as five 'centipede' structures to house visitor attractions, restaurants and accommodation. Up to four tombs will also be buried underground for educational conferences and exhibitions. As many as 30 'silleteros' - a traditional form of carrying elaborate flower arrangements - house cafés, toilets, internet access and other functions Photography: courtesty of UdeB Arquitectos
Nucleo Comfama, Parque Arvi, Medellin, by UdeB Arquitectos
Nucleo Comfama, Parque Arvi, Medellin, by UdeB Arquitectos
Nucleo Comfama, Parque Arvi, Medellin, by UdeB Arquitectos
Nucleo Comfama, Parque Arvi, Medellin, by UdeB Arquitectos
Nucleo Comfama, Parque Arvi, Medellin, by UdeB Arquitectos
Alianza Colombo Francesa, Bogotá, by Rogelio Salmona Rogelio Salmona was a prolific architect who shaped so many of the city's finest buildings. Like much of his work, this language school - completed three years after the Franco-Colombian architect's death in 2007 - draws on his extensive investigation into the use of ochre cement and bricks. Indirect light filters into the building via windows that climb up the building following ramps that connect the floors along the building's southern face Photography: Rainbow Nelson
Alianza Colombo Francesa, Bogotá, by Rogelio Salmona
Alianza Colombo Francesa, Bogotá, by Rogelio Salmona
Alianza Colombo Francesa, Bogotá, by Rogelio Salmona
Agora Bogotá - International Convention Centre, Bogotá, by Daniel Bermudez + Herreros Arquitectos Bogotá's prodigal son Daniel Bermudez and his Spanish partner Herreros Arquitectos emerged victorious from one of the country's most eagerly awaited international architectural contests in August. The team beat off competition from a glittering list of international architects that included Pritzker and Stirling Prize winner Zaha Hadid (with Juan Manuel Pelaez), Diller, Scofidio + Renfro (with UdeB Arquitectos), Snohetta and Saucier Perrote Architectes. Due for completion in May 2014, Agora Bogotá will create a 25,000 sq m complex that the city hopes will put it on a par with the region's most important conference centres Visualizations courtesy of Herreros Arquitectos
Agora Bogotá - International Convention Centre, Bogotá, by Daniel Bermudez + Herreros Arquitectos
Proscenio Cultural Centre, Bogotá, by Foster + Partners The Proscenio Cultural Centre is designed to add to the cultural offering in one of the most affluent corners of the city. As well as a 1,500-seat theatre and an academy for MISI – the largest performing arts school in Latin America – the project incorporates new office, hotel and residential spaces in an adjoining building. Developers ARPRO are also working with Richard Rogers on a mixed-use scheme in the centre of the city Visualization courtesy of Foster + Partners
Proscenio Cultural Centre, Bogotá, by Foster + Partners
Bosques de la Esperanza (Forest of Hope) Sports Centre, Bogotá, by Giancarlo Mazzanti Architect Giancarlo Mazzanti, one of Colombia's most lauded contemporary practitioners, teamed up with philanthropic pop starlet, Shakira, to create the simplest of sports centres in Altos de Cazuca. Home to approximately 50,000 people, Cazuca is one of Bogotá's most deprived neighbourhoods. Shakira's charity, the Barefoot Foundation and the Spanish Non-Government Organisation, Ayuda en Acción paid for construction. Designed to 'evoke a mass of trees as a symbol of nature, union and hope', its modular structure is such that it can be easily extended throughout the neighbourhood, says the architect. 'The idea is that it becomes a symbol so that it grows all over the poor areas and turns into a real forest.'
Bosques de la Esperanza (Forest of Hope) Sports Centre, Bogotá, by Giancarlo Mazzanti
Edificio Terpel, Bogotá, by Rafael Esguerra and Eduardo Samper Rafael Esguerra and Eduardo Samper - the offspring of the prolific team that built Bogotá's most iconic towers in the 1960s, Esguerra, Saenz and Samper - teamed up to carve out this contemporary office block. Exploring the use of wood to reduce the sun's impact on the building's inhabitants, the building's roof and ground-level access were landscaped to underline a more holistic approach to the work of their respective fathers Photography: courtesy of Eduardo Samper
Edificio Terpel, Bogotá, by Rafael Esguerra and Eduardo Samper
Edificio Terpel, Bogotá, by Rafael Esguerra and Eduardo Samper
EAN University Nogal Campus, Bogotá, by Daniel Bonilla The new Nogal Faculty of the EAN University has all the hallmarks of the striking educational interventions that have made its architect Daniel Bonilla so popular with universities and schools trying to gain the attention of Bogotá's wealthiest students. Its green brise soleils and protruding windows have drawn comparisons with Agence Bernard Buhler's colourful mixed use building in Bordeaux, Arc-en-Ciel
EAN University Nogal Campus, Bogotá, by Daniel Bonilla
EAN University Nogal Campus, Bogotá, by Daniel Bonilla
EAN University Nogal Campus, Bogotá, by Daniel Bonilla
keywords:architecture, design, modern architecture, Colombia, Colombian architecture, Colombian design, Bogota




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